• 尽管特纳受到表扬,温格也表扬了纳斯里阿尔萨文,温格受说道纳斯里进步的很快,天赋而且开始变得高效,第一就是他的传给阿尔沙文,而且他自己也有一个漂亮的进球

    He has talent and he is starting to be efficient now. He made a great pass to Arshavin for the first goal [which Bendtner scored] and he scored a great goal himself.


  • 但是温格相信近来签入达席尔瓦年轻小将本特纳赛季提供足够火力

    But Wenger believes recent signing Eduardo da Silva and youngster Nicklas Bendtner will give him enough firepower for the new season.


  • 这位22岁的球员声称非常高兴温格展现出十分坚定的信任,没有签入新的前锋,本特纳渴望证明教授的决定正确的。

    The 22-year-old says he was pleased that Wenger showed such strong faith in him by not acquiring a new striker, and is now keen to prove his decision was the correct one.


  • 温格球队下周晚上来到鹿特纳相信无论如何,胜利球队夺冠争夺上获得了一个及时而关键的激励

    Arsene Wenger's side travel to White Hart Lane next Wednesday night and Bendtner believes victory there, of all places, would give the squad a significant boost in the title race.


  • 但是因为尼克拉斯·特纳受伤爱德华多可能会首发上场,温格目标能连赢剩下的场比赛。

    But with forward Nicklas Bendtner a slight injury doubt Eduardo could even start, as Wenger targets seven wins from their last seven matches.


  • 特纳报答温格信任要用行动证明阿森纳主教练没有一月份签入前锋是一个英明的决策。

    Nicklas Bendtner wants to repay arsene Wenger's faith and show the Arsenal manager that he made the right choice not to sign a new striker in January.


  • 此外还有德巴约特纳之间的冲突,再一次温格看见并非什么大不了的事。

    There was also the Adebayor bust-up with Bendtner and, again, Wenger said he didn't see it and it was no big deal.


  • 特纳去年坎普给了阿森纳一个惊喜领先,但是梅西随后接管了比赛,温格认为球员可以去年比赛中汲取教训。

    Nicklas Bendtner gave Arsenal a shock lead at the Nou Camp last year before Messi took over and Wenger thinks his players can learn lessons from that encounter.


  • 温格赛季结束后特纳下来好好谈谈,探讨一下丹麦前锋未来并且希望能够留在俱乐部

    By Giuseppe Muro arsene Wenger says he will sit down with Nicklas Bendtner at the end of the season to discuss his future and is hopeful the striker will stay at the Club.


  • 温格认为,托特纳主教练马丁。约尔背负巨大压力事实印证英超世界被急功近利心理占据又一个例子

    Wenger - 'Impatience' puts pressure on JolFor Arsène Wenger the pressure on Tottenham manager Martin Jol is another example of the 'impatient world' Premiership football now inhabits.


  • 温格看到这位年轻前锋青年队里逐级成长,毫不动摇地信任特纳

    Wenger has seen many a young striker rise up through the ranks and his belief in Bendtner is unwavering.


  • 赛季他联赛中竟然仅仅获得两次首发机会。但是温格坚称没有夏季放走特纳计划

    The Dane has found the net twice in three Premier League starts but Wenger insists he has no plans to let Bendtner leave in the summer.


  • 如果这位多哥射手确实要离开温格从罗宾·范佩西、西奥·沃尔科特、尼克拉斯·特纳卡洛斯·贝拉中作出选择

    If the Togo striker does leave, Wenger would have Robin Van Persie, Theo Walcott, Nicklas Bendtner and Carlos Vela to choose from.


  • 结果温格特纳进了参加新赛季线阵容。

    As a result, Wenger has brought Bendtner into his first-team squad for the coming season.


  • 阿瑟·温格认为可拉斯·本特纳未经雕琢天才可能需要更多时间提高

    Arsene Wenger believes the "raw talent" of Nicklas Bendtner may need further time to develop.


  • 朱鲁可能出场,特纳可能,萨尼亚可能,加拉可能但是可能参加周日西汉姆比赛,”温格说。

    The manager may be without them in Turkey too. "Johan Djourou is possibly out, Bendtner possibly, Sagna possibly, Gallas unlikely, but he is a possibility for Sunday against West Ham, " said Wenger.


  • 温格上月特纳设计一次不容置疑胜利但是预计他们新年席位竞争加剧,他们会在其中或者附近。

    Wenger engineered an emphatic win of his own over Tottenham last month but he expects them to be there or thereabouts when the scrap for Champions League places intensifies in the New Year.


  • 上周阿尔塞纳·温格透露给了特纳假期决定未来并且名阿森纳射手葡萄牙拍到了照片

    Arsene Wenger revealed last week that Bendtner had been given time off to "to sort out his future" and the Arsenal striker was photographed in Portugal.


  • 温格来说是个非常好的推动,尤其是还在面临着球队两中锋范佩西特纳长期停的窘境。

    It is a major boost for Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger who is facing a lengthy spell without injured strikers Robin van Persie and Nicklas Bendtner.


  • 不过温格获得名当红球星将会面临激烈竞争因为其伦敦死敌特纳姆热刺还有曼联据信监视该球员的合同情况

    Wenger would face stiff competition for the hitman's signature, though, as London rivals Tottenham and Manchester United are also believed to be monitoring his situation.


  • 温格不想现在就确定具体的引援目标,他认为应当着眼于当下的联赛——下周他们将要对阵同城死敌特纳姆热刺。

    Priority Wenger refused to be drawn on immediate targets, instead looking ahead to their Premier League clash with arch-rivals Tottenham next week.


  • 必须看到沃尔科特特纳这样球员已经不同他们联赛开始的时候,”温格

    You have to remember players like Walcott and Bendtner are not the same as they were at the start of the season, " said the Frenchman."


  • 必须看到沃尔科特特纳这样球员已经不同他们联赛开始的时候,”温格

    You have to remember players like Walcott and Bendtner are not the same as they were at the start of the season, " said the Frenchman."


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