• 朋友进门尽管觉得温暖舒适,但你明白外面肯定不同的。

    Your friend walks in the door, and although you were nice and cozy, you can tell that outside, the situation must be different.


  • 俄罗斯国立馆里还有很棒餐厅有人这里专门温暖舒适环境中

    There is also a nice canteen in the RSL. Some come here to drink some tea in a warm and comfortable atmosphere.


  • 这个温暖舒适视野开阔。重要的是,在巢里,可以得到伟大给予一切——食物爱心关怀

    It was warm and comfortable, had a great view, and even better, he had all the food and love and attention that a great mother eagle could provide.


  • 阳光的照耀下,红色、金色墨绿在林间交相辉映,踩着这样的光芒,迎接我们的是温暖舒适石制酒店。

    The forest shimmered scarlet, gold and dark green in the brilliant light.


  • 对于我们来说舒适温暖床上多么稀松平常的事情。

    The thing is, sleeping in a warm bed, to most of us, is something we take for granted.


  • 这些图片外观来看,看起来一个小小的家庭搬进这个温暖舒适电脑客厅中,并建立他们家庭

    From the looks of these pics, it looks like a tiny little family has moved into this warm and cozy computer living room and set up their home.


  • 室内屋顶覆盖当地杉木使得这些房间即使有着很大玻璃窗,也让人感到温暖舒适

    The internal walls and ceilings are covered with local silver fir wood, which gives the rooms a cosy feeling despite the large glass Windows.


  • 现在有了两位真正挚友。我相信我们将来围坐某个温暖舒适酒吧桌旁,一边喝酒一边叙旧

    I now have two truly great friends - and I'm sure in the years to come we will be able to reminisce together over a drink in a nice warm bar.


  • 但是即使是温暖舒适平等欧盟女性幸福感相对男子过去三十年中已经下降

    But even in the warm, nurturing, egalitarian European Union, female happiness has fallen relative to men's across the last three decades.


  • 媒体巨头中的一家几千我们感到温暖舒适名牌节目。这些节目使我们感情上忘得一干二净过去保持联系

    Each of our Great Big Media Companies has thousands of brands that make us feel all warm and toasty and provide an emotional connection to a past that nobody can actually remember.


  • 优雅烟熏色的地板不锈钢楼梯浴室鲜艳的暖色调人造石块这种明显的休闲风格,令人感到温暖舒适

    Elegant smoked parquet flooring, slim stainless steel staircases, and soft, bright manufactured stones in the bathrooms distinguish the Casual Style, which evokes a sense of warmth and comfort.


  • 社区医疗首先资金不足,而且有时“社区”是紧靠高速公路的公寓不是舒适温暖家庭住宅区。

    It was underfunded to begin with, and "the community" sometimes meant a flat next to a motorway rather than a cosy family home.


  • 汽车充斥街道,公交车站车的孩子们欢闹嬉戏而且餐馆温暖舒适,远离夜晚寒冷

    Cars fill the streets, children waiting at bus stops laugh and chatter, and restaurants are cosy escapes from the evening chill.


  • 一幢温暖舒适房子冬天让人觉得很惬意,但一些研究者声称温暖室温可能也是造成肥胖病的罪魁祸首之一。

    While a warm, toasty house may feel great in the winter, some researchers suggest warm temperatures also may play a role in the obesity epidemic.


  • 客厅地板下面装了管道热水在管子里循环流动保持房间的温暖舒适

    The living room is kept toasty by hot water running through pipes under the floor.


  • 蕾哈娜选择舒适打底裤温暖的短外衣夹克洛杉矶的第五大道购买鞋子

    Our latest style crush, Rihanna, goes for comfy leggings and a warm duffle jacket to peruse the shoe aisles at Saks Fith Avenue in Los Angeles.


  • 温暖Hurtigruten客轮上特罗姆瑟前往希尔克内斯旅游舒适地缓缓进入挪威北部荒野

    To travel from Tromso to Kirkenes in the warmth of a Hurtigruten passenger ferry is to ease gently into the northern Norwegian wilderness.


  • 传统会议活动空间不同,这些空间保持一个温暖舒适氛围也是面向现代当代设计

    Unlike traditional meeting and event space, the rooms maintain a warm and comfortable atmosphere and are oriented in modern and contemporary design.


  • 室内自然材料大多数是木头创造温暖舒适氛围

    Natural materials in the interior, mostly wood, create a warm and comfortable atmosphere.


  • 非常凉爽夏季温暖舒适冬天

    It is very cool in summer and warm and cozy in the winter.


  • 舒适房间温暖表面温度理想湿度平衡传统保暖问题结合。

    Comfortable room and warm surface temperatures are combined with ideal moisture balance and an absence of traditional thermal problems.


  • RAW主题展现他们餐厅各个角落,砖块混凝土木材显露让餐厅的装饰和氛围充满了温暖舒适朴实

    The RAW theme spills over to include the restaurant's ambiance and décor, that being mostly being warm, comforting, earthy elements, such as exposed brick, concrete, and wood.


  • 64英尺屋顶天窗形成一个极具活力的空间座椅植物也为环境的温暖舒适增添了几分姿色

    The 64-foot tall ceilings and clerestories shape a dramatic space, while the seating and planting lend warmth and a comfortable scale.


  • 游客们这里享受温暖舒适地中海式气候,在迷人街道上漫步赞叹海湾太平洋壮阔景色

    Visitors come to bask in the Mediterranean climate, stroll through the charming streets and marvel at the sweeping views of the bay and the Pacific.


  • 桉树灰色/绿色赭红色/棕色形成自然主题突出木材纹理创建温暖舒适室内环境雅致地界定不同区域空间

    A natural theme of eucalyptus greys/greens and ochra reds/browns are accentuated with textured timbers to create warm and welcoming interiors that gracefully define various zones and spaces.


  • 现代家居,应自由方式,一种舒适温暖感觉同时也是随意的美丽

    The modern house life is a kind of free style, a comfortable and warm feeling, also o kind optional beauty.


  • 厨房拐角处我们看到这个温暖舒适又令人放松空间,这里以钢琴中心,采用了地板更多木材

    Around the corner from the kitchen, we see this cozier relaxing space filled with stone flooring and more timber, centered on a grand piano.


  • 每年世界各地学子纷纷离开温暖舒适到陌生的国度体验留学的滋味。

    Each year, students around the world leave behind the comforts of home to pursue a study-abroad experience in a foreign country.


  • 每年世界各地学子纷纷离开温暖舒适到陌生的国度体验留学的滋味。

    Each year, students around the world leave behind the comforts of home to pursue a study-abroad experience in a foreign country.


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