• 海布入口处屹立着阿森纳主教练查普曼雕像。

    A bust of former Arsenal manager Herbert Chapman stands in the splendid marble hall entrance of Arsenal's stadium.


  • 反对教法体系海布),主张四大教法学派盲目遵循一派,对于教法问题绳墨。

    Oppose Sharia system (buy Cihaibu) and advocated the Shari"a school not blindly follow a particular camp, For Shariah to the problem by training for the difference. ""


  • 反对教法体系(海布),主张四大教法学派盲目遵循一派,对于教法问题绳墨。

    Oppose Sharia system (buy Cihaibu) and advocated the Shari "a school not blindly follow a particular camp, for Shariah to the problem by training for the difference."


  • 又一次地,这些披露“应当创造令人心安情感——官方不会玩忽职守”(海布的话)——华盛顿则会坚定地走向灾难

    Again, the revelationsshould create a comforting feeling—that officials are not asleep at the switch” (Heilbrunn’s words)—while Washington marches stalwartly toward disaster.


  • 特把羽毛帽子拿给老人看,帽子拿回去

    Brigida now showed Heidi's feather hat to the old man and asked him to take it back.


  • 巴士观光客通常会顺便游览华威城堡,但他们通常不会有些发现斯特拉特福剧院时甚至会感到惊讶

    The sightseers who come by bus—and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side—don't usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • 加利利附近集体农场,他说,“巴勒斯坦人认为落入西岸所有雨水都属于他们

    "Palestinians think anyrain that falls in the West Bank belongs to them, " he told me at hiskibbutz near the Sea of Galilee.


  • 2010年南非世界杯比赛期间,马球场举办场比赛。

    Seven matches of the South Africa 2010 World Cup will be held at Mabhida Stadium.


  • 大巴观光客,虽然经常顺便看看沃尔·威克城堡一般都不是来看其中有些看到斯特拉福德竟然一家剧院甚至惊讶不已

    The sightseers who come by bus-and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side-dont usually see the plays, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford.


  • 利用蓝色食用色素确定人们对于味道的感知程度。

    Aubrey: Hayes USES the blue food dye to determine just how intensely people can perceive tastes.


  • 加拿大伯纳比西门菲大学考古学赖恩·这些新的证据非常有说服力并且代表着最早宴会案例

    Brian Hayden, an archaeologist at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada, says that the new evidence is "very convincing" and represents the "best documented case" of early feasting to date.


  • 现在到雅各·亚当斯,他来自纽文的职业中提琴手。

    Now Jacob Adams is a professional violist here in New Haven.


  • 美国国家实验室成像物理学家达尔多·托马西也是这项研究的联合论文作者,他表示看好电影时,大脑其他区域活性视觉区域的活性弱

    Brain imaging physicist Dardo Tomasi of Brookhaven National Laboratory, who co-authored the study, said that's several times less activity than visual brain regions show during an engaging movie.


  • 好莱坞的大牌们都喜欢设计师马克·雅各简洁明了的设计风格。比如:安妮·瑟薇科特妮·考克斯都穿过雅各丝质圆点连衣裙

    Hollywood stars love designer Marc Jacobs for his simple style. Both Anne Hathaway and Courteney Cox wore Jacob's silk "Dotty" dress.


  • 据说夫纳起初并不以为意。直到几天,陶伦斯身着色丁件式紧身衣、戴毛茸茸的尾巴俏皮的兔耳朵出现他面前时,夫纳这才茅塞顿开。

    Hefner reportedly rejected the idea until Taurins walked in a few days later, wearing a satin one-piece, a fluffy tail and bunny ears.


  • Forrester研究公司(Forrester Research)的分析师赖恩·文告诫企业家不要以为虚拟世界只是另一个出售产品服务地方至少目前还不能

    Brian Haven, an analyst with Forrester Research Inc., cautions entrepreneurs not to think of virtual worlds as just another place to sell products or servicesat least not yet.


  • 65日,人们德班摩西·马·球场(背景)附近冲浪

    People surf on the beach near the Moses Mabhida Stadium (background) in Durban on June 5, 2010.


  • 是1948年春天达尔· 阿戴尔· 萨费记得三月份左右,夜幕降临时,Deir al-Balah主干道旁的土屋等待,周围是蔓延的橄榄树林和橘子树林。

    IN THE spring of 1948, around March as he remembered it, Haidar Abdel Shafi found himself at nightfall, waiting, in a small mud hut by the side of the main road in Deir al-Balah.


  • 英国著名分离主义者名叫理查得·书商。1977年,自己威尔士维伊的国王,并将自己的爱任命为首相

    Britain's best-known secessionist is a bookseller named Richard Booth, who in 1977 declared himself king-and his horse prime minister-of the Welsh village of Hay-on-Wye.


  • 一个可能继承人·叶亚·利比,他组织里的新生代,媒体的宠儿,态度强硬神学家

    One of the most likely successors is Abu Yahya al-Libi, the group's young, media-friendly, hard-line theologian.


  • 57岁35书,准备最近明尼阿波里斯州北部顿·维尔中学(Highview Middle School)退休

    At 57, she was about to retire after 35 years of teaching, most recently at Highview Middle School in New Brighton, just north of Minneapolis.


  • 一家杂志透露:觉得简森一个极富浪漫,细致周到富有激情的爱人而且他们相识个月,简森就搬进莉位于里斯托(Bristol)的公寓

    She told a magazine she found he was a romantic, thoughtful and passionate lover and six months after meeting he moved into her flat in Bristol.


  • 有意思的是,根据eBay企业主理查德·瑞沃Richard Brewer-Hay)的说法,是罗伯特·斯考伯(RobertScoble,美国科技博主)一次私人谈话中建议eBay收购RedLaser

    One last interesting note: according to Richard Brewer-Hay, eBay’s corporate blogger, Robert Scoble recently recommended in a private conversation that eBay acquire RedLaser.


  • 多显然看明白了,把表放回衣袋,:“格肯定迟到了。顺便问一句,,大概他告诉到这里来的吧?”

    I suppose it was he who told you I'd be here, by the way?


  • 荷兰六月19日,摩西球场下午12.30

    Holland, 19 June, Moses Mabhida Stadium, 12.30pm


  • 第二天傍晚女贞路利多见面很快格也带哈利乘坐飞天摩托到达

    The next evening, she met Dumbledore in Privet Drive and shortly thereafter Hagrid arrived on the flying motorcycle with Harry.


  • 第二天傍晚女贞路利多见面很快格也带哈利乘坐飞天摩托到达

    The next evening, she met Dumbledore in Privet Drive and shortly thereafter Hagrid arrived on the flying motorcycle with Harry.


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