• 清洁煤炭什么

    Clean coal? What's that?


  • 双方同时欢迎可再生能源清洁煤炭生物燃料能源效率领域开展具体合作

    They also welcomed concrete cooperation in the fields of renewable energy, clean coal, bio fuel and energy efficiency.


  • 我们必须提高所有替代能源的支持方案,这包括了核能清洁煤炭风能太阳能潮汐能源。

    We must strengthen incentives for all energy alternatives -- nuclear, clean coal, wind, solar and tide.


  • 作为世界最大石油消费国中国美国都会清洁能源和可再生能源、清洁煤炭和能效方面的合作受益

    As the world's largest oil consumers, China and America have much to gain from cooperation in new and renewable energy, clean coal and energy efficiency.


  • 应用材料所在西安城一边,矗立着热能动力研究所,它是位居世界领先的中国清洁煤炭实验室

    On the other side of Xi 'an from Applied Materials sits Thermal Power Research Institute, China's world-leading laboratory on cleaner coal.


  • 就是说2035年,我们80%电力都将来自可再生能源比如风电太阳能电力,天然气清洁煤炭资源原子能

    And that means by 2035, 80 percent of our electricity will come from renewables like wind and solar, as well as efficient natural gas, clean coal, nuclear power.


  • 我们将要通过替代能源解决这个问题,太阳能风能还有生物柴油,还有,是的核能清洁煤炭技术

    What we're going to have to do is to approach it through alternative energy, like solar, and wind, and biodiesel, and, yes, nuclear energy, clean-coal technology.


  • 任何最终协议必将包括向广大农民发放的补偿品以及清洁煤炭”补贴金——意味着可以在燃烧煤炭之后把产生的二氧化碳地下

    Any final deal is sure to include vast handouts for farmers and subsidies for "clean coal" -the idea that you can burn the stuff and then bury the CO2 underground.


  • 科学家们发现一种煤炭杂草城市垃圾有效地转化为清洁燃料方法或许能阻止成百万二氧化碳进入大气层

    Millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide could be prevented from entering the atmosphere following the discovery of a way to turn coal, grass or municipal waste more efficiently into clean fuels.


  • 但是一旦天然气开采地面煤炭清洁许多

    But once the gas is out of the ground, it is a great deal cleaner than coal.


  • 一些则喜欢核能清洁煤炭天然气

    Others want nuclear, clean coal and natural gas.


  • 由于天然气一种清洁储量丰富燃料替代煤炭石油等传统能源美国正致力于将天然气作为国家的能源远景

    The United States is poised to bet its energy future on natural gas as a clean, plentiful fuel that can supplant coal and oil.


  • 然而表示经过修订错误以后,煤炭温室气体排放量变动很小,最后的结果仍然指出甲烷强烈温室效应抵消天然气的清洁优势。

    But he said that after correcting his error, the emissions from coal barely changed, and the data still showed that the intensity of methane could erase the advantages of using natural gas.


  • 北卡罗莱纳州使用电网只有5%清洁能源剩余的62%来自煤炭和32%来自核能

    The North Carolina energy grid it USES is made up of only about 5% clean energy, the report says, with the rest coming from either coal (62%) or nuclear (32%).


  • 如果证实在商业上可行的话,将来有一世界各地煤炭发电厂的附近都会附设进行碳清洁藻类暖房藻类池塘

    If it proves commercially feasible, coal plants around the world could one day be flanked by carbon-cleaning algae greenhouses or ponds.


  • 国际能源组织计算,按目前水平核能天然气廉价,比煤炭清洁

    At current levels, the IEA calculates, nuclear power is cheaper than gas and almost as cheap as coal.


  • 相对于传统的采矿技术来说,煤炭地下气化技术开采过浅煤层时更为适用,这种技术不仅开采成本低,而且开采过程较为清洁

    UCG is promoted as a relatively clean method of exploiting coal seams that are too deep or thin to be tapped economically using conventional mining.


  • 因为Iberdrola作为全球领先清洁能源-风力涡轮运营商,如果并入Fenosa这家严重依赖煤炭发电厂的企业,玷污Iberdrola的企业形象。

    Iberdrola is the world's leading operator of wind turbines, but Fenosa relies heavily on coal-fired plants, so a merger would sully Iberdrola's image.


  • 引进技术削减烧煤排出二氧化碳清洁能源取代煤炭二者昂贵,问题中国短时间内达成上述目标。

    So the question is how fast China can introduce technologies to reduce carbon emissions from coal-burning, or else replace coal with cleaner forms of energy, both of which will be expensive.


  • 这个比分是将数据中心清洁能源能耗太阳能风能)与非清洁能源能耗(煤炭原子能)相比。

    The score considers the percentage of these data centers' electricity generated by "clean" energy such as solar or wind power versus "dirtier" energy sources, such as coal and nuclear power.


  • 澳大利亚温室气体排量占世界总排量1.5%,主要原因澳大利亚80%的电能通过燃烧煤炭产生是最不清洁发电方式之一。

    Australia emits 1.5% of the world's greenhouse gases primarily because it generates about 80% of its electricity from coal, one of the dirtiest sources of power.


  • 为期展会展示先进的环保技术设备清洁煤炭产品污水处理垃圾利用技术。

    The four days of Exhibition will display advanced technology and equipments of environmental protection, like clean coal products, sewage disposal and garbage utilization technology.


  • 为期展会展示先进的环保技术设备清洁煤炭产品污水处理垃圾利用技术。

    The four days of Exhibition will display advanced technology and equipments of environmental protection, like clean coal products, sewage disposal and garbage utilization technology.


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