• 潜水员乘坐着黛西号双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行潜碟雅克库斯托海船卡布里索号一部

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 冰岛北部海岸延伸一部形似老虎布满橙色黑色白色相间的条纹。

    This stretch of Iceland's northern coast resembles a tiger's head complete with stripes of orange, black and white.


  • 今年五月卡塔尔威尔士海岸的南湖克建立了最大欧洲液化天然气接收站,为英国供应其五之一天然气需求

    In May this year Qatargas opened the largest European LNG import terminal at South Hook on the Welsh coast, supplying a fifth of Britain's gas needs.


  • 尽管非洲世界第二个最大大陆,整个地区欧洲,但撒哈拉大沙漠以南海岸线却只相当于欧洲的五之一,而且没有那么天然良港

    Although Africa is the world's second-largest continent, with an area three times that of Europe, its coastline south of the Sahara is about a fifth as long and lacks many good natural harbors.


  • 一小部被摧毁海岸居民点逃出来现在已经躲到稍微内陆例如昆千贡这样的地方)的亲戚家里

    The few that escaped from destroyed coastal settlements now shelter with relatives a little further inland, at places such as Kungyangon.


  • 世界超过一半人口居住海岸100公里(62英里)以内;十之一的人口居住10公里以内。

    Over half the world's people live within 100 kilometres (62 miles) of the coast; a tenth are within 10km.


  • 然而委员会成立取决于国会能否通过法案让参议会之四的石油泄漏罚款用于海岸恢复

    The creation of the council, however, depends on Congressional passage of a bill making its way through the Senate that would direct four-fifths of the spill penalties toward coastal restoration.


  • 这项禁令1981年生效。禁令涵盖了美国超过之80以上的海岸线大陆架地区。

    The ban, which has been in effect since 1981, covers more than 80 percent of the U.S. coastline and the outer continental shelf.


  • 11月11日美国东部时间早上8点05更新Contrail Science 发布的最新消息, 按照航班的航次安排下次飞越这个海岸上空的时间星期五晚上

    Update at 8:05 a.m. ET, Nov. 11: Contrail Science now says the next time the flight's scheduled to fly over the coast is Friday evening.


  • 兰西凯勒(设在新罕布什尔大学海岸应答搜寻中心副主任)却解释道:很多钻井平台极少发生各种事故:这种危险的机率可能一千之一二千之一。

    Nancy Kinner, co-director of the Coastal Research Response Centre at the University of New Hampshire, explains that oil RIGS rarely have accidents: "the risk might be one in 1,000, or one in 2,000."


  • 相反这个国家沿线地区教育,尽管本身十不足,却为甚至一代以前提供劳动力

    Instead, the country coasts along on the education-itself far from perfect-provided a generation or so ago to its present workforce.


  • 声明证据显示,这座城堡有一部海岸另外一部海水淹没

    The statement said evidence indicated that part of the site was on the coast and part of it submerged in the sea.


  • 海岸小镇基尔马诺克距里士满东部90钟路程大街两侧商铺餐馆以及一家小医院

    Kilmarnock, a small coastal town, 90 minutes east of Richmond, with a main street flanked by small shops and restaurants and a small hospital.


  • 目前有三之一人口海岸附近

    One out of three people alive today live near a coast.


  • 核能规划者们显然未能认识到震区地势低洼海岸情况能够变得拙劣的设计正是问题一部

    Nuclear planners clearly did not appreciate how bad things could get on a low-lying coast in a seismic zone; and poor planning is part of the problem.


  • 2005年,大约5%全球远航运输经过条运河,包括之一(吨位计算)以上的东北亚美国海岸的货运。

    Some 5% of the world's seagoing traffic passed through it in 2005, including over a third (by weight) of cargo going from North-East Asia to the United States' east coast.


  • 这里AP时事海岸地区正在大型暴风雪做准备。

    This is AP News Minute. Parts of the East Coast are preparing for a major winter storm.


  • 15钟内到达了于特。这时他看见沿着海岸线排列其他私人快艇上乘着许多

    Within 15 minutes, he was at Utoya Island. He saw people in a handful of other private boats that had lined up along the shore.


  • 随着荒野苏格兰旅行社,在苏格兰沿着地广人稀西海岸划桨通过300英里海上小艇航线的一部

    Paddle through parts of the 300-mile Scottish Sea Kayak Trail, along the sparsely populated western coast, with Wilderness Scotland.


  • 市中心开车15到了普斯,有着美丽的坎普斯湾海滩背依海岸边沿街布满各种高档的餐馆,时尚而浪漫。

    Drive 15 minutes out of the city centre, and you come to Camps Bay (“a beautiful beach with gorgeous restaurants, nestled below Table Mountain”).


  • 海岸线和内陆附近光亮城市比较,大西洋完全漆黑片,并且占据图片区域的四之一。

    In contrast to the city lights along the sea coast and interior, the Atlantic Ocean appears as a featureless dark region filling the lower right quarter of the image.


  • 这位来自象牙海岸中场球员半决赛中用进球击溃了曼联的三冠王梦想,在决赛第74时在斯托混乱的防守中一剑封侯。

    The Ivory Coast midfielder, who ended United's treble hopes with the only goal of the semi, lashed home a shot in the 74th minute as Stoke scrambled to clear a slew of City attempts.


  • 海岸遍布大火城市之一部位已经沉入海底。

    The coastal town of Kesennuma was hit by widespread fires and one-third of the city was under water.


  • 地震发生45后,海啸袭击日本海岸- - - 45了解等待准备

    After the quake, it took 45 minutes for the tsunami to reach the coast of Japan - 45 minutes of knowing, of waiting, of bracing.


  • 海岸线向大海延伸几英里几百英里的区域大陆架慢坡,从地质学上来说,大陆一部

    From the shore line, out a distance which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles, runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf, geologically part of the continents.


  • 美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)报告,当地时间周二早晨6点48距萨摩亚海岸120英里的海域发生里氏8.0级的地震随后发生了海啸。

    The giant waves followed a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, that struck about 120 miles off the Samoan coast at 6:48 a.m. local time Tuesday.


  • 美国地质调查局(U.S. Geological Survey)报告,当地时间周二早晨6点48距萨摩亚海岸120英里的海域发生里氏8.0级的地震随后发生了海啸。

    The giant waves followed a massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.0, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, that struck about 120 miles off the Samoan coast at 6:48 a.m. local time Tuesday.


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