• 作为间谍首脑,沃尔辛·姆还引入了非常规引渡”概念(说服罗谢尔(一法国港口)尝试绑架教宗派驻巴黎大使)。

    Walsingham was the spy-chief who introduced the concept of Extraordinary Rendition (he persuaded pirates in La Rochelle to attempt the kidnap of the papal legate to Paris).


  • 1996年女皇号油轮泄露袭击威尔士进行过这样调查使得当时监视区域令人满意的环境恢复进度成为可能

    Such a survey was done before oil from the tanker Sea Empress hit the Welsh coast in 1996, and made it possible to monitor the quite pleasing speed of the recovery.


  • 注意韦特告诉欢迎来自资质机构的其他意见比如说是联邦调查局的。

    I noted that Wertheim had told me he welcomed a second opinion from a qualified authority, such as the F.B.I..


  • 此前刘翔可能参加柏林的比赛。

    Sun previously said that Liu might be able to compete in Berlin.


  • 因吉利西部多佛比目鱼正在一种光波拖网毁灭式捕鱼方法捕捉。爱尔兰以及爱尔兰西南部西部列为的避难所。

    Dover sole caught by the destructive method of beam trawling in the western English Channel, the Irish Sea and south-west and west Ireland has been listed as a fish to avoid.


  • 长期管理自己事务格鲁吉亚波罗的诸国不同,乌克兰主权国家经历寥寥无几。

    Unlike Georgia or the Baltic states, which had longer traditions of running their own affairs, Ukraine has had little experience of statehood.


  • 1996年过世美国经济学家·明斯基财务循环导致经济动荡不堪

    Hyman Minsky, an American economist who died in 1996, said that the financial cycle led to economic volatility.


  • 安妮·巴斯汀,密尔沃基市威斯康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于阿尔默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • 辩称严酷审讯技术带来了有价值信息并称这些技术不能算作酷刑

    Hayden had argued that the harsher interrogation techniques had provided valuable information and said that the techniques did not amount to torture.


  • 源,深渊隐密处行走吗。

    Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?


  • 梅花奖金鹰奖飞天奖最佳男演员

    Sun has won the Plum Blossom Prize, the Golden Eagle Prize and the Flying Goddess Award for Best Actor.


  • 斯利和朋友们却乐此不彼,她们把傲慢比做“财富旋律”。《新闻周刊封面刊登过她肖像,肖像的标题就是这几个字。

    Mrs Helmsley, though fun to her friends, was arrogance personified: "Rhymes with rich", was Newsweek's caption for her portrait on its cover.


  • 声称,费恩·亲口他承认,自己遭受一种疾病的困扰,此种疾病驱使着周期性杀害女性毁坏她们的尸体。

    Feigenbaum had confessed, he said, to suffering from a disease which periodically drove him to murder and mutilate women.


  • 欧盟一种应当予以保留复兴的“伟大发明”,还说“欧洲心脏维斯瓦河和波罗跳动着”。

    The EU, he says, isa great invention” to be preserved and revitalised. “The European heart is beating here on the Vistula and the Baltic Sea.”


  • 1976年6月起,克特的姓就被新闻界拼读彼得森(Peterson)或彼埃特尔森(Pietersen),家人坚称正确的拼读彼特森(Pieterson)。

    Since June 1976, Hector’s surname has been spelled Peterson and Pietersen by the press but the family insists that the correct spelling is Pieterson.


  • BP前老板托尼沃德哀叹希望生活回到从前

    TONY HAYWARD, BP’s ex-boss, once moaned that he wanted his life back.


  • 是一种有意思的见解我们现在需要转化为临床试验。哈恰图良担任美国国立卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)阿尔默氏研究办公室主任

    'This offers interesting insight but we need to turn it now into clinical trials,' says the former director of the Office of Alzheimer's Disease Research at the National Institutes of Health.


  • 证明是否将帕利克法利尼亚分开任务变得越来越容易了,福格洛,地质勘探公司已经提供机器来进行地中全面扫描,如果地质学家断定帕利克经是一个岛,那将进一步证明它是古代的爱塞卡。

    The task of establishing if the sea ever divided Paliki from Kefalonia is about to get easier. Fugro, a geophysical prospecting company, has lent machinery for a full subterranean scan.


  • 该片导演诉苦道,今年4月起,节目组停发工资所有工作人员在做"志愿者"。

    The chief director of the documentary Zeng Hairuo said that all the crew members are doing volunteer work, as they haven't been paid since April.


  • Rodial创建人玛丽亚兹斯代范尼斯威胁要外科整形专家达亚•尼尔德起诉,因其涉嫌诽谤,后者新闻界表示了她BoobJob的担忧。

    Rodial's founder, Maria Hatzistefanis, threatened a libel action against Dalia Nield, a plastic surgeon who had expressed concerns about Boob Job in the press.


  • 有人建议,在阿尔茨默氏症患者发现颗粒物引起类似的损伤

    It has been suggested that particulate matter can cause similar brain damage as that found in Alzheimer patients.


  • 两次荣获美国笔会颁发诗歌也是美国诗人学会马歇尔获得者,并且还是美国梅里尔基金会和美国古根姆基金会的会员。

    Twice winner of the PEN Center USA Award for Poetry, he has also won the Academy of American Poets' Lenore Marshall Prize and is a former fellow of the Ingram Merrill and Guggenheim Foundations.


  • 年前提利昂读到逃脱贝勒魔掌《非自然史》的残片但是怀疑巴斯著作是否有幸跨越得意留存。

    Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth's work had found its way across the narrow sea.


  • 此外黄热病过去发生欧洲加勒比群岛以及中、北美洲

    In addition, in the past, yellow fever outbreaks also occurred in Europe, the Caribbean islands and Central and North America.


  • 亲临那众多死亡面前

    I've been out in front of a dozen dead oceans.


  • 侦查笔录显示赵作警察审问期间承认犯罪事实,检查人员认为存在刑讯逼供。

    Police records show that Zhao Zuokai confessed nine times during police interrogations. Prosecutors say torture was involved.


  • 阿多尼诺荣获多种荣誉奖项,其中包括两次获得美国艺术捐赠基金奖和古根奖。

    She has received numerous awards including two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and a Guggenheim Fellowship.


  • 阿多尼诺荣获多种荣誉奖项,其中包括两次获得美国艺术捐赠基金奖和古根奖。

    She has received numerous awards including two National Endowment for the Arts Fellowships and a Guggenheim Fellowship.


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