• 恐慌使得困惑官员警告消费者不要生吃西红柿黄瓜生菜豆芽

    The scare has led puzzled officials to warn consumers off raw tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and sprouts.


  • 一个针对移动电话用户普遍烦恼的合理解决方案减少消费者挫折感困惑,与此同时还将减少垃圾

    This is a sensible solution to an everyday gripe for mobile phone users, which will reduce frustration and confusion for consumers as well as cutting down on waste products.


  • 由于二维码采用的技术标准开源的,因此几乎任何人都可以开发自己代码读取器,因此,消费者难免深感困惑

    Because the technical standard behind them is more or less open source, almost anybody can create their own codes and readers, leading to confusion among consumers.


  • 以上结果表明新的票价结构消费者造成困惑,让不满意度上升

    These results suggest that new ticket pricing structures have created confusion with consumers and are fuelling feelings of discontent.


  • 华纳兄弟市场高清影碟消费者带来困惑所以新型高清影碟机销售已经放缓

    The company says having two kinds of high definition DVDs on the market has led to confusion with the buying public. So far, sales of the new high-definition disc players have been slow.


  • 肯定消费者感到困惑说明了开发款全能移动计算平台难度

    That's sure to confuse consumers, but it underscores the difficulty of coming up with a one-size-fits-all platform for mobile computing.


  • 他们相信对于大多数消费者而言,取消了PS P游戏接口让他们困惑这也最终导致了数码迷们选择远离PS P设备

    They believe it is too confusing for most consumers due to the lack of a UMD drive which ultimately resulted in fans of the media staying clear of the new PSP device.


  • 同时消费者依然对应该购买哪种食品、哪种商标才能保证食品更加安全和更好吃而感到困惑

    Meanwhile, consumers remain perplexed about which food to buy and which labels assure safer and better-tasting food.


  • 正如多年前《科学家》杂志反馈专栏所写的那样,这些骗人玩意儿商人利用一直存在的,令人困惑的却毫无根据的传说来欺骗消费者工业生产走了空气中大量的氧气。

    As New Scientist's Feedback column has noted over the years, these snake-oil salesmen exploit a bafflingly persistent myth, that industrial activity has sucked much of the oxygen out of the air.


  • 以往房屋银行名称“ 换汤不换药”运作方式令许多消费者感到困惑

    Past "Housing Bank" in the new name of the "old" mode of operation, many consumers confused.


  • 令人困惑难题之一一些实验室测试结果消费者的实际使用性能不一致。

    One of the most baffling problems is the failure of some laboratory measurements to correlate with performance in consumer use and care of textiles.


  • 除非标签悬挂的注明产品性能,否则消费者恰当地服装家用纺织品进行评估,他们会感到困惑

    Consumers are AT a loss to properly evaluATe a garment or household item unless the performance informATion is given on a label or hang tag.


  • 上面这些提醒往往会消费者带来新的困惑如果是这样,该书作者为我们提供了另外工具

    If all of these caveats merely create a whole new layer of confusion for consumers - which they easily could - the authors of Know Your Chances offer two more tools.


  • 户外张贴海报,变成互动推动困惑消费者可以解决排序头上” 。

    Outdoor posters were turned into large interactive push puzzles that consumers could solve in order to "sort your head".


  • 一个动机良好偶尔会感到困惑消费者来说,这会带来什么影响?或许安心营养学有时甚至专家来说都是含糊不清的。

    Where does this leave a well-meaning but occasionally confused shopper? Reassured, perhaps: Nutrition science is sometimes murky even to experts.


  • 第三品牌原产地困惑对于中国消费者购买本土品牌影响中国消费者购买境外品牌则无显著影响。

    Thirdly, brand-origin confusion has a negative impact on consumers' buying local brand but do not have significant impact on consumers' buying non-local brand.


  • 摘要:法国阿尔萨斯世界上著名的葡萄酒产区之一,由于产区分级制度过于简单,给消费者造成了不少困惑

    ABSTRACT: Alsace is one of the best appellations for white wines in the world. However, its simple classification system has caused many confusions in selecting wines.


  • 令人困惑难题之一一些实验室测试结果消费者使用性能不一致。

    One of the most baffling problems is the failure of some laboratory measurements to correlate with performance in consumer use and care of textiles.


  • 令人困惑难题之一一些实验室测试结果消费者使用性能不一致。

    One of the most baffling problems is the failure of some laboratory measurements to correlate with performance in consumer use and care of textiles.


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