• 这个综合体基本”(谷物其他淀粉食物),还有”(蔬菜肉类食品)之间的分类。

    At the base of this complex is the division between fan, grains and other starch foods, and ts 'ai, vegetable and meat dishes.


  • 烹饪增加淀粉食物能量土豆谷物某些食物中的毒素从而增加我们食食物的范围

    Cooking increases the energy available from starchy foods such as potatoes and grains and inactivates certain food toxins, thereby increasing the range of foods available to us.


  • 热水打断谷物淀粉分子链,裂解类似糖物质称为麦芽汁。然后经过稀释煮沸之后,麦芽汁被转移一个酿造箱中

    The hot water will break down the starch in the grain, turning it into a sugary substance called wort, which is then diluted, boiled, and transferred to a fermentation tank.


  • 胚乳谷物主要淀粉部分精制产品主要组成部分(诸如白面粉),包含了一些蛋白质大量碳水化合物只残留了少量养分

    The endosperm, the starchy part of the grain left in refined products such as white flour, contains some protein and lots of carbs but few nutrients.


  • 精制谷物(比如面包)淀粉(比如说土豆)实际上血糖指数

    Refined grains (like white bread) and starches (like potatoes) actually have a higher glycemic index value than sugar does.


  • 淀粉食物天然谷物豆类蔬菜都是健康食物,我们的身体能够利用它们所含的葡萄糖。

    NB: Starchy foods, such as whole grains, beans, and vegetables, are healthful foods, and the body is designed to use the glucose that they hold.


  • 男女开始更多含有大量淀粉谷物比如玉米小麦这些谷物含有

    Both men and women began eating more starchy grains, such as corn and wheat, which contain sugars.


  • 放弃糖高谷物早餐富含淀粉面包、脂肪多的肉类蛋类这种传统的北美早餐吧,试试密苏里州圣路易斯罗宾·富兰克尔从以色列回来之后的早餐吧。

    Instead of the sugary cereals, starchy breads, and greasy meat and eggs that make up the typical North American breakfast, do what Robyn Frankel of St. Louis, Missouri, did after visiting Israel.


  • 放手用的食蔬菜豆类淀粉食物意大利面印度香米和易煮的大米谷物面包新鲜的甜土豆

    Ingredients to embrace: Vegetables and pulses; starchy foods such as pasta, basmati or easy-cook rice, grainy breads and porridge, new and sweet potatoes.


  • 碳水化合物饮食限制水化合物——比如谷物淀粉蔬菜以及水果——强调膳食中的蛋白质脂肪

    A low-carb diet limits carbohydrates - such as grains, starchy vegetables and fruit - and emphasizes dietary protein and fat.


  • 这些谷物复杂淀粉蛋白质必须变成一种容易被利用的简单碳水化合物氨基酸混合物的形式。

    The complex starches and proteins in these grains must be changed to a more readily usable mixture of simpler carbohydrates and amino acids.


  • 该文详细论述早餐谷物原料主要成分,蛋白质淀粉脂类物质膳食纤维其它成分挤压过程发生变化。

    In this article, the changes in ingredients of breakfast cereals are discussed detail, such as protein, starch, lipids and diet fiber and so on.


  • 物料本身而言主要因素有:谷物淀粉特性、物料水份物料粒度均匀度。

    For material itself, the main factors included the characteristics of cereal starch, and the moisture content, granularity and uniformity of the material.


  • 谷物薯类主要成份淀粉

    The main content of cereal and potato is starch.


  • 淀粉多糖谷物副产物麦麸、米糠等重要组成成分,是影响畜禽对谷物饲料养分能量消化利用率的主要抗营养因子

    Non-starch polysaccharides(NSP) is the main component of the cereals' by-products, and it is the main anti-nutritional factor restricting the nutrients digestibility and utilization by the animals.


  • 土豆淀粉用于压模成形谷物小吃混合汤料糕点

    Potato starch is used in extruded cereal and snack food products and in dry mixes for soups and cakes.


  • 尽管淀粉合成过程研究已经比较成熟,但鉴于淀粉合成的复杂性,目前针对谷物淀粉品质改良研究处于初级阶段

    Owing to complexity of starch-synthesis process, the improvement of cereal quality is still in its infancy, in despite of the precocious maturity study on the starch-synthesis process.


  • 但同时保持其完整活力。发芽激发了能够将发芽的大麦其它谷物中的淀粉转化的酶的活力,在发酵阶段,糖类可以容易地被酵母菌利用

    Germination results in activation of enzymes which convert starches in the malted barley and in other cereal grains into sugars, which can be easily fermented by yeast during the fermentation step.


  • 酒曲含有使淀粉糖化丝状(霉菌)促成化的酵母菌谷物原料糖化发酵

    The distiller's yeast contains filamentous fungus (mildew) which can make the starch diastatic and yeast which can help to make wine to make the raw sugar diastatic to ferment into wine.


  • 发芽阶段必须的因为酵母不可能直接作用谷物中的淀粉产生乙醇二氧化碳。

    This is necessary because yeast cannot utilize the starch in the cereal grains for conversion to ethanol and CO2.


  • 豆类大米谷物坚果仁果淀粉面粉

    Bean products, Rice and grains, Nuts and kernels, Starch and flour.


  • 往往不如放碱起来香主要是因为谷物中的淀粉是以淀粉粒的形式存在的,外层含蛋白质包裹着

    Alkali base congee is often better to let them eat the porridge Shannon, mainly because of the starch grain is a form of starch grains, the outer membrane protein from wrapped.


  • 谷物淀粉理化特性进行了研究,分析了淀粉的老化机理及老化模型。

    The physical-chemical properties of cereal starch were studied in this article.


  • 该文综述谷物食品加工广泛使用淀粉蛋白酶脂肪酶木聚糖酶葡萄糖氧化酶、转谷氨酰胺酶特性及其应用进展展望发展前景

    This article introduced properties and application of the amylase, protease, lipase, xylanase, glucose oxidase, transglutaminase used widely in cereal food processing and promised its future.


  • 生产方法根据原料区分有:糖蜜类、谷物淀粉纤维素类

    According to the characteristics of raw materials, the production method of the fuel alcohol distinguishes molasses, the starch of grain and cellulose.


  • 蔬菜谷物食品属于指数食品含有精炼单一淀粉食物糖果面包,则有着较高的升糖指数。

    Vegetables and whole grain foods are categorized under low glycemic index diets, whereas, foods with refined sugars and simple starches, like candy and white bread, have a high glycemic index.


  • 蔬菜谷物食品属于指数食品含有精炼单一淀粉食物糖果面包,则有着较高的升糖指数。

    Vegetables and whole grain foods are categorized under low glycemic index diets, whereas, foods with refined sugars and simple starches, like candy and white bread, have a high glycemic index.


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