• 知道第一数学家但是绝对是最早之一。

    No one can know who was the first female mathematician, but Hypatia was certainly one of the earliest.


  • 乌尔德·西迪·海巴指定了一个全国各地修建古代文稿文献宏伟计划

    Ould Sidi Haiba sets forth an ambitious plan to build manuscript conservation LABS throughout the country.


  • 海巴极度渴望女儿融入当地的苏丹社会担心没有男人愿意她的女儿,因此秘密地为她行了割礼

    Waheeba, desperate for her daughter to fit in to Sudanese society and anxious that no man will want to marry her, circumcises her in secret.


  • 海巴不屑一顾想法非常藐视这个女人,“肥胖更年期、不识字”,浑身上下没有一点比。

    Dismissive of Waheeba, she scorns the very idea that this lump of a woman, “obese, menopausal, illiterate”, could be her rival in anything.


  • 对瓦海巴不屑一顾,一想到这个肥胖正值更年期不识字恶心女人在任何事上都要和争宠,她心里就加倍蔑视。

    Dismissive of Waheeba, she scorns the very idea that this lump of a woman, "obese, menopausal, illiterate", could be her rival in anything.


  • 斯蒂安带着篮子一个装满粮食袋子

    Sebastian followed with Heidi's basket and a large bag with provisions.


  • 斯蒂安搬了凳子,因为窗台太高不见对面。

    Sebastian got a stool for Heidi, for the window-sill was too high for her to see over.


  • 走了进去,男孩留在外面因为斯蒂安根本看见

    Heidi went in, and the boy was left outside, for Sebastian had not even seen him.


  • 大卫又从属哈大利(提作比他)均二中夺取了许多的后来所罗门制造,铜柱,和一切的铜器

    From Tebah and Cun, towns that belonged to Hadadezer, David took a great quantity of bronze, which Solomon used to make the bronze Sea, the pillars and various bronze articles.


  • 介意辛斯·凯特喜欢餐巾胜过餐巾纸阶级观念还要严重得而且需要大声说出来

    Never mind Hyacinth Bucket niceties of napkins over serviettes, class matters more not less than it did, and it needs saying loudly.


  • 安妮·汀,密尔沃基市威斯康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于阿尔默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • 斥责,使了,使一切江河乾涸树林残,的花草也衰残了。

    He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.


  • 只在恐龙统治时期巨型食肉遗骸北极偏远地区斯瓦尔群岛小岛出土了。

    The remains of a giant meat-eating sea monster that patrolled the oceans during the reign of the dinosaurs have been unearthed on an island in the remote Arctic archipelago of Svalbard.


  • 伦北边,延到施基仑,接连到拉山。又通到雅比,直通到为止。

    It went to the Northern Slope of Ekron, turned toward Shikkeron, passed along to Mount Baalah and reached Jabneel. The boundary ended at the sea.


  • 上午5点30分,双方在沼泽一带交火面对福德顽强抵御,斯步步为营,谨慎前进,一直推进到士堡大约2英里之处,随后以两个旅的兵力列队进攻。

    The battle began at 5.30 a.m., when shots were exchanged over Marsh Creek. In the face of Buford's resistance, Heth pushed on cautiously until he reached a point about two miles west of Gettysburg.


  • 来自阿尔协会the Alzheimer's Society)的克莱夫·拉德教授(Clive Ballard)表示:'需要做的工作还有许多,其中弄清楚阿尔茨默氏症这种老年病的内在联系。'

    Professor Clive Ballard, of the Alzheimer's Society, said: 'A lot more work is needed to see how this links to later life diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.'


  • 钻冰洞俄罗斯,“手动大块,钻出潜水

    Cold work: 'Buddy teams' dig out huge chunks of ice using a hand-powered drill to create dive holes in the White Sea, Russia.


  • 大卫·团队正在研究残骸碎片鸟类中的惊人速度

    David Hyrenbach's team are researching the alarming rate of debris in the birds.


  • 其实得嘎斯坦立根布鲁特不是很远只有一条隧道两地连接在一起,所以火车不可

    Actually it is not so far from Bad Gastein to Heiligenblut, but there is only one big tunnel connecting these two places, so only taking the train can reach the destination.


  • 年前提利昂读到逃脱贝勒魔掌《非自然史》的残片但是怀疑著作是否有幸跨越得意留存。

    Ten years ago, Tyrion had read a fragment of Unnatural History that had eluded the Blessed Baelor, but he doubted that any of Barth's work had found its way across the narrow sea.


  • 亚娜必须在财产最高出价者之前穿过沙丘之前往莫斯埃斯利解救孩子

    Yarna had to traverse the Dune Sea to get to Mos Eisley, to free her children before Jabba's assets were sold to the highest bidder.


  • 哈利·波特!”吼道,把第十四葡萄酒一饮而,流了一下

    "Harry Potter!" bellowed Hagrid, slopping some of his fourteenth bucket of wine down his chin as he drained it.


  • 现任这位来自·里斯克群岛盗,相信罗伊达河带来盛夏更丰饶的东西。

    This one is a corsair from the Basilisk Islands who believed the Rhoyne would offer richer pickings than the Summer Sea.


  • 菲律宾西南一个狭长的岛屿婆罗洲北部位于苏禄南中国拉望通道之间

    A long, narrow island of the southwest Philippines north of Borneo. It lies between the Sulu Sea and the Palawan Passage of the south China Sea.


  • 1974年过一半的时候,厌倦了纽约市,于是纽约州拉道斯社区学校里,找到手工艺的工作。

    By mid-1974, Ben tired of New York and was successful in getting a job teaching crafts at Highland Community's school in Paradox, New York.


  • 神秘角色有着神秘的身世,波·费特的身世沙丘沙子一样让人难以捉摸

    True to his enigmatic character, facts about Boba Fett remain as shifty as the sands of the Dune Sea.


  • 过往船只经过加勒比胆战心惊遇上伯萨一伙。

    Passing ships after CaribbeanSea when all trembles with fear, most feared meets Barbour a Sa group.


  • 过往船只经过加勒比胆战心惊遇上伯萨一伙。

    Passing ships after CaribbeanSea when all trembles with fear, most feared meets Barbour a Sa group.


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