• 有效弹性量能比较真实地反映混凝土混凝土弹性模量贡献并且包括各种因素陶粒弹性模量综合影响

    So the effective elastic modulus really shows the contribution of ceramsite to the elastic modulus of concrete and also includes the influence of different factors on the elastic modulus of ceramsite.


  • 传统建筑材料相比混凝土具有导热系数重量轻、结构性能等优点

    Comparing with traditional construction materials, the ceramic grain concrete possesses the advantages of smaller thermal conductivity coefficient, less weighty and better structural performance.


  • 有效弹性量能比较真实地反映混凝土混凝土弹性模量贡献并且包括各种因素陶粒弹性模量的综合影响

    So the effective elastic modulus shows more really the contribution of LWA to the elastic modulus of concrete and also includes the influence of different factors on the elastic modulus of LWA.


  • 发明涉及用于集料混凝土及其制备方法

    The present invention relates to one kind of haydite for light aggregate concrete and its production process.


  • 论文通过75个试件试验探讨陶粒混凝土变形钢筋之间粘结锚固性能。

    The bonding mechanism between deformed bar and lightweight concrete is discussed in this paper based on the pullout test results of 75 specimens.


  • 钢筋混凝土中的锈蚀及其机理进行电化学研究。

    The corrosion of rebar in pottery grain concrete was studied by electrochemical methods.


  • 通过69个试件试验探讨陶粒混凝土变形钢筋之间粘结锚固性能。

    The bonding mechanism between deformed bar and lightweight concrete is discussed in this paper based on the pullout test results of 69 specimens.


  • 开发商坚称轻钢龙骨石膏板达到了陶粒混凝土同样的效果

    Developers is that Qinggang keel gypsum hoardings met Yao Li concrete walls similar results.


  • 结合工程实践介绍了混凝土拱桥维修加固中的应用

    Combined with engineering practice, the application of ceramisite concrete in maintenance and reinforcement of arch bridge is introduced.


  • 油页岩可用建筑材料高档水泥填料轻质混凝土骨料轻质砖材料等;

    The oil shale can be used as construction materials, such as high grade cement filler, light concrete bone material-pottery grain and light brick materials, etc.


  • 混凝土夹芯楼板种压钢板陶粒混凝土组合楼板,空腹部分采用聚苯乙烯板填充,是一种新型轻质节能板材。

    Ceramsite concrete sandwich floor slab is a type of composite floor slab, which is made of profiled sheet and ceramsite concrete.


  • 其次进行了粉煤灰混凝土、粘性、风积砂砾石灰几种材料的台背回填离心模型试验。

    Secondly, models with different backfill-material such as argil fly-ash concrete, soil, sand, grit and lime-stabilized soil were experimented.


  • 此外混凝土中的压力吸水初始含水率的增大而减小。

    In addition, water absorption rate of high strength lightweight aggregate in concrete under pressure decreases with its initial containing water rate increasing.


  • 结果表明用粉煤灰陶粒配制的轻混凝土强度较高表现密度性能均满足设计要求而且经济

    Study results show that sintered fly ash aggregate concrete is relatively high in strength and more economical in use, and its dry density and thermal properties can meet design requirements.


  • 结果表明,通过高强混凝土中掺加部分提前用水浸泡过的办法,可以减少高强混凝土水泥用量过大而引起较大收缩

    It shows that the shrinkage caused by the large content of cement can reduce by partial filling prewetting haydite in the high-strength and lightweight aggregate concrete.


  • 研究结果表明随着页岩陶粒预湿程度增加混凝土早期强度降低幅度后期强度,而强度增长率明显增大

    The results show that, with pre-wetting degree increasing, early strength descent scope is greater than later strength, the strength growth rate obviously broadens.


  • 研究结果表明普通型混凝土球型陶粒混凝土匀质性容易控制

    The result indicate that the lightweight aggregate with normal shape are easy to control than that with globular shape.


  • 目前我国建筑行业屋面保温层填充采用还是膨胀珍珠岩、陶粒加气混凝土砌块炉渣

    At present, China's construction industry, roof insulation, turn on the beam used in filling or expanded perlite, etc., ceramic, aerated concrete block, cinder and so on.


  • 研究结果表明:随着页岩陶粒预湿程度增加混凝土早期强度降低幅度后期强度强度增长率明显增大

    According to the result, with pre-wetting degree increasing, early strength descent scope is greater than later strength, the strength growth rate obviously broadens.


  • 本文混凝土空心砌块特点陶粒混凝土空心砌块应用存在的问题进行了分析陶粒混凝土空心砌块的应用前景做概述

    The paper analyzed the features of ceramisite concrete hollow brick and problems in using it. It also outlined the prospect of using the concrete.


  • 陶粒混凝土夹芯楼板压型钢板陶粒混凝土组合楼板空腹部分采用聚苯乙烯板填充,是一种新型轻质节能板材。

    The main ideas include:no additional column is arranged at the ground floor, the composite beam is made of steel concrete, and the composite floor slabs form the new floor.


  • 采用粉煤灰陶粒配制成骨料混凝土,其弹性模量实测值低于现有经验公式计算值

    The measured Young's modulus of lightweight aggregate concrete using Lytag as coarse aggregate is lower than that calculating from existing empirical formula.


  • 利用磨粉煤灰、磨细矿渣作为矿物合料,研究了各种矿物掺合料对粉煤灰陶粒混凝土强度影响

    This paper studys the influence of the mineral admixtures such as ultra-fine fly ash, ultra-fine slag and silica fume on compressive strength of lytag concrete.


  • 利用磨粉煤灰、磨细矿渣作为矿物合料,研究了各种矿物掺合料对粉煤灰陶粒混凝土强度影响

    This paper studys the influence of the mineral admixtures such as ultra-fine fly ash, ultra-fine slag and silica fume on compressive strength of lytag concrete.


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