• 这场海湾战争期间美国国家公共广播电台进行整点新闻报道

    During this war in the Persian Gulf, NPR will have newscasts every hour on the hour.


  • 本文阐述海湾战争特点启示着重分析现代空袭模式防空面临问题

    The paper elaborates the features of the Gulf war and the enlightenment drawn therefrom, with the emphasis laid on analysis of the modern air attack mode and the problems encountered in air defence.


  • 另外值得注意例子是1991年海湾战争美国盟友北方南方伊拉克建立的禁飞区

    The other most notable examples of no-fly zones were those imposed by the United States and its Allies over northern and southern Iraq following the 1991 Gulf War.


  • 是经过艰苦学习培养了自己的领导能力。海湾战争的时候委任海军的领导层。

    I learned this lesson the hard way, being thrust into a management position as my unit was being shipped over seas during the Persian Gulf War.


  • 国防部报告海湾战争一书毫不隐晦地写道:“总之多国联盟成功地实践了孙子所说‘上谋’的战略思想。”

    The gulf war beauty defense report book without innuendoes wrote: "anyhow, multinational coalition successfully practiced grandson said the soldiers' strategic thought of beacizumab for".


  • 最近几周美国石油库存达到了历年时期最高值,而且第一海湾战争爆发前夕的1990年9月之外任何时候

    In recent weeks America's oil inventories have been higher than ever at this time of year, and higher than at any point save September 1990, in the run-up to the first Gulf war.


  • 作为海湾战争的先发者,后勤对于美国及其同盟国远距离运输大量物资来说非常必要的,尤其是这种短时间内不太可能成功的运输。

    As a precursor to the gulf war it had been necessary for the United States and its Allies to move huge amounts of material great distances in what were thought to be impossibly short time-frames.


  • 透视海湾战争科索沃战争伊拉克战争人们许多新的启示,也将对未来军事思想作战理论和武器发展趋势产生重要的影响

    From Kuwait war, Kosovo war and Iraq war, people will get many of new apocalypse, these wars will also affect military thoughts, battle theory and weapon's development trend in future.


  • 第一同样也论述和证明美军为什么科索沃海湾战争伊拉克阿富汗利比亚战争中,潇潇洒洒的取得战争胜利频频得手。

    The first episode also demonstrated several times: why the U. of Kosovo, the Gulf war, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Libya war, Xiaoxiao 's victory in the war, again and again procurable.


  • Adnan一架Baghdad疏散伊朗1991年的海湾战争第二架Adnan1991年1月联军空袭中在地面被摧毁的。

    One Adnan and the Baghdad were evacuated to Iran during the 1991 Gulf War, while the second Adnan was destroyed on the ground by a coalition air strike in January 1991.


  • 诺思罗普已经得到空军司令的支持。这三个空军司令分别指挥了1991年第一海湾战争,1995年的波斯尼亚战争1999年的科索沃战争

    Northrop has won backing from three air commanders who respectively ran operations in the first Gulf war in 1991, Bosnia in 1995 and Kosovo in 1999.


  • 成立至今,IEA协调发放战略石油储备的行动只有次,次是1990年第一海湾战争期间还有就是2005年丽塔卡特里娜飓风来袭之后

    The IEA has coordinated the release of strategic petroleum reserves only twice since it was founded, once during the first Gulf War in 1990 and then again after Hurricanes Rita and Katrina in 2005.


  • 于 2005 年退役的战舰 1982 年阿根廷英国之间福兰克群岛冲突起到重要作用而且海湾战争和巴尔干半岛战争中都出现过的身影。

    The warship, which was decommissioned in 2005, played a key role in the 1982 Falkland Islands conflict between Argentina and Britain, and saw action in the Gulf and the Balkans.


  • 这些伤亡人数使得第一海湾战争(1990- 1991,死亡2万3千人)埃塞俄比亚厄立特里亚冲突(1998 - 2000,3死亡5万人)展望有所不同

    These casualties bring a different perspective to the first Gulf war (23,000 battle deaths in 1990-91) and the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea (50,000 over three years, 1998-2000).


  • 这些伤亡人数使得第一海湾战争(1990- 1991,死亡2万3千人)埃塞俄比亚厄立特里亚冲突(1998 - 2000,3死亡5万人)展望有所不同

    These casualties bring a different perspective to the first Gulf war (23,000 battle deaths in 1990-91) and the conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea (50,000 over three years, 1998-2000).


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