• 现在应该信心深入探索审计功能自己环境创造新的审计过程程序

    You should now feel confident to explore the audit facility in greater depth and create new auditing processes and procedures for your environment.


  • 一个数百万在线用户的大型系统进行审计的时候,我第一次深入洞察到更深层次的问题。

    I got first hand insight into this when I was doing an audit for a large system which is being used online by millions of people.


  • 随着公司制我国普及以及市场营销活动蓬勃发展相信市场营销审计研究在我国不断深入

    Along with the universality of company system and the booming development of marketing activities in our country, I think the research of marketing audit in our country will get further development.


  • 网络安全审计深入覆盖商业开源工具使用协助审计和验证安全策略的假设

    Network security auditing thoroughly covers the use of both commercial and open source tools to assist in auditing and validating security policy assumptions.


  • 作为评论员审计拥有相当的报告自由度有机会全面深入世人阐述作的执业判断的精巧微妙。

    As a commentator, the auditor has considerable reporting freedom and the opportunity to communicate the subtlety of his own judgments in full.


  • 观点随着审计开展不断深入升华

    These ideas should be developed and refined at each stage of the audit.


  • 审计描述流程深入程度取决于制度流程的理解

    The extent that auditors can document the system will obviously reflect the knowledge and understanding they have developed.


  • 本文审计产业为背景采用理论分析实证研究相结合方法会计师事务所价格战略进行深入研究

    The thesis studies the price strategy of audit firms by the means of theory analysis and demonstration research in the background of audit industry.


  • 部分分析内部审计职业风险成因基础,对内部审计职业界如何防范控制内部审计职业风险进行了比较深入研究

    On the basis of two parts above, the author carries out researches on how to prevent and control the professional risk of internal audit.


  • 本文立足环境决定论,对处于内外环境交互作用变化中的中国民间审计市场动力转换问题进行深入分析。

    On basis of environment-deciding theory , this article analyzed the power conversion of auditing market according to the changes of internal and external environments .


  • 随着抗震救灾工作深入,抗震救灾资金审计已经成为世人关注的焦点之一。

    With the development of earthquake relief progress, earthquake relief funds auditing has become a focus.


  • 审计判断标准形成审计判断不可或缺要素因此应对审计判断标准进行深入探讨

    Auditing judgment standard is the indispensable element in the auditing judgment. Therefore we should make a deep study of the auditing judgment standard.


  • 然后我国规模化经营事务所审计质量控制弱化表现后果以及弱化的具体原因进行深入分析

    Then, it gave a deep analysis on the manifestation, results and the specific reasons of the auditing control's quality's weakening.


  • 如果允许深入进入这个生意,你可以考虑员工审计

    Consider an employee audit if you are allowed access to the business.


  • 尤其是环境审计方法研究,目前尚未进行深入研究

    Especially the research of environment audit method has not yet in-depth studied.


  • 其次,本文我国地域因素对于审计收费深入实证分析。

    What' more, we've done some further empirical research on the audit fees depending on the location difference.


  • 本文不足之处农村建设经济责任审计模式研究深入,没有深入开展调查报告,没有可行性验证等,有待于进一步研究

    In this paper, the inadequacies of the new rural development model of economic responsibility audit of non-depth research, no-depth survey report verification are not feasible, to be further studied.


  • 诉讼宣称只有在主要外部审计人员专业人士顾问的大力协助下,富公司欺诈计划才能如此深入地实施。

    The lawsuit alleges that the degree of Refco's fraud scheme could only have been accomplished with the "active assistance of Refco's cadre of outside auditors, professionals and advisers."


  • 随着研究深入实践开展,相信不久的将来,我国注册会计师审计质量体系完善程度得到大幅度的提高

    With the advance of research and development of practice, the completeness of the control system of audit quality in our country would be improved to a greater degree in the near future.


  • 因此本文目的构建个全面、系统合理有效舞弊审计理论结构深入系统的研究舞弊审计提供一个可供参考的指南,以期进一步指导实践。

    So the objective of the thesis is to build a systematic, rational and effective fraud auditing theory framework, which will offer a guide for researches on fraud auditing theory and practice.


  • 同时通过审计委员会职责的分析来进一步深入理解审计委员会制度本质,从而确定本文的研究方向

    That further in-depth understanding the nature of audit committee system by analyzing the duties of audit committee to determine the direction of research.


  • 首先界定内部审计规范相关概念基础上,内部审计规范含义特征分类及其内在逻辑结构进行深入分析

    First, it gives a detailed analysis of the meaning, features, classification and internal logical structure of internal audit, after defining the basic concepts of internal audit standards.


  • NormanMarks,Solectron公司内部审计总裁,对内审要求提供深入公司财务报表审计表示担心。

    Norman Marks, Vice President of internal audit of Solectron Corporation doubts internal auditors will be asked to provide intense checking of company financial statements.


  • 深入分析影响审计质量产生问题原因,采取切实措施真正发挥审计监督应有作用不断提高审计质量。

    Depth analysis of cause in audit quality is necessary and effective measures must be taken to truly play the role of audit supervision in order to continuously improve the audit quality.


  • 审计复核工作如下问题值得认真研究深入探讨关于审计复核切入点

    In auditing checking are the following question which deserve careful study and thorough discussion:on the starting point of audit checking; on the limits of audit checking;


  • 国家审计比较研究启迪计算机审计技术广泛深入应用

    The inspiration from the comparative study of Sino - UK National Audit; the wide use of computerized audit technology;


  • 本文立足于环境决定论,对处于内外环境交互作用变化中的中国民间审计市场动力转换问题进行了深入分析

    This text analyzes primarily the scale, business model and developing foreground of the search engine service market that aims our country at the front.


  • 本文立足于环境决定论,对处于内外环境交互作用变化中的中国民间审计市场动力转换问题进行了深入分析

    This text analyzes primarily the scale, business model and developing foreground of the search engine service market that aims our country at the front.


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