• 工作涅罗珀织布一样,永远手里永远不完。

    My work is something like the Penelope's web, never done, but ever in hand.


  • 因此承诺说解决这个问题,但作为交换条件国王支持赢得伊卡里俄斯女儿涅罗的芳心。

    He thus promised to solve the problem on the condition that the king in turn would support him in his courting of Penelope, the daughter of Icarius.


  • 不管贝利沃走到哪里,阿尔尚博每年都会在圣诞节赶去和团聚。她上月:“的佩,他尤利西斯。”

    Archambault, who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend together, said last month: "I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses."


  • 不管贝利沃走到哪里,阿尔尚博每年都会在圣诞节赶去和团聚。她上月:“的佩,他是尤利西斯。”

    Archambault, who flew to join Beliveau wherever he was once a year so they could spend Christmas together, said last month: "I'm his Penelope and he is my Ulysses."


  • 如果知道《奥德赛》,人们不会明白涅罗忠诚;如果没有莎士比亚人们不会明白哈姆雷特疑问以及密欧朱丽叶之间爱情

    Without knowing the Odyssey, man would know nothing of the fidelity of Penelope, without Shakespeare, he would know nothing of the doubts of Hamlet, or the love between Romeo and Juliet.


  • 不失为主意普华永道顾问但是如果所有消费者都选择价格低廉的公司,那么报价还是会上涨

    These are good ideas. But if all customers pick the lowest prices, those tariffs will rise, says Ronan O’Regan of PwC, a consultancy.


  • 斯塔曾替补如今加泰尼亚甚至整个西班牙一刻也离不开伊斯塔。

    Coming up as Ronaldinho's understudy, Catalunya and all of Spain now shudder at the thought of life without Iniesta.


  • 坐落芬兰北部北极圈以内乃是世界公认的圣诞老人故乡

    Located on the Arctic Circle in northern Finland, Rovaniemi has long been regarded as the home town of Santa Claus.


  • 史凯德诺夫说,拘押期间遭到殴打。 沃什市警方声,针对史凯德诺夫所说的他遭到殴打之事实正在调查之中。

    When he refused, he was detained overnight and, according to Dudukina, beaten while in custody; Voronezh police say an investigation into the allegation is under way.


  • 今年随着圣诞临近,这些“正宗的圣诞老人一路赶来,赫尔辛基人民带来圣诞祝福

    As this year's Christmas approaches, Santa Claus comes all the way from Rovaniemi to Helsinki to greet local residents.


  • 空转无效不要相信但是听听我的机械师美国康格,布里奇波特地区经营汽修厂.梅勒是怎么说的吧。

    Don't take my word about idling being ineffective, but do listen to my mechanic, Rob Maier, who runs Maier's Garage in Bridgeport, Connecticut.


  • 补充说,这种系统总参谋部、沃日陆军莫斯科军区部署辅助指挥控制

    He added that such systems had already been deployed at an auxiliary command and control post of the General Staff, the Voronezh Army, and the Moscow Military District.


  • 2010年8月2日,沃什(Voronezh以南40公里处,一个名叫Novovoronezh小镇外围,森林正在起火

    16A forest is on fire outside the town of Novovoronezh, some 40 km (25 miles) south of the city of Voronezh, August 2, 2010. (REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin)


  • 11日,亚历山大.史凯德诺夫,此人艺术界人称为Shurik ,正准备在位于什市西南部市政厅悬挂幅拼贴画

    On June 11, Alexander Shchednov, known in Russia's art circles as Shurik, was hanging up a collage outside the town hall in the southwestern city of Voronezh.


  • 农场位于南部日的黑土,占地6000公顷

    The ranch is located on almost six thousand hectares of land in Voronezh in the black earth area of southern Russia.


  • 现在世界九十个国家区域可以找到日国立大学毕业生的身影。

    Now ninety countries and regions in the world can be found in voronezh national university graduates.


  • 尤文执教期间训练过莫利纳,并这位26岁的球员有着许多共同点

    Ranieri trained Molinaro during his two years with Juventus and shares a lot in common with the 26-year-old.


  • 八十五年教育进程国立大学先后培养出十万专业高级人才

    In voronezh in the process of education in eighty-five at the national university has developed more than hundreds of various professional senior talents.


  • 底诺战役几天尼古拉领到经费文件,派出骑兵先行,嗣后驿日去了。

    A few days before the battle of Borodino, Nikolay received the sums of money and official warrants required, and, sending some hussars on before him, he drove with posting-horses to Voronezh.


  • 安哲苏琴斯科:苏联西伯利亚西南城市,位于诺沃西比尔斯克东北部库兹茨克盆地古老的采煤中心之一人口110,000。

    A city of southwest Siberian U. S. S. R. northeast of Novosibirsk. It is one of the oldest coal-mining centers in the Kuznetsk Basin. Population, 110,000.


  • 不失为主意普华永道顾问·奥但是如果所有消费者都选择价格最低廉的公司,那么报价还是会上涨

    These are good ideas. But if all customers pick the lowest prices, those tariffs will rise, says Ronan o 'regan of PwC, a consultancy.


  • 名字叫欧阳-诺莫夫-托多

    Is your full name Ognyan Naumov Todorov?


  • 建筑位于米以北北极圈主题本土化

    The theme of this building constructed to the north of Rovaniemi and the Arctic Circle, is localization.


  • 顿河源头起,首先东南方流向日,然后向西南方向入海,主要城市斯托夫,主要支流是顿内次河。

    From its source, the river first flows southeast to Voronezh, then southwest to its mouth. The main city on the river is Rostov on Don, its main tributary the Donets.


  • 克劳迪奥·清楚的能力,尤文主教练毫不掩饰这位球员欣赏:“卡莫拉内西决定一切的关键球员。”

    Claudio Ranieri is clearly aware of Mauro's ability and the tactician has done nothing to hide his admiration for the international. "Camoranesi is the key to everything," said the Juve boss.


  • 准备离去脑子里并不惋惜离开日便失去见到公爵小姐机会

    He had, however, been preparing to go away, and it had not entered his head to regret that in leaving Voronezh he was losing all chance of seeing her.


  • 现在球队已经迎回了赞布皮尔洛阿巴特,到了美国还有帕托

    Now we already have Zambrotta, Pirlo, and Abate who have returned from their national teams and in the United States we will have Pato and Onyewu.


  • 我们莫斯科萨玛拉设有办事处

    Our offices are located in Moscow, Voronezh and Samara.


  • 也许圣西双方成平局最合适结果因为凯尔特人击败茨克矿工队之后,紧随米兰小组第二

    A draw at San Siro would be a result that suited both parties, as Celtic would beat Shakhtar Donetsk to the second qualifying place and leave Milan with the leadership.


  • 也许圣西双方成平局最合适结果因为凯尔特人击败茨克矿工队之后,紧随米兰小组第二

    A draw at San Siro would be a result that suited both parties, as Celtic would beat Shakhtar Donetsk to the second qualifying place and leave Milan with the leadership.


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