• 睡眠大脑半球控制眼睛保持关闭清醒大脑半球眼睛保持睁开警觉

    The eye controlled by the sleeping hemisphere keeps shut, while the wakeful hemisphere's eye stays open and alert.


  • 吸入这种特殊药物清醒大脑

    If we sniff up this special drug, it will clear our heads.


  • 普通海滩旅行也许清醒大脑敞开心扉故事书写一个新的结局

    A simple trip to the beach could be all it takes to clear our heads and open our hearts and write a new ending to an old story.


  • 喜欢通过做气功深呼吸练习(breathing exercises)清醒大脑,增强专注力

    I'm also a fan of breathing exercises as a way to help clear the mind and focus attention.


  • 方法可以坚固牙齿拉动头部肌肉促进头部血液循环进而起到清醒大脑增强记忆力功效

    This method can be strong teeth, stretch the head muscles, facilitating blood circulation in the head, which can be clear-headed brain and improving memory function.


  • 也许保持一侧大脑清醒可以让睡眠中的动物偶尔浮出水面,避免溺水

    Perhaps keeping one side of the brain awake allows a sleeping animal to surface occasionally to avoid drowning.


  • 他们发现人们试图新的地方睡觉时大脑一半另一半清醒”。

    They found that one half of the brain "remains more awake" than the other half when people are trying to sleep in a new place.


  • 匹兹堡大学艾瑞克·诺夫辛格博士大脑快速动睡眠期完全清醒一样活跃大多数最生动都发生这个时候。

    The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when most vivid dreams occur as it is when fully awake, says Dr. Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.


  • 根据关于睡觉鸭子研究来看,半醒的鸟儿——大脑半球处于警觉状态一个半球处于睡眠状态——控制大脑一边保持清醒

    Birds that are literally half asleep—with one brain hemisphere alert and the other sleepingcontrol which side of the brain remains awake, according to a new study of sleeping ducks.


  • 腺苷清醒状态下释放总量逐渐增加时,腺苷就会大脑特定区域越来越多细胞结合

    Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakefulness.


  • 就能解释为什么他们拥有超强体能但是如此水平的去甲肾上腺素下,他们的大脑又是如何保持清醒的呢?

    That might explain their superior physical performance, but how do these troops maintain a clear head with such high levels of noradrenaline swamping their brain?


  • 睁开眼大脑清醒了的时候,他看见了查尔斯·戴斯·兰茨,他的往日大有不同,正把斧子指挥着他的人冲向安德里利。

    As his eyes snapped open and his brain awoke with a fright, Andry caught a glimpse of Charles Deslondes, a new look on his face, ordering his fellow slaves toward Andry with an axe.


  • 大脑细胞网络清醒周期波动周期之间徘徊-生物电活动雪崩串联所有神经元。

    Networks of brain cells alternate between periods of calm and periods of instability - "avalanches" of electrical activity that cascade through the neurons.


  • 美国哈佛大学实施研究表明人们做“清醒”的时候,他们的大脑辛勤工作

    Research carried out at the respected Harvard University in the US showed the brain to be hard at work during lucid dreams.


  • 完整记忆会得到巩固增强尤其是那些特别需要部分睡眠使得大脑使用我们清醒情况下学习任务不同区域执行这项工作

    The entire memory got strengthened, but especially the parts that needed it most, and sleep was doing this work by using different parts of the brain than were used while learning the task.


  • 根据纽约睡眠障碍中心的观点,醒来后的两个小时大脑最为清醒的。

    Your brain is most alert one to two hours after waking, according to the Sleep-Wake Disorders Centre in New York.


  • 普朗克研究所科学家证实了受试者“清醒扫描图像与他们在进行有意识行为大脑扫描图像是一样的。

    The Planck institute scientists proved that scans oflucid dreamersdreams looked the same as scans of their brain when they do the same thing while conscious.


  • 如果我们要记住每一个清醒时候生活形象细节,我们大脑

    If we remembered every image of our waking lives, it would clog our brains.


  • 然而越来越多的证据显示,人睡觉大脑活动与我们清醒非常相似

    However, evidence has increasingly shown that brain activity during sleep is very similar to its activity while learning.


  • 大脑活动测量支持一观点,测量显示,在睡觉大脑连接情感记忆巩固的区域清醒活跃周期性。

    Measurements of brain activity support this notion, revealing that brain regions linked with emotion and memory consolidation are periodically more active during sleep then when awake.


  • 今天早上突发奇想地觉得左手刷牙有利于大脑清醒。于是我把牙刷换到左手。

    Today, I found out that brushing your teeth with the opposite hand stimulates brain activity in the morning.


  • 实际上,梦中大脑某些部位智力活动水平清醒类似

    In fact, the level of mental activity in some parts of the brain was similar to that of an awake person.


  • 举例来说,尽管咖啡因通过阻碍有助睡眠大脑化合物甘从而让人们保持清醒,但咖啡中的绿原让腺甘苷大脑循环的时间延长了。

    For example, while caffeine keeps people awake in part by blocking adenosine, a brain chemical that brings on sleep, the chlorogenic acid in coffee keeps adenosine circulating in the brain longer.


  • 受试者在做梦同时并未握拳但是大脑扫描图像显示出他们清醒握拳梦到握拳时的大脑活动完全相同

    The dreamers did not clench their hands while they dreamt - but the scans of their brains showed identical brain activity when they clenched a real hand, and when they clenched a dream hand.


  • 充足的睡眠情况下,你的大脑犀利,更清醒

    When you get enough sleep, you tend to have a sharper mind, which will help you retain more information you learn in class.


  • 如果我们清醒时候大脑失眠那样工作那么人生只不过做了一个清醒着的来源eagleman】。

    If the brain works just as hard sleeping as it is when we're awake, then maybe life is a waking dream [source: Eagleman].


  • 通过摆脱分散注意力的事物面对团乱麻时的不知所措,简主义者能够保持一个清醒并且高效率大脑

    By removing distractions and focusing, a minimalist maintains a clear, productive mind.


  • 然而因为模式使得许多实现富于变化,所以必须保持大脑清醒

    However, since patterns enable many implementation variations you still have to keep the brain turned on.


  • 如果学会辨认跟踪大脑状态,你可以思维清醒专注重要脑力工作,当创造性洞察遇到难题,就要反道而行了。

    If you learn to recognize and track your mental state, you can concentrate on important mental tasks when your mind is most "awake". For creative insight into a problem, do the opposite.


  • 如果学会辨认跟踪大脑状态,你可以思维清醒专注重要脑力工作,当创造性洞察遇到难题,就要反道而行了。

    If you learn to recognize and track your mental state, you can concentrate on important mental tasks when your mind is most "awake". For creative insight into a problem, do the opposite.


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