• 世界上赢家输家,存在于你们每个,深深藏内心深处,有个等待唤醒胜利者。

    There are two kinds of people in this world: winners and losers. Inside each and every one of you, at the very core of your being, is the winner waiting to be awakened and unleashed upon the world.


  • 过去十年研究人员丛林深处发现数百大型地球工程

    During the past decade, researchers have discovered hundreds of large earth works deep in the jungle.


  • 随着科学家盆地深处进行钻探他们岩心取出了坚硬的、有光泽结晶

    As they drilled into the central and deepest part of the Mediterranean basin, the scientists took solid, shiny, crystalline salt from the core barrel.


  • 加州处湖泊深处生活的一种奇怪细菌可以免疫的毒性,甚至可以这种元素吸收DNA细胞膜从而生长

    Strange bacteria living deep in a California lake can survive on arsenic and can even grow by incorporating the element into its DNA and cell membranes.


  • 持续这个意识,那么,潜意识深处意识流会帮助使这句话成真

    Sustain this awareness, and the deeper currents of your subconscious mind will bring it to pass.


  • 小于2.5微米悬浮微粒人体健康造成最大的危害因为它们可以被吸入肺部深处某些情况下,还会进入血液

    Aerosol particles smaller than 2.5 micrometers pose the greatest risk to human health because they are small enough to be breathed deep into the lungs and, in some cases, enter the blood stream.


  • 急着寻找石油集团首脑正在撒哈拉寻找地底深处有否石油的迹象

    Oil-craving world leaders are searching the Sahara for signs of oil riches deep in the earth.


  • 好像俄罗斯童话的场景,莫斯科南部地区森林深处晨雾笼罩田地里,座孤高高耸立

    LIKE something from a Russian fairy tale, a solitary tower rises through the morning mist blanketing a field deep in the forest of the Kaluga region south of Moscow.


  • 我们脚下深处地狱般的岩石温度非常高地球地幔有毒钾元素同位素释放出的辐射不断地对这些岩石汤进行加热,使其保持高温

    Deep underneath your feet is a hellish stone soup, kept hot by a torrent of radiation from poisonous isotopes of uranium, thorium and potassium in the earth's superheated mantle.


  • 杏仁成对,两个大脑半球个,它们大脑深处辨识危险产生恐惧心理的作用。

    The amygdalas are a pair of structures, one in each cerebral hemisphere, that are found deep inside the brain and are responsible for assessing threats and generating the emotion of fear.


  • 如果确实深处债务,那你得考虑考虑是否消费一点城市小一点房子房租便宜一点的公寓等等

    If you are really deep into debt you might want to consider more drastic steps like moving to a city with lower cost of living, to a smaller house, to an apartment with lower rent etc.


  • 立方天文台身处南极点地下深处巨大、纯净的、无气泡远古冰块

    The IceCube observatory sits deep underneath the South Pole and has been built in a cubic kilometre of perfectly clear, bubble-free ancient ice.


  • 包括理解个人内心深处情感想法在成长过程自觉地控制它们它们相处。

    Involves understanding one's inner world of emotions and thoughts, and growing in the ability to control them and work with them consciously.


  • 意识到自己内心深处一直这样想法生活一切都暂时的。

    I realized that this idea had always been at the back of my mind: that everything in his life was transient.


  • 来自地球深处地热水可以直接用来家庭办公室供暖或是温室植物生长提供帮助。

    Geothermal water from deeper in the Earth can be used directly for heating homes and offices, or for growing plants in greenhouses.


  • 一些国家例如美国芬兰计划核废料储存地底深处掩体

    Some countries, such as America and Finland, plan to store nuclear waste in deep underground bunkers.


  • 今天提出一系列举措我们应当立即稳定我们金融系统减轻家庭社区的重负,帮助深处困境屋主们

    Today, I'm proposing a number of steps that we should take immediately to stabilise our financial system, provide relief to families and communities, and help struggling homeowners.


  • 例如美国无人机仍然深处巴基斯坦俾路支省沙漠起飞,进行打击巴基斯坦部落地区可疑武装人员的巡航飞行

    For instance, American "drone" aircraft still fly secretly from an airstrip deep in the desert of Baluchistan province, targeting suspected militants in the country's tribal areas.


  • 图书馆的读者对于排架系统表达这么强烈的感情并不常见近几年来,图书馆员确实深处分类漩涡

    It's not often that patrons express such strong enthusiasm for shelving systems, but in recent years librarians have been embroiled in a classification struggle.


  • 最近纽芬兰岛海岸海床之下1.6千米深处取出的砂心发现了活着细胞很多热球菌纲火球菌菌。

    Recently, living cells - many of which are Archaea from the Pyrococcus and Thermococcus genera - were found in a mud core taken from 1.6 km below the sea floor off the coast of Newfoundland.


  • 只有父母弟弟们剪子巷才是我灵魂深处永久

    Only the Zhongjianzi Alley, where my parents and brothers live, are my home forever, deeply ensconced in my heart and soul.


  • 利用太空总署皮策钱德拉空间望远镜天文学家们宇宙深处发现了大量隐匿于星的类星体

    Astronomers using NASA's Spitzer and Chandra space telescopes discovered swarms of similar quasars hiding in dusty galaxies in the distant universe.


  • 然而太平洋2400深处叫做非常大酒店地区喷泉采集到的一种微生物已经提高价码

    However, a microbe collected from a vent in what's known as the Faulty Towers neighbourhood, 2400 metres down in the Pacific Ocean, has upped the ante.


  • 生活不顺往往没有特别的意义我们情绪自然变得极其沮丧污言秽语从心底深处大喊出来。

    When life throws us nasty curveballs it typically doesn't make any sense to us, and our natural emotional reaction might be to get extremely upset and scream obscenities at the top of our lungs.


  • 我们每个人内心深处个自我。

    Each of us is two different people.


  • 一方案受到了众多的关注,尽管这种浮游生物死亡后,它所吸收二氧化碳会重新释放大气,但大约有8-9%的二氧化碳能被保留在海洋深处长达十年甚至长的时间。

    Though much of the carbon thus absorbed returns to the atmosphere when the plankton die, around 8-9% ends up locked away beneath the waves for decades or more.


  • 一方案受到了众多的关注,尽管这种浮游生物死亡后,它所吸收二氧化碳会重新释放大气,但大约有8-9%的二氧化碳能被保留在海洋深处长达十年甚至长的时间。

    Though much of the carbon thus absorbed returns to the atmosphere when the plankton die, around 8-9% ends up locked away beneath the waves for decades or more.


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