• 巴塞罗那即兴街头演出海滨生活以及超赞餐厅完全可以弥补这些遗憾

    But Barcelona's impromptu street festivals, coastal life and fantastic restaurants more than make up for that.


  • 以前敦促过离开俄罗斯海滨酒家的那份没什么面子的工作到某个地方结婚上学创业买房孩子,过上幸福生活

    She had urged him to do this before, to leave his demeaning job at the Russian Riviera, to escape somewhere, get married, go to school, start a business, buy a house, have children, live happily.


  • 许多家餐厅将寿司结合东西方风味“熔炉”菜肴一并推出:对于生活远离海滨莫斯科人来说,可能有风险,但是奇怪的是,咖喱英国受到的喜爱一样,寿司在俄罗斯几乎变成了一道国菜

    Many offer sushi alongside their “fusion” fare: an oddand, in a city so far from the sea, potentially perilous—Moscow obsession that, like curry in Britain, has become almost a national dish.


  • 体验悠闲生活海滨放松加利福尼亚南部冲浪沙滩度假村

    Experience the laid-back living and seaside relaxation of southern California at Surf & Sand Resort.


  • 海滨工作生活几个以后,有人虾了。

    After several months of living and working on the coast, I was invited to go lobstering.


  • 布里尔小姐一个生活法国海滨城市英国

    Miss Brill was an English who lived in a coastal city in France .


  • 别墅三个体量组成,包含所有生活空间电梯机房大型海滨平台另一个小型那里先前已经有一个平台。

    The new house is composed of three volumes which incorporate all living spaces, an elevator tower, a large oceanfront deck and a second small side deck, where one had previously been located.


  • 18英亩的热带度假村提供25海滨别墅岛上生活完成现场餐饮,热带鸡尾酒,这样使整个家庭活动

    The 18-acre tropical resort offers 25 oceanfront guest cottages for total immersion in island life, complete with on-site dining, tropical cocktails, and activities that will please the whole family.


  • 完美的海岸线粉红色的湖泊海滨游泳池只是澳大利亚生活幸福的一部分原因

    Perfect coastlines, pink lakes and oceanfront swimming pools are just a few reasons life is good in Australia.


  • 但是,汇聚精华的街区,充满激情的夜生活,令人心旷神怡的咖啡海滨沙滩都显示出雅典并不拘囿于盛名——一个有着光辉历史、透着忧伤现代城市

    But the eclectic neighborhoods and intense nightlife - along with lounging in cafes or on the beach - show Athens to be more than its reputation as a sad modern city with a glorious past.


  • 路易(旁白):地狱的确存在无论生活哪儿我们身处地狱里。我们在新奥尔良海滨了一套房子

    LOUIS (V. O.) : But there was a hell. No matter where we live, we were in it. We rented rooms on the waterfront of New Orleans.


  • 丽塔坎蒂娜夜晚现场演奏吉他音乐可跳舞一部分成就皇家加勒比营造海滨长廊区域更多生活

    Rita's Cantina will feature live guitar music and dancing at night, part of an effort by Royal Caribbean to make the Boardwalk area more lively into the evening.


  • 侍者穿着浆硬的白色百慕大短裤,手托银上一叠毛巾一些鲜菠萝一景象典型地表现了住皇家棕榈饭店”的海滨度假生活

    Beach life at the Royal Palm is epitomised by a waiter, in starched white bermudas, proffering a silver tray with cold towels and fresh pineapple.


  • 相信十分享受生活美丽的海滨城市那里温暖气候肯定健康有利

    I believe that you have started enjoying life in that beautiful coastal city, and the warm climate will surely be good for your health.


  • 海滨一千种小动物发出窸窸窣窣声响。各式各样带甲壳的小东西永远也不停息地到处动,另外还有生活在陆地的螃蟹嚓嚓地横爬过去。

    There is the rustle of the myriad animals on the beach, all the little shelled things that crawl about ceaselessly, and there is the noisy scurrying of the land-crabs.


  • 我们喜欢生活海滨

    We would like to live beside the sea.


  • 两栋新的建筑物成为海滨城市生活重要催化剂,辅助设施包括,咖啡厅,商场个广场以及市民游客欣赏绿化带

    The two new structures will be an important catalyst for the city life in the harbour area with cafés, shops and several squares and green spaces for citizens and visitors.


  • 圣胡安中心康达多范德比尔特酒店海滨位置波多黎各很多餐馆热闹生活高端购物

    The beachfront location of Condado Vanderbilt Hotel in the center of San Juan, Puerto Rico is brimming with restaurants, lively nightlife, and high-end shopping.


  • 年级之前那个暑假里,我家乡下小镇搬到了海滨小城,从此我的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    The summer before fifth grade, my world was turned upside down when my family moved from the country town where I was born and raised to a town near the beach.


  • 因此创作以及导演了一部动画短片来描述意大利海滨小镇居民生活故事

    So I wrote and directed a short cartoon describing the life story of people in Italian towns on the sea.


  • 萨拉海滨度假酒店位于田园诗般的哈德·萨拉德,这里如画的完美海湾纯净白沙,充满了各种热带海洋生活诱惑

    Salad beach Resort is located on idyllic Haad Salad, a pure white sand beach in a picture perfect bay with all the trappings of tropical island life.


  • 海滨疗养中心还有自己所属领域兢兢业业医生他们工作上无可挑剔然而各自生活需要更多练习

    In the seaside resort center, there is a minority in their own dedicated doctors in the field, their work impeccable, but their private lives, but need more practice.


  • 布里尔小姐一个生活法国海滨城市中的英国人。她年迈而贫困

    Miss Brill was an Englishwoman who was old poor and resided in a bank city-limits in France.


  • 布里尔小姐一个生活法国海滨城市中的英国人。她年迈而贫困

    Miss Brill was an Englishwoman who was old poor and resided in a bank city-limits in France.


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