• 他们总部设在了斯温登

    They located their headquarters in Swindon.


  • 他们喜欢他们喜欢鬼者巴菲作家乔斯 温登

    They love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and writer Joss Whedon


  • 乔斯·温登黑客

    Joss Whedon is a hack!


  • 冷雨潇潇秋日无人会将温登这座毗邻布里斯托欣欣向荣中型城市误当作北加州

    On a cold and drizzly autumn day, no one would mistake Swindon, a prosperous mid-sized town near Bristol, for northern California.


  • 所以我们建造了名为温登新世界——一个看起来十分具有欧洲风格的,与模拟人生4任何地点都完全不同的地方!

    That's why we built the new World of Windenburg, a visually-striking European-inspired location that looks like nothing you've ever seen before in The Sims 4.


  • 爱达荷州的路上希拉里切尔西蒙大拿州度过了快乐的几日时光,这主要得感谢该州州长特德。施温登的盛情款待。

    On our way to Idaho, Hillary, Chelsea, and I stopped for a few happy days in Montana, thanks largely to Governor Ted Schwinden.


  • 温登堡充满了可以参加的活动可以参观地方包括了三块特殊场地两种类型场地以及一些关于夜店酒吧改动

    Windenburg gis jam-packed with things to do and places to see, including three Special Venues, two new Venue types, and some changes to Nightclubs and Bars.


  • 歌词中提到了导演乔斯·温登、科幻小说角色神秘博士、苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯还有段克林贡语虽然书呆子气十足,却是霍华德献给爱人的约会周年纪念浪漫礼物。

    The song, which featured nerdy references to Joss Whedon, Doctor Who, Steve Jobs and a verse in Klingon, was created as a romantic gesture from Howard to celebrate the anniversary of their first date.


  • 本次会议使奥巴马成为·约翰逊与总理1966年会面首位缅甸领导人美国总统

    The meeting has made Obama the first US president to be present in the same room as a Burmese leader since Lyndon Johnson met Prime Minister Ne Win in 1966.


  • 接受半岛电视台的一次采访中,赛至少有10,000名缅甸官员送到俄罗斯学习核技术

    In an interview with al Jazeera, he said at least 10,000 Burmese officials had been send to Russia to study nuclear technology.


  • ,“缅甸拥有火箭核弹头。”

    Burma wants to have rockets and nuclear warheads.


  • 熟知历史布尔图书管理员阿兰·里特专布尔年鉴编撰中央球场有趣入侵”。

    Wimbledon librarian Alan Little, who boasts an encyclopaedic knowledge of tournament history, has compiled for his annual Wimbledon compendium a history of the most intriguing Centre Court invasions.


  • 重返伦敦不可避免地激发起纳达尔布尔回忆在这里最近比赛,2008年决赛许多人认为是历史上伟大的比赛他击败了费德勒

    Nadal's return to London will spark inevitable memories of Wimbledon - for he last played tennis here when defeating Federer in the 2008 final in a match many considered the greatest ever.


  • 缅甸一位知情人士说,姐姐仰光,她在几天受到了缅甸官方讯问

    Sai Thein Win's sister, who lives in Rangoon, was questioned a few days ago by Burmese authorities, according to sources in Burma.


  • 本周公布项民调显示英国首相·布朗被评为英国烦人演讲者足球明星大卫·贝克汉姆女星凯特·斯莱特位居其后。

    Prime Minister Gordon Brown is Britain's most boring speaker, ahead of footballer David Beckham and actress Kate Winslet, according to a poll published Wednesday.


  • 一位密友,“特别警察部门来了解个人经历。”

    "The special police branch came and asked for sai Thein Win's biography," said a close friend.


  • 不过琼斯勋爵补充道:“戈·布朗表示自己根本赞同弗雷德·古德的所做所为,这种说法没错。”

    But Lord Jones added: "Gordon Brown saying he fundamentally disagrees with Fred Goodwin's behaviour is right."


  • 这样的惨案很不幸没有任何预兆的情况下爆发了,而且很可能其他地方也会发生

    Tragedies like the one in Winnenden can unfortunately strike without warning, and perhaps anywhere.


  • 丝莱特因出演2008年的电影影后。10岁的女儿是她一任丈夫吉姆薛瑞7岁儿子第二任丈夫、导演萨姆门德斯所生。

    Miss Winslet, who won an , has a daughter Mia, ten, from her first marriage to Jim Threapleton, and a son, Joe, seven, by second husband, director Sam Mendes, from whom she is separated.


  • 德国电视报导枪手最初是(Winnenden)镇中心方向逃跑

    German television said the gunman initially fled towards the centre of Winnenden.


  • 这位名叫提姆·克雷齐默尔Tim Kretschmer曾经就读Winnenden小镇上中学的学生大约于上午9:30格林尼治标准时间8:30进入学校开始开枪射击靠近斯图加特市Winnenden小镇有27 000名人口。

    The ex-student, named locally as Tim Kretschmer, entered the school in Winnenden, a town of 27, 000 near Stuttgart, at about 9.30am (8.30am GMT) and began firing.


  • ·吉斯布雷西特在荒凉冰面上滑雪度过了26,这是他马尼托巴大学所作的研究一部分,研究主题是:人体怎样来抵御寒冷的。

    Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated 2, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.


  • 布尔英格兰——他们不断保网男单决赛第五史无前例漫长。

    Wimbledon, England - on and on they held serve as the fifth set of the Wimbledon men's final endured beyond all precedent.


  • ·吉斯布雷西特在荒凉冰面上滑雪度过了26,这是他马尼托巴大学所作的研究一部分,研究主题是:人体怎样来抵御寒冷的。

    Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.


  • 最早“80年代早期阿奇·古德撰稿、阿尔·威廉森绘图的《星球大战》每日报纸连载漫画

    Dodonna first "died" in the daily Star Wars newspaper strips that appeared in the early 80s written by Archie Goodwin and illustrated by Al Williamson.


  • 今年66岁艾茜•是土生土长的纽约人。 她皇后区霍利长大,自幼就喜爱时尚毕业位于曼哈顿的时尚技术学院

    A born and bred New Yorker, the 66-year-old grew up in Hollis Hills, Queens with a love for fashion and graduated from the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan.


  • 采用多种方法丘东、米五、八、西一、红台区块各气井进行储量计算产量预测

    Several methods have been used for the reserves and yield calculation in blocks of Qiudong, Mideng, Wenwu, Wenba, Wenxiyi and Hongtai.


  • 艾茜的美甲生意是从一瓶波尔多开始的。

    Essie Weingarten began her business with a bottle of Bordeaux.


  • 还有曾5获得网球锦标赛男子单打冠军的搏格,双手握拍抽打反手底线球时不时地表现出东欧民间舞蹈韵味

    When Borg, five times champion of the men's singles Wimbledon Championships, occasionally displayed the flavor of east European folk dance in his both hands whipping backhand base line balls.


  • 那时没法确定犯规还是出布伦特的点球时受的伤。

    It is not certain whether it was while bringing down Peter Odemwingie for the foul or saving Chris Brunt's spot-kick.


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