• 消委会海外内地消费者机构保持密切联系

    Also, the council maintains regular contacts with its counterparts overseas and in the Mainland.


  • 企业政府机构经常不到就是真正消费者角度去看待正在发生的事情。

    One of the things that businesses and indeed Government organizations often fail to do is to really see what is happening from the consumer's perspective.


  • 每个治理机构可以服务提供商,或者其他服务的消费者

    Each government agency could be a provider of a service and a consumer of another service.


  • 菲岛银行菲律宾储蓄银行以及许多消费者贷款机构,都消费贷款视为一种产品,产品主导的策略,”

    "BPI, Philippines Savings Bank, and a lot of consumer lending institutions go into consumer lending as a product, so it's a product driven strategy," he said.


  • 机构社区银行已经联合起来抵制计划设立消费者金融保护机构这一条。

    Big institutions and community Banks have unified against a central provision of the plan to create a new consumer finance protection agency.


  • 经济学家罗比曾经预计房屋价格下降他说国会需要支持华尔街金融机构转为帮助陷入困境消费者

    Economist Nouriel Roubini, who predicted the fall in home prices, says Congress needs to turn from supporting financial institutions on Wall Street to helping struggling consumers.


  • 因此我们,我们打算一个强大的消费者金融保护机构金融产品推出后,它们照管你工作

    So what we've said is we're going to have a strong consumer finance protection agency whose only job is to look after you when it comes to financial products.


  • 也许有人提议建立美国消费者保护机构也是磨合中的产物

    Perhaps such honing will include the creation of the proposed US Consumer Protection Agency.


  • 法案多种方式扩大了监管,诸如消费者保护提供主要机构资金标准;要求复杂金融工具提高透明度

    The bill extended regulation in a number of ways: consumer protection, higher capital standards for major institutions, greater transparency for complex financial instruments.


  • 法案设立一个新的消费者金融保护机构加强投资者保护股东投票决定公司高管酬薪。

    That bill would create a new consumer financial protection agency. It would also increase investor protections and let shareholders vote on the pay of top company officials.


  • 但是商会声称机构阻碍小企业贷款限制消费者的选择导致高昂价格

    But the chamber argues that a new agency would choke off credit to small businesses, limit consumer choices and lead to higher prices.


  • 英国食品标准机构建议消费者每周至少一些鱼油.

    The UK Food Standards Agency advises consumers eat at least one portion of oily fish a week.


  • 成立一个机构用于加强消费者权益

    A new agency will be formed to bolster consumers' rights.


  • 许多建立消费者债务基础上金融机构已经垮掉了,而剩下的那些,则史无前例要求联邦资金注入苟延残喘

    A number of the financial institutions built on this consumer debt foundered and the remainder required unprecedented injections of federal funds to remain afloat.


  • 然而这类芽苗菜有关食源性疾病暴发报告增加公共卫生机构消费者对这一问题的关注。

    However, reports of foodborne outbreaks associated with such raw vegetable sprouts have raised concerns among public health agencies and consumers.


  • 其中两条敏感提议就是高风险公司处理计划建立一个机构保护消费者

    But the two most sensitive proposals are its plans to deal with big, risky firms, and the creation of a new body to protect consumers.


  • 我们产业第一优先重点消费者安全健康并且我们监管机构共同合作确保所有研究发现都会得到关切和考虑。

    Our industry’s number one priority is consumer safety and we work with the regulatory authorities to ensure that all new research is taken into consideration.


  • 比如说没有人阻止消费者电力局之外的机构提供他们用电情况。

    Nobody can stop consumers from giving data about their power usage to non-utilities, for instance.


  • 目前使用信用卡消费者仍然不多,对于金融机构来说是一个巨大商机

    Few consumers use credit CARDS yet, which represents a major opportunity for financial institutions.


  • 巴克莱潘德尔劳动力市场疲软使消费者企业信用下降,导致金融机构更加不愿放贷

    'a weak labor market makes consumers and businesses even less creditworthy and causes lenders to pull back even further,' says Barclay's Mr. Pandl.


  • 他说,“产品质量真实性没有任何保证淘宝消费者无法了解买家的真实地址,监察机构不知道。

    There is no guarantee of the quality and authenticity of products. Neither Taobao nor consumers are certain of sellers' locations.


  • 联盟工作规划使国家专业机构卫生消费者实现使卫生保健患者更安全事业承诺达到空前程度

    The Alliance's programme of work has brought an unprecedented level of commitment from countries, professional bodies and health consumers to the cause of making health care safer for patients.


  • 第四事,消费者金融保护机构将要优良工作确保消费者知悉,在谈到金融产品他们得到什么

    And the fourth thing is having a consumer financial protection agency that is really going to do a good job making sure that consumers know what they're getting when it comes to financial products.


  • 奥巴马可能建议成立一个拥有监督权力金融服务消费者保护机构,以监督抵押贷款信用卡其他消费性金融产品

    Obama is likely to recommend creation a financial services consumer protection body with oversight powers over mortgages and credit CARDS and other consumer financial products.


  • 针对诸如贷款,信用卡共同基金这样的消费者产品成立一个超级监管机构计划处在萌芽状态已经遭到了强烈抵制

    But an embryonic plan to create a super-regulator for consumer products, such as mortgages, credit CARDS and mutual funds, is already encountering stiff opposition.


  • 他们转移美联储防止欺诈不公平贷款消费者保护功能一个新的机构计划恼火

    But they chafe at the plan to shift the Fed's consumer-protection functions, which protect people from deceptive and unfair lending practices, to a new agency.


  • 他们转移美联储防止欺诈不公平贷款消费者保护功能一个新的机构计划恼火

    But they chafe at the plan to shift the Fed's consumer-protection functions, which protect people from deceptive and unfair lending practices, to a new agency.


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