• 他们理念延长件牛仔裤寿命不仅环境有好处能让消费者他们的产品获得更多价值

    Their philosophy is that extending the life of a pair of jeans is not only great for the environment, but allows the consumer to get more value out of their product.


  • 营销价值消费者产品这个四个P模型管用

    The four Ps model is most useful when marketing low value consumer products.


  • 公司网页放置具有新闻价值关于产品服务文章或者直接将相关WPR文章发送点评网站以便于消费者阅读

    News worthy stories based on product or service launches can be placed on the companies webpage, or WPR articles sent to review sites for consumers to read.


  • 1Juran还一个产品除非增加消费者又增加了生产商价值,否则就不是质量的。

    "1 Juran goes on to say that a product is not high quality unless it adds value for both the consumer and the manufacturer."


  • 其他扫兴认为顾客没有足够的能力产品服务更有价值因此他们认为消费者投入不必要的

    Other killjoys will argue that customers are incapable of knowing what really makes a product or service valuable, and therefore customer input is unnecessary.


  • 无论这些研究科学价值何在消费者对代糖产品要比过去更加慎重。

    Whatever the scientific merit of those studies, consumers are more wary of such products than they used to be.


  • 价值增加策略通过顾客提供核心产品之外服务来提高消费者忠诚度

    Valued added strategiesincrease loyalty by providing customers with more than just the core product; for example, for hotels, offering more than just a place to sleep.


  • 这样现有产品的改进就能投入低风险的情况下进行,而且,通过这种方式改进产品能够在市场上表现得吸引力,对消费者更有价值

    This allows existing products to bemodified at low cost, low risk, yet making them ever more attractive, ever morevaluable to the customer base.


  • 消费者往往不能精确很客观地评价产品价值成本

    Consumers often do not judge product values and costs accurately or objectively.


  • 这样消费者以及供应链所有各方发去了一个难以理解讯息,对他们识别反映他们的需要价值产品能力进行了干扰

    To do so sends a confusing message to consumers and all in the supply chain, interfering with their ability to identify products that reflect their needs and values.


  • 如果产品不易使用,则认为消费者而言没有价值

    If the product is not easy to use, argues that it is of little value for consumers.


  • 消费者追求不仅是产品功能更加注重顾客价值

    Customers focus on the value of customers, more than pursuing the functions of products.


  • 研究结果表明:(1)消费者名牌产品交换价值知觉心理价值知觉均显著高于不知名品牌

    Results indicate that: 1. Consumers' exchanging value and psychological value perception of famous brand significantly are higher than that of unfamiliar brand.


  • 企业培育消费者忠诚前提是必须加强营销道德建设消费者创造传递价值的产品服务不仅仅营销手段应用

    The prerequisite for the consumer loyalty cultivated by enterprises is creating and delivering valuable products and services for the consumers, rather than using marketing techniques.


  • 不要夸张产品本身的创意,功能的强大价值。也不要试图实现了的承诺欺骗消费者

    It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.


  • 研究结果显示消费者关于高新技术产品的知觉风险分为六个构面,分别功能风险、价值风险、时间风险、习惯性风险、社会风险服务风险;

    The results shows: the consumers' perceived risk can divide into six facets: the function risk, the value risk, the time risk , the habitual risk, the social risk and the service risk.


  • 正是物流关心产品只有在被运送能被消费者场所才体现价值

    And this is what logistics is chiefly concerned with. Products are of any value when and only when they are moved to the right place where it is available to the customer.


  • 研究通过问卷调查主要运用回归分析找出产品消费价值消费者国际品牌选择之间关系

    Through questionnaire investigation and Regression Analyze, this research has found out the relation between product's consumption value and consumers' choice behavior of international brand.


  • 这种声誉创造出了消费者特许经营权。产品购买者价值不是产品生产成本成为决定销售价格的主要决定性因素。

    Such a reputation creates a consumer franchise that allows the value of the product to the purchaser, rather than its production cost, to be the major determinant of selling price.


  • 真正品牌价值是以产品货真价实前提的,需要真实面对消费者

    The real value of brand products is the prerequisite for the genuine, it needs real face of consumers.


  • 包装不仅消费者传达产品本身使用价值传递了品牌产品符号价值

    Packaging delivers not only the value of the product itself, also the symbol value of the brand.


  • 现实选项设置价格按照消费者对于产品价值估价。

    The most realistic option is to set the price according to the value that your consumers place on the product.


  • 我们相信质量产品高市场性价比我们客户以及终端消费者提供最大价值

    We believe that high quality products coupled with low prices will provide maximum value to our customers and to the end-consumers as well.


  • 信通消费者提供了富有价值的数码通信产品,迅速成为供应商信赖合作伙伴市场推崇的分销企业

    Dinxingtong provides valuable digital communication productions for customers and increasingly became the partner trusted by suppliers and the distributer adored by market.


  • 现有品牌价值评估主要消费者忠诚度产品的附加价格相关

    The estimate of brand equity is mostly relative to customer loyalty and product additional price.


  • 通常消费者花钱东西,总想得到最大价值生产者则想从卖出产品上获得最高价钱利润

    As a rule, consumers look for the best values for what they spend while producers seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell.


  • 通常消费者花钱东西,总想得到最大价值生产者则想从卖出产品上获得最高价钱利润

    As a rule, consumers look for the best values for what they spend while producers seek the best price and profit for what they have to sell.


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