• 介绍了液压光电式测设计原则结构特征测试原理、试验方法及其技术性能

    The design principle, structure characters, testing principle and method, and technique capability of hydraulic photoelectrical pressure gauge are presented.


  • 系统变频改造所受到影响注塑机射胶速度动态性能下降变频液压型注塑机生产率以及成品率下降。

    For the productivity and the good product rate of the molding machine fall, analyzes the influence from the invert amelioration of the machine and that causes the fall of the speed of the molding.


  • YZ18 液压振动压路机研制中充分考虑了振动压路机特点进行创造性设计

    It sufficiently takes the characters of vibratory road rollers into account and YZ18 hydraulic vibratory road roller is designed in a creative way.


  • 年前,阿蒂米斯(Artemis)智能电源宝马530i车里了一个液压混合动力系统而且发现城市燃油消耗削减了一半

    Artemis Intelligent Power installed a hydraulic hybrid system in a BMW 530i two years ago and found it cut urban fuel consumption in half.


  • 摄影上个月向公众透露不久LCO- 140h液压混合动力公交车

    Photo: The LCO-140H hydraulic hybrid bus, shortly after its unveiling last month. Photo: Altair Product design.


  • 着重介绍MK - 7液压坑道钻机主要技术参数、钻机特点部件结构现场应用情况

    The main technical specification, specialty, structure of parts and field application cases of MK-7 Hydraulic Gallery Rigs are introduced.


  • 介绍YBY01车用装卸液压升降机结构组成工作原理提出了YBY01车用装卸液压升降机的设计要点。

    The paper introduces the structure and work principle of YBY01 vehicle-used loading and unloading hydraulic elevator and puts forward the designing process.


  • 杭州爱知工程车辆有限公司开发液压底盘驱动自行式高空作业平台最大作业高度可达26.7m

    Hangzhou Institute of engineering vehicle limited company the development of the whole hydraulic chassis driven self-propelled aerial work platform, maximum working height of up to 26.7 M.


  • 介绍轨枕液压转辙设计由来,简要说明了结构工作原理、技术特点应用效果

    The article describes the origination of sleeper hydraulic pressure switch machine design and explains its structure, working principle, characteristics, and application effects.


  • 介绍了ZY F钻孔液压孔器研制实验室模拟试验现场工业性应用试验情况。

    The development, lab analog test and field test of Model ZYF hydraulic hole packer are presented in the paper.


  • 流体通过直喷式柱液压控制阀阀芯时,阀内形状变化使流体的运动量发生变化。

    In jet oil hydraulic spool valves, the oil flows through a rush path because of the shape changing of the valve.


  • 本文简述YQZ 1400液压制动器工作原理应用工况,给出了该制动器在实际使用时的电气控制要点

    The article briefly describes the principles and applied working conditions of YQZ1400 hydraulic brake and gives the main electric control points of the brake in actual application.


  • 比如购买绝缘液压升降机建造停放库房的投资额露天作业环境作业性能影响大下雨大雾不能作业。

    Such as the purchase of insulation type hydraulic elevator parking storehouse construction investment big, open work environment impact on job performance, rain fog can not work.


  • 本文针对XSZY—125塑料注射分析了现行通用双联供油液压系统耗能大的原因

    The paper analyzes the reason for more power consumption of conventional dual vane pump system set in model XSZY—125 plastic injection forming machines.


  • 介绍了H 8000H8800液压圆锥破碎机特点及其大山选矿厂应用情况,应用效果进行评价

    The features and application of H8000 and H8800 hydraulic cone crushers in Dashan Concentrator are described and their application results evaluated.


  • 分析液压伺服肩关节结构特点基础上,运用虚拟设计方法关节进行设计分析

    On the basis of analysing the structural characteristics of the motion-decoupling hydraulic servo shoulder joint, virtual design method is used to design and analyse the joint.


  • 本文介绍了WE - B液压万能试验机稳定实验装置设计,并通过试验数据分析证实实验装置的可行性正确性

    This paper introduces the designing of a pressing staff steady experimental device of WE-B hydraulic testing machine. Analyses of experimental data show its feasibility and validity.


  • 焊接材料选用,焊预热、焊接过程焊后热处理的控制几个方面,着重介绍了ZY6400/12.5/28液压支架的焊接工艺

    The paper introduces welding technology of type ZY6400/12.5/28 hydraulic support, from several respects of selecting materials preheat before welding, welding process and so on.


  • 本文描述了USG-5液压碎石机工作原理性能,介绍了其平果铝土矿生产应用情况

    The operating principles and performances of the USG-5 Hydraulic Breaker are presented in the paper. Application of the breaker in Pingguo Bauxite Mine is described.


  • 用于JY320液压挖掘机等双回路高压变量系统

    It is used in double pumps and circuits high pressure variable system on model JY320 hydraulic excavator.


  • QZX920 B液压双数显纸机,具有结构坚固,造美观,裁切速度快、精度压力且可调等特点。

    QZX920B hydraulic paper cutter with double digital display features solid structure, sound appearance, high cutting-speed, high precision and great pressure.


  • 研制了液压gy241锚定“自封压缩筒”双重密封ZY331封隔器。

    A hydraulic setting anchor of type GY241, and a double packing ZY331 back washing packer features in self pack and rubber sleeve pack are developed.


  • 主要介绍了922铲运机液压系统组成工作原理特点国产化后的有关情况进行了分析

    This paper mainly describes the composition, operation principle and characteristics of Model 922 LHD'S hydraulic system, and finally discusses the problems concerned with home-made 922 LHD.


  • 本文介绍了EX220-3液压挖掘机回转过程中回转停放制动器控制回转缓冲控制。

    This paper introduced the control of a gyration brake and gyration cushion of EX220-3 hydraulic excavator.


  • 综合各种设计参数,我们研制HC520-3液压

    The HC520-3 hydraulic shear has been researched and produced.


  • 综合评价液压阀体铸件材料,介绍覆膜设计特点以及覆膜砂制芯设备等。

    Sand mixtures of cores for small hydraulic valves casting were reviewed. Design of hot boxes and equipments for production of coated sand cores were described.


  • 针对这种情况,研制出KDS— 115液压丢手工具。 该工具通过设置接头打捞之间的凸爪凹槽结构解决了以往丢手工具不能传递扭矩问题

    Model KDS-115 hydraulic releasing tool is developed, which solves the problem of torque transfer by designing a claw-groove structure between the upper sub and fishing head.


  • 本文阐述了CTJY10 - 2液压掘进钻车液压控制系统设计特点,并详细介绍防卡钎机构其它基本回路的控制原理工作特征。

    This paper describes some design features of the hydraulic control system for CTJY10-2 jumbo, the anti-jamming system, control principles and operations of some other basic circuits in some detail.


  • 本文阐述了CTJY10 - 2液压掘进钻车液压控制系统设计特点,并详细介绍防卡钎机构其它基本回路的控制原理工作特征。

    This paper describes some design features of the hydraulic control system for CTJY10-2 jumbo, the anti-jamming system, control principles and operations of some other basic circuits in some detail.


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