• 京都议定书各国设定不同减排义务规定各国应相应地减少各自温室气体排放总量。

    The Kyoto Protocol, which set different duties for all countries to cut emissions, states that different countries should reduce their collective greenhouse emissions accordingly.


  • 最新数据显示加拿大温室气体排放量超过京都议定书规定现行指标的30%。

    Latest figures show that Canada's emissions of greenhouse gases are 30% above the current target set in the Kyoto protocol.


  • 这次会议原本打算达成一个新的全球气候变化条约限制温室气体排放取代1997年的京都议定书

    The conference had originally been intended to produce a new global climate change treaty on limiting emissions of greenhouse gases that would replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.


  • 印度方面则认为谈判为了更新并不是取代京都议定书主要强迫富裕国家减排更多温室气体量。

    Indian officials consider that the negotiations are to refresh, not replace, the protocol, mainly by imposing more ambitious reduction targets on rich countries.


  • 周二谈判中穷国要求富国同意京都议定书第二承诺这是具有法律约束力的温室气体减排承诺。

    The talks began on Tuesday with poor nations demanding that rich ones agree to a second round of legally binding greenhouse gas emission reduction commitments under an updated Kyoto Protocol.


  • 年度G 8锋会举办方德国力图使世界各国2012年《京都议定书》失效前削减温室气体排放达成共识。

    Germany, host of this year's G8 summit, is trying to get the world to agree on what to do when the Kyoto protocol on curbing greenhouse gases runs out in 2012.


  • 英国京都议定书》中承诺和不发达国家分享低技术(low-carbon technology)帮助它们降低温室气体排放,此次姗姗来迟行动将帮助英国完成这一承诺。

    The move may help Britain to belatedly meet its Kyoto protocol promise to pass on low-carbon technology to help poorer countries reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 美国唯一一个没有签署京都议定书发达国家尽管美国的温室气体排放量任何其它国家都

    The United States is the only major industrialized country that did not ratify the protocol, although it emits more greenhouse gases than any other country.


  • 2010年,由于议定书实施,臭氧消耗物质减少量,削减温室气体排放量的协议《京都议定书》规定的目标削减量多出

    In 2010, reductions of ozone-depleting substances as a result of the Protocol, were five times larger than those targeted by the Kyoto Protocol, the greenhouse emissions reduction treaty.


  • 根据本周曼谷分歧最新的《京都议定书》所要求的减少温室气体排放量承诺在2011年不会有丰盛成果

    Commitments to cut greenhouse gas emissions under an updated Kyoto Protocol are unlikely to come to fruition in 2011 given this week's disagreements in Bangkok.


  • 也是京都议定书思想致力于各国接受一个附带时间表约束力目标实现温室气体减排

    That was the idea behind the Kyoto protocol, which aims to cut greenhouse-gas emissions by getting countries to accept binding targets with timetables attached.


  • 俄罗斯的确批准了京都议定书》,只是因为实际上能使其获得排放温室气体权利带来一笔财富

    Russia did ratify Kyoto, but only because it was essentially paid off with rights to emit greenhouse gases that are worth a fortune.


  • 京都议定书限制了2012年之前欧洲日本温室气体排放量,并且引入市场基准机制争取最小花费减少排放

    The Kyoto Protocol, which caps greenhouse-gas emissions in Europe and Japan up to 2012, includes market-based mechanisms to promote the reduction of emissions at the lowest cost.


  • 陆克文行动使得美国成为仅有拒绝签署京都议定书接受其捆绑温室气体排放指标主要工业化国家

    Rudd's action left the United States the only major industrialized nation that has refused to ratify Kyoto, and thus accept binding greenhouse-gas reduction targets.


  • 问题,《京都议定书》是强迫富裕国家大大削减温室气体排放法定协议

    The issue is that Kyoto is the only legal treaty compelling rich nations to slash their greenhouse gas emissions.


  • 加拿大成为正式退出京都议定书国家,并称该条约有严重漏洞并未覆盖全部温室气体排放大国

    Canada will become the first country to formally withdraw from Kyoto, which it says is badly flawed because it does not cover all major emitters of greenhouse gasses.


  • 减少温室气体排放京都议定书2010年底到期了

    The Kyoto Protocol, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, runs out at the end of 2010.


  • 上一次世界各国试图这个问题寻求俄罗斯合作1997年京都协定谈判过程中(京都议定书限制温室气体排放的世界性协议)。

    The last time the world tried to get the country's cooperation on the issue was in 1997, during negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol (the international treaty on limiting greenhouse-gas emissions).


  • 京都议定书1997年提出为了努力实现温室气体排放量减少停止气候长期变化手段

    The Kyoto Protocol was proposed in 1997 as a means of working towards a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the halting of long-term climate change.


  • 全国大约四百个城市的市场签署一项约束力的行政命令要求减少他们城市温室气体排放,旨在京都议定书接轨。

    Almost 400 mayors around the country have signed a non-binding agreement to reduce their citiesemissions in keeping with the Kyoto Protocol.


  • 京都议定书灵活机制温室气体减排项目提供贷款

    The flexible mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide for transferable credits derived from greenhouse gas emission reduction projects.


  • 尽管美国排放的温室气体其他国家的都,但到现在都没有批准议定书也是唯一没批准的发达国家。

    The United States is the only major industrialized country that did not ratify the protocol , although it emits more greenhouse gases than any other country .


  • 各国代表会于12月份齐聚哥本哈根制定致力于减少温室气体排放新的协议,有助于执行现有的将2012年实施完毕京都议定书

    Nations will gather in Copenhagen in December to work out a new agreement on reducing emissions to succeed the current Kyoto Protocol, whose first phase ends in 2012.


  • 京都议定书》中35个工业化国家减少温室气体排放量承诺将今年年底到期。

    The Kyoto Protocol obliges 35 industrialized countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions, it was due to expire at the end of the year.


  • 同样的,中国即将成为世界温室气体排放量最大的国家,但中国以前一直极力反对在京都议定书框架之后谈判相关气候变化问题。

    Similarly china, soon to be the world ' s largest greenhouse - gas emitter, was, until this year, an obdurate opponent of negotiating beyond kyoto.


  • 2005年2月16日正式生效京都议定书》,就是规范约束各国排放二氧化碳温室气体国际协定

    On 16 February 2005 the Kyoto Protocol entered into force which is a international agreement to norm and constraint each country of the emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.


  • 议定书规定,到2012年参与减排工业化国家必须1990年水平上平均削减温室气体5.2%。

    Kyoto Stipulates that, in 2012, industrialized countries involved should put down the average amount of greenhouse gases in 1990 by 5.2%.


  • 议定书规定,到2012年参与减排工业化国家必须1990年水平上平均削减温室气体5.2%。

    Kyoto Stipulates that, in 2012, industrialized countries involved should put down the average amount of greenhouse gases in 1990 by 5.2%.


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