• 入口形式相片消息沙滩网凸轮住所信息

    Entry form, photos, message board, beach web-cam and accommodation information.


  • jinity -免费的社会网络平台包括消息聊天,圈子,日志投票新闻等。

    Jinity -free social networking platform and hosting that includes message boards, chat, groups, journals, polls, news, and more.


  • 一类少见因为造成砖的原因Wii消息接收到一个破损的消息

    These bricks are VERY rare, as the only way to get it is by receiving a corrupt message on your message board.


  • 传统Web已经每个兴趣爱好娱乐地点提供了对应团体他们使用论坛消息这些工具

    The Web is already full of niche communities for every hobby, pastime and location, and they use tools like forums and message boards.


  • 例如部分的六个教程,说明在上创建家庭视频网站建立联机消息应用程序一个包含五部分的教程。

    For instance, there's a six-part tutorial on building an online message board application and a five-part tutorial on creating a family video Web site.


  • 这个模式允许使用Wii消息之外的所有事情所以可以备份保存文件运行HBC

    This mode allows you to do everything except using the Wii message board, so make use of that to backup saves or to run the HBC!


  • 接下来几个月里,Amref计划发给每位手机农民消息一个计算器他们镇上市场进行参观

    In the coming months Amref plans to issue farmers with mobiles, with a noticeboard and a calculator, and take them on a visit to a town market.


  • (健康日消息)——能够骨折其他受伤骨头提供保护

    (HealthDay News) — a cast or splint provides protection for bones that are fractured or otherwise injured.


  • 如果需要创建描述消息要素,那么您选项拖拽entity要素,然后将生成uml 2要素,应用于Entity原型。

    And if you need to create an element for describing message, you will drag an Entity element from the palette and the UML2 class element will be created and applied to the Entity stereotype.


  • my_wtx_flow消息编辑器画布中,WebSphereMQ类别的选项一个MQInput节点

    On the Message flow editor canvas of my_wtx_flow, drag and drop a MQInput node from the palette under the WebSphere MQ category.


  • 第一次创建群组时,显示消息留言订阅书签成员

    When you first create a group, it displays a Message board, Feeds, Bookmarks, and Members.


  • 示例应用程序主要完成两个简单的目标一是列出张贴留言所有消息,二允许用户留言张贴消息

    The sample application does two simple things. It lists all of the messages posted to the message board, and it allows a user to post a new message to the message board.


  • 这里需要特别注意一点需要留言每个消息提供标题主体作者

    The only thing to really note here is that you need to supply a title, body, and author for each message on the message board.


  • 可以回复消息并且可以删除公告认为不合适删除发布其他人公告中的内容

    You can also post responses to messages, and you can remove content that you find inappropriate in your Board or that you have posted to another person's Board.


  • 如果乔布斯起来宣布这个(苹的)消息可能最后一次得到欢呼了

    If Steve Jobs stands up and announces this, it could be his last hurrah.


  • 员工朋友(名记者)泄漏公司秘密,告诉他公司正在进行关于一公司谈判,这一消息便出现一家全国性报纸的头上。

    An employee has told a friend (a journalist) about secret negotiations your company is having about the takeover of another company.The story appears on the front page of a national newspaper.


  • 只需要打开某个用户概要信息页面然后单击公告区域内容,其中将显示概要信息公告撰写消息

    Just open a person's profile page, and click inside the board area, where Write a message on this profile board is displayed.


  • 一种解决的方法利用CommunicationsCenter同一个公共消息留言进行集中交流保存联系人列表和进行电子邮件分类

    One solution is to have the Communications Center to centralize communication, maintain contacts lists, and categorize your e-mails on the same common message board.


  • 我们来考虑一个显示留言消息列表servlet(请参阅清单1)。

    Let's consider a servlet that displays a post list for a message board (see Listing 1).


  • 消息中提取所需信息之后,信息由不同小部件通过Monitor仪表显示

    After retrieving the needed information from the message, the derived performance information is shown through a Monitor dashboard using different widgets.


  • 消息正确女人交谈是已知的门技巧了,每个人都读书滑雪那样地去学习如何正确地同女人交谈

    The good news is that talking to a woman the right way is a learned skill. And just like reading a book or riding a snowboard anyone can learn how to talk to a woman the right way.


  • 就是苹果造”的迷恋——诸多博客不停发出各种猜测而且Twitter上,大概8分钟就有一篇有关“消息冒出来。

    Such is the fascination with all things Apple that blogs are humming with speculation and a new mention of the tablet crops up on Twitter around every eight minutes.


  • 第二张贴留言上的另一消息

    On the second day, I posted another message at that message board.


  • 请给我发短消息如果知道任何其他建设项目之一机器轧机

    If you know of any other projects where one build the machine to mill the boards.


  • 消息贴到公告

    I'll post the news on the bulletin board.


  • 员工向他朋友(名记者)泄漏公司秘密,告诉他公司正在进行关于另一公司谈判消息便出现一家全国性报纸的头上。

    An employee has told a friend (a journalist) about secret negotiations your company is having about the takeover of another company. The story appears on the front page of a national newspaper.


  • 好的消息我们沙发,我们还有一块7'6长的, 要销售仅需800

    The good one is that we got a new wooden couch! And that we have a new second hand 7'6 board for sale, only 800 RMB!


  • 福布斯杂志星期三发布消息美国亿万富翁超过半数年以来市值有所增加,并且再次看到比尔盖茨第17次登顶富豪

    Things are on the up for US billionaires with more than half of them adding to their net worth in a year which once again saw Bill Gates as the richest of them all, Forbes magazine said on Wednesday.


  • 福布斯杂志星期三发布消息美国亿万富翁超过半数年以来市值有所增加,并且再次看到比尔盖茨第17次登顶富豪

    Things are on the up for US billionaires with more than half of them adding to their net worth in a year which once again saw Bill Gates as the richest of them all, Forbes magazine said on Wednesday.


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