• 可以使用浏览器区域显示的上下文菜单

    You can also use the context menu (right click) from the main browser pane.


  • 仔细看看浏览器区域顶部消息,即 “The documenttreeisshownbelow.

    Pay close attention to the message at the top of the browser area. In particular "The document tree is shown below."


  • 静态页面可以门户内容区域决定(使用门户提供标题导航注脚),或者浏览器区域完全决定。

    Static pages can be rendered either in the content area of the portal only (using the banner, navigation, and footer provided by the portal), or they can be fully rendered in the browser area.


  • 选择一个博客,博客站点内容正中区域加载浏览器中一样。

    When you select a blog, the content loads in the central area, just like in the web browser.


  • 浏览器检索第二选项内容然后显示选项卡区域如图3所示。

    The browser retrieves the second TAB's contents and shows it in the TAB area, as shown in Figure 3.


  • HTML区域可以普通浏览器中那样导航:单击链接填写表单以及完成其他操作

    Within the HTML area, you can navigate just as you would in a regular browser — follow links, fill in forms, and other actions.


  • 浏览器导航工具可以完全隐藏这样就只剩标签菜单内容区域了。

    The browser navigation toolbar can be completely hidden, leaving only the TAB bar, menu button, and content area.


  • 下载区域示例浏览器输出参见3

    See Figure 3 for example browser output of the downloads area.


  • 首先需要绝对制定你是截取全屏浏览器窗口或者自定义区域

    First you'll need to decide and specify if you want to capture the full screen, browser window, or a customized area.


  • 对于识别研究带有覆盖率代码区域来说,它们非常有用工具因为通过将它们适当浏览器或者编辑器打开从而强调代码的选择区域

    These are useful tools for identifying and investigating areas of code with low coverage, because they highlight the selected area of code by opening it in the appropriate viewer or editor.


  • 可以针对具体的区域设置重新格式化日期复杂些基于浏览器报告的来源地设置格式化日期。

    You could also reformat the date for your locale, or get fancy and format it based on the locale the browser reports it's from.


  • 首先认为我们应该浏览器chrome创建一个集中区域存放通知界面

    First, I think we should create a centralized area in the browser chrome that provides notification UI.


  • Plain用于拆离浏览器窗口例如没有横幅区域帮助窗口

    Plain Used for detached browser Windows, for example, the help window, which does not have a banner area.


  • 样式通知浏览器designersblurb作为区域而忽略用于显示script元素

    The stylesheet instructs the browser to treat designers and blurb as block regions and to ignore script elements for display purposes.


  • height浏览器显示区域显示MPEG - 4电影播放器applet而保留宽度高度像素为单位。

    Width, height: the width and height, in pixels, in the browser's display to reserve for showing the MPEG-4 movie player applet.


  • 这个区域浏览器表明:来自指定这里是 search.twitter.com)的任何数据都应该网络获取从不缓存

    This indicates to the browser that anything coming from the domain specified (in this case search.twitter.com) should be fetched from the network and never cached.


  • 浏览器载入Web页面时,左边出现一个表格Dojosplit容器,在右边会出现五个文本区域

    When the Web page loads in your browser, a Dojo split container will appear with a grid on the left side and five text fields on the right side.


  • 一些功能甚至可以浏览器google搜索区域通过键入“site:eweekeurope.co.ukFirefox”来搜索Firefox中搜索过的网站

    Some can even be done from the Google search field in my browser (I can search my site for Firefox bysite:eweekeurope.co.uk Firefox”).


  • 需要提供输入区域使客户机通过这个区域编辑首选项(具体地说,也就是浏览器位置实际地址)。

    You need to provide input areas through which the client can edit the values for its preferences (more specifically, browser location and street address).


  • 因为我们选择浮动,所以浏览器窗口宽度,边栏会出现内容区域下面。

    Because we chose to float the sidebar, there comes a point when the sidebar will flip under the main content area when the width of the viewport is too narrow.


  • 布局区域本身不能浏览器上显示但是可以使用标记来模拟布局(标记是HTML代码用于页面任何位置放置一内容)。

    The layout region itself cannot be presented to browsers, but you can mimic the layout with tags (HTML code that allows you to position a block of content anywhere on the page) or tables.


  • 为实现上述目的我们使用Dojo分离容器split container),通过可以控制浏览器空间将其分离两个区域每个区域都由ContentPane填充

    We implement these goals using the Dojo split container, which allows us to take over the browser space and split it into two areas, each populated by ContentPane.


  • Chrome是以浏览器屏幕顶部区域命名的,该区域包括地址标签设置导航按钮

    Chrome is named after the area at the top of a browser screen that contains the address bar, tabs, Settings and navigation buttons.


  • 点击Jarfile区域旁边浏览器按钮

    Click the browse button next to the Jar file field.


  • 浏览器添加位置侦听器每次单击mini-app区域新闻条目都将启动浏览器

    You add a location listener to the browser to launch a new browser each time a news entry in the mini-app area is clicked.


  • 编辑器右边点击Source路径区域附近的浏览器或者省略号(…)按钮

    On the right side of the editor, click the browse or ellipses (...) button next to the Source path field.


  • 范例页面载入浏览器之后,您可以简单地服务url文本区域输入基底RESTURI点击Go

    After you have loaded the sample page into your browser, simply enter the base REST URI into the Service URL text field, and click Go!


  • 浏览器中的选项卡式web页面一样,允许用户gui区域两种不同视图之间进行切换

    Just like tabbed web pages in a browser, this enables the user to switch between two different views for a section of the GUI.


  • 设置窗口宽度像素为单位)。最小250,指定浏览器内容区域的最小宽度。

    Sets the width of the window in pixels. The minimum value is 250, and specifies the minimum width of the browsers content area.


  • 设置窗口宽度像素为单位)。最小250,指定浏览器内容区域的最小宽度。

    Sets the width of the window in pixels. The minimum value is 250, and specifies the minimum width of the browsers content area.


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