• 采用葡萄糖消耗法快速测定念珠菌对唑类药物敏感性

    A new colorimetric assay for antifungal susceptibility testing of Candida SPP.


  • 目测鼠迹调查开洞饱和食饵消耗

    Methods Visualization, investigation of mouse trace, using powder, Numbers of digged holes, saturated bait consuming.


  • STR体外活性分析采用间接荧光检测色胺反应体系消耗

    In vitro, STR enzymatic assay was measured indirectly by fluorimetrically detecting depletion of tryptamine feeding on secologanin in the reaction mixture.


  • 意味着我们每一个人消耗大量的能源后,必须达到显著排量——除此而外,别

    So that means for the rest of us, who consume lots of energy we are going to have to make significant reductions to our levels of emissions - there is no way round this.


  • 了解不够全面的很多相信一个国家富裕保持富裕变得更富唯一就是消耗更多含碳燃料

    You have imperfect knowledge. A lot of people believe that the only way for a country to get rich, stay rich, and get richer is to burn more carbon fuel.


  • 动物园运用水耕室内照明轮班工作制,相对传统种植成功降低了95%的和肥料消耗

    Using hydroponics, indoor lighting and rotating planters, the zoo has successfully reduced water and nutrient consumption by 95 percent relative to conventional systems.


  • 采用热技术工厂消耗电力差不多如此但是同样需要大量水蒸气

    Thermal plants suck up nearly as much electricity, but also need large amounts of steam.


  • 采用数据包络分析(DEA)结合成本动因理论根据生产过程消耗各种业务量估计制造费用

    In this paper Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and cost driver theory are combined to estimate the manufacturing overhead according to all kinds of activities and resources used in production.


  • 针对碳化生产拟薄铝石消耗的状况,提出了改进措施

    Since the fresh water consumption is so high in carbonation production, this paper points out some reconstruction measures.


  • 基于解非线形规划单纯,对一类线形分式规划消耗系数矩阵进行灵敏度分析

    Based on the convex simplex method for nonlinear programming, a sensitivity analysis of consumption coefficient matrix in linear fractional programming is presented.


  • 光辉消耗31%下降至26%基础力。

    Arcane Brilliance now costs 26% of base mana, down from 31% of base mana.


  • 通过本研究,得出以下几点主要结论:(1)立式挤压用于压制中空刨花板存在设备高大动力消耗、静曲强度低等缺点

    Following main conclusions are obtained: (1) Vertical extrusion has some disadvantages in suppressing tubular particleboard, such as tall equipment, huge power consumption and lower MOE.


  • 机械制浆优点高产为此消耗更多能源

    The mechanical pulping process has the advantage of giving a high yield pulp but to accomplish this, it requires more energy.


  • 采用压力温度测量氢气消耗对蓄电池电压电流进行连续测量积分运算得到能量消耗

    Pressure and temperature method is assumed to measure hydrogen consumption, Battery voltage and current is continuously measured and integrated to calculate electric energy consumption.


  • 采用葡萄糖氧化酶检测3T3-L1葡萄糖的消耗作用,使用O染色通过比色定量分析3T3-L1细胞脂肪含量

    The glucose consumption in 3T3-L1 cells was determined by glucose oxidase(GOD)method. The fat content in 3T3-L1 cells was determined by Oil Red O staining and spectrophotometry.


  • 金属飞机结构复合材料结构颤振模型设计,要求采用刚度等代完成然而一般的设计通常需要消耗大量时间

    Design of flutter model from aircraft metal structure to composite structure can be achieved by equation of stiffness, yet it may cost much time for general design method.


  • 具有反应温和、易于控制硫酸消耗成本低廉产品纯度优点

    This method has the advantages of easy control reaction, less consumption of sulfuric acid, cheap cost and higher purity of the product.


  • 对于金属矿开采一般认为分层崩落其他采矿相比一种成本产量木材消耗采矿

    Generally top slicing is a mining method of high cost, low productivity, and large consumption of timber as compared with other methods for mining metalliferous ore bodies.


  • 糖水消耗观测大鼠行为,用免疫组织化学测定海马源性神经营养因子含量

    Behavior of rats was determined with sucrose consumption. The content of hippocampus brain-derived neurotrophic factor was determined with immunohistochemical method.


  • 介绍一种基于重量测量燃油消耗的智能型油耗

    An intelligent fuel consumption monitor based on weight measurement for fuel consumption rate is introduced.


  • 采用循环伏安位于水孔氧气进行耗尽式电化学还原反应,其消耗电量用于疏水孔体积率的测定

    The consumed charge of exhaustive electrolysis of oxygen in the pores of TLGE in cyclic voltammetry is used to measure the total hydrophobic pore volume of both catalytic and non catalytic membranes.


  • 文中阐述了几种气相生产聚乙烯装置的技术指标公用工程消耗综合能耗

    The technical specification comparison, utilities consumption and comprehensive energy consumption are described in this article;


  • 首先对于直接消耗系数矩阵a变化类型不同分块然后对于每块分别应用RAS

    In the procedure, the direct expense coefficient matrices a are first separated according to different types of changes into blocks, and RAS is applied to each block.


  • 氧化可以更多蒸汽消耗更少的蒸汽。

    CPO process can produce more steam and hereby less steam consumption.


  • 产量质量消耗等方面对硫生产工艺进行比较,论证了冷生产优于热

    The comparison between refrigeration method and evaporation method for the production of thiourea in output, quality and consumption is discussed.


  • 消耗电能利用工厂的废旧铁皮电极

    It has not only no energy consumption but also can utilize the scrap iron plates as the pole.


  • 试验结果表明具有节约水电、节省时间降低试剂消耗等优点

    The results showed using that method not only could save water, electricity and time, but also could reduce reagent waste.


  • 合成兰素工艺,用水蒸汽蒸馏回收萃余相中的溴,降低了溴消耗定额。

    In the new process of synthesis of vanillin with bromine, the bromine in the wastewater is retrieved by steam distillation. As a result, the bromine consumption is reduced.


  • 膳食调查采用称重记帐调查住户3食物消耗连续3天24小时回顾获得个人食物消费量。

    The household food consumption data were collected for three days using an inventory change combined with weighing method, and individual intakes were obtained by 3 consecutive 24-hour recalls.


  • 介绍了加拿大Chemetics公司IntegratedSystem生产ClO2原理工艺流程原材料消耗系统安全性以及优缺点

    Principle, process, raw material consumption and system safety of ClO2 production by Integrated system of Canada Chemetics Company are introduced as well as its advantages and disadvantages.


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