• 应用程序可以设置浏览过滤影响服务器返回OPC项目个数

    Browse filters may be set by the application to effect the number of OPC Items returned from the server.


  • 浏览窗格根据大小、屏幕类型分辨率来源属性提供了过滤功能缩小结果范围。

    The Explorer pane provides filters for narrowing your search results by attributes such as length, screen type, resolution, and source.


  • 执行输出过滤”,换句话说,发回浏览过滤用户数据不是当脚本接收时。

    By performing "output filtering," that is, filtering the user data when it is sent back to the browser, rather than when it is received by a script.


  • 现在几乎个新式网页浏览使用弹出框阻止程序来过滤弹出框、广告被认为广告网站一层的内容

    Almost every modern web browser USES a popup-blocker to prevent pop-ups, AD blocks and further site content recognized as advertisement.


  • 一旦计算出规则,就可以使用SPSSModeler过滤工具浏览数据参见3)。

    Once the rules have been calculated, the data can be explored using the SPSS Modeler filtering tools (see Figure 3).


  • Kinstant帮助Kindle用户获得更好浏览体验,通过Kinstant访问Kindle兼容的网站,它会过滤站点来实现更快捷下载速度

    Kinstant helps Kindle owners get more mileage out of their devices: by connecting them to Kindle-compatible websites, and by filtering sites to achieve faster download speeds.


  • 神奇的是Google图片搜索可以识别人脸浏览器地址搜索结果页面网址后面添加“ &imgtype=face ” 确定Google过滤所有不是图片

    Google Image Search recognises faces... add &imgtype=face to the end of the returned URL in the location bar, then hit enter to filter out pictures that aren't people.


  • 这么会带来更麻烦(更确切地说更多的麻烦),比如浏览支持数据送处理、并发冲突服务器负载以及定制servletservlet过滤

    Doing so is simply a big headache -- or multiple headaches, rather, with names like multibrowser support, data marshaling, concurrency violation, server load, and custom servlets and servlet filters.


  • 快速导航——通过小巧过滤对话框,可以快速地转浏览字段变量文件上。

    Quick Navigation - jump to the desired class, field, variable or file through a small filtered dialog.


  • 用户可以过滤系统日志文件内容查看它们或者可以浏览器中查看整个日志内容

    Users can filter the system log file contents and view them, or users can view the entire log content in a browser.


  • 浏览这些类似主题图,在那里首先选择主题元素然后定义管理描述相关元素种类过滤

    Browse Diagrams: These are similar to topic Diagrams in that you begin by selecting topical elements and then define filters that govern which kinds of related elements will be depicted.


  • 对于跨站点脚本预防情况需要过滤浏览支持脚本语言转义字符

    In the case of cross-site scripting prevention, you need to filter out the escape characters for the scripting languages supported by the browser.


  • 为了帮助快速缩小搜索范围,浏览窗格通过使用大小布局颜色格式人物属性提供过滤功能缩小搜索结果范围(c)。

    To help you quickly narrow your image search, the Explorer pane provides filters for narrowing your search results by using attributes such as size, layout, color, style, and people (Figure c).


  • 所以浏览这些网站内容之后,基于发件人创建过滤

    So I filter them based on sender and checking for a handful of websites in the body of their email.


  • 举例说明,如果没有首选房间过滤必须所有可用房间列表(显示在一个相对较小窗口内)中滚动浏览查看是否有某些特定房间可用。

    For example, without the preferred room filter, you have to scroll through the list of all available rooms (in a relatively small window) to see if some particular room is available.


  • 能够浏览重置关系过滤

    This is repeatable indefinitely. You can also reset the relationship filters as you browse.


  • simplexmlxhtml格式直接浏览交付过滤格式化数据从而减轻一般读者负担

    SimpleXML delivers the filtered and formatted data straight to the browser in XHTML, thereby reducing the burden on the general reader.


  • 了解到几个Web技巧例如如何使用过滤浏览IDcookies

    You'll also learn several Web techniques, such as using filters and browser ID cookies.


  • 第2部分提供了一个servlet过滤BrowserIdFilter用于识别浏览会话匿名用户

    Part 2 also presents a servlet filter named BrowserIdFilter, which is used to identify anonymous users across browser sessions.


  • 随着订阅数量增长(它们肯定的),发现Web浏览聚合过滤信息能力有限

    As the number of your subscriptions grow (which they will) you'll find a Web browser is limited in the capability to aggregate and filter this information for you.


  • 虽然少数Web浏览提供用于RSS订阅快速启动,但是发现其他工具价值重要分类过滤内容能力

    Note: Although a few Web browsers provide a quick start for RSS subscriptions, you'll find value in other tools, most importantly the ability to sort and filter content.


  • 允许过滤数据库浏览中的数据库对象这样能够查看兴趣对象。

    Let you filter out database objects in the database Explorer so you see only the objects that you are interested in.


  • 有了特价产品引擎消费者可以利用几个过滤偏好进行调整,并且可以读取旅行者评论以及同时浏览最多5项的特价产品信息。

    With the deals engine, customers can tweak their preferences with several filters, access traveler reviews and peruse up to five deals simultaneously.


  • 因为操作界面成为受欢迎其他有用的特征例如动画制作动画,屏幕捕获图像浏览图像处理过滤插件照片模板特征补充

    As Photobie became more popular, other useful features such as GIF animation, screen capture, image browser, Photoshop filter plugins host and photo template features were added.


  • 许多这样产品不同,NIS真的浏览内置钓鱼过滤强。

    Unlike many such products, NIS is actually better than the phishing filter built into the browsers.


  • 本文采用技术包括皮肤检测人脸检测、目标区域分割敏感图像特征提取分类器设计过滤浏览实现

    Some key techniques are included, such as skin detection, face detection, object area segmentation, image features extraction, the design of classifier and the implement of filter based on browser.


  • 基础上利用浏览帮助对象BHO),构建了一个中文网页内容柔性过滤,用于实时过滤变形关键词生成不良网页。

    On this foundation, a content flexible filter in Chinese webpage which can filter the badness webpage formed by transformed keywords is built with Browser Helper Object(BHO).


  • 这些测试考量浏览典型文本操作中的表现,主要包括聊天运用脏话过滤浏览检测表单验证

    These tests measure your browser's performance in typical text manipulations such as using a profanity filter for chats, browser detection and form validation.


  • 日志浏览器可过滤编组规则查找日志

    Log Viewer with filter, grouping and advance rule to find logs.


  • 文件类型过滤目前所有浏览支持但是我们设置HTML5接受属性所以一旦浏览支持就会工作

    File type filtering is currently not supported by all browsers. But we fill the HTML 5 accept attribute so once the support is there it will work.


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