• 很自豪我们的中国测量团队能够成功地重新测量世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰。

    I am proud that our Chinese survey team can successfully remeasure Qomolangma, the world's highest peak.


  • 日本传奇医学院休男亥抠·哈尼·哈拉(TsunehikoHanihara)小组测量世界各地博物馆收藏头骨投入不少精力并取得突破性进展

    The breakthrough was the inclusion in the team of Tsunehiko Hanihara, of Saga Medical School in Japan, who has spent much of his life measuring skulls in various museum collections around the world.


  • 句话仅仅专注这个可以测量世界,而没有抓住整个宇宙真理

    It just doesn't hold universal truth, rooted as it is, exclusively in the world of measurement.


  • 《微电脑世界指出一个网页版反应测试可以真正用来测量有线无线鼠标反应时间

    PC World points out a web-based reaction test that can actually be used to measure response times between wired and wireless mice.


  • 紫外线指数世卫组织联合国环境规划署世界气象组织共同制定的紫外线测量国际标准

    The UV index (UVI) is the international standard for UV measurement, developed by WHO, the United Nations Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization.


  • a测量,那么根据量子世界中的古怪规则先前被编码到A中的信息会消失。

    When a is measured, the information that had been previously encoded on it disappears in accordance with the quirky rules of the quantum world.


  • 尽管世界卫生组织测量病例主要参考检阳性病例,但是根据其它诊断方法病例检出的统计却显示了规划执行不同情况。

    While WHO measures case detection principally with reference to smear-positive disease, statistics for detection based on other diagnostic methods give a different view of programme performance.


  • 根据设在北极一个世界公认测量最新公布的数据,大气中的二氧化碳浓度已经新高

    The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has reached a record high, according to the latest figures released by an internationally regarded measuring station in the Arctic.


  • 当时,《吉尼斯世界纪录》的总编克雷格格兰戴前往内蒙古平平测量身高,认定世界矮小的”。克雷格的去世深表惋惜。

    Craig Glenday, Guinness World Records editor-in-chief and the man who measured Pingping in Inner Mongolia to confirm his status as the world's smallest man, paid tribute to him.


  • 为了实施测量作者使用WebMetrics服务月内世界不同地方以不同的间隔时间发送请求

    To perform the measurements, the authors used WebMetrics' services, sending requests at various time intervals from multiple worldwide locations for a month.


  • 尽管ppp能够衡量国内,但是“美元主张”世界舞台一个更好测量购买力的方法。

    S. - probably 2025," And while PPP measures domestic purchasing power, U. S. dollars are a better gauge for purchasing power on the world stage.


  • 他们认为自己已经很好的理解现实世界未来世界不过测量更加精确而已,然而,他们大错特错了

    They thought they understood reality well, and that the future would just be one of ever more precise measurements. They could not have been more wrong.


  • 巴黎郊外实验室地下室中,有一个铂合金作的圆筒这个圆筒就是作为世界所有质量测量标准

    In a laboratory vault outside Paris is a small cylinder of platinum-iridium alloy that serves as the standard for all mass measurements worldwide.


  • 自己名科学家,一名相信测量物质世界心理学家而自豪。

    He prided himself on being a scientist, a psychologist who believed only in the measurable material world.


  • 第二个任务测量地表海洋含量变化提高我们世界各地海洋环流模式动力认识

    Its second job is to measure changes in the salt content of the surface of the seas, which will improve understanding of what drives ocean circulation patterns around the world.


  • 偏远北加州海岸森林中棵红杉测量暂时确定为目前世界最高生物

    Redwood NATIONAL PARK, Calif. - a redwood in a remote Northern California coastal forest has been tentatively measured as the world's tallest living thing.


  • 电视直播的庆典上吉尼斯世界纪录代表当场测量巧克力条并且亲手公司经理证书表彰他是世界纪录保持着。

    In a televised ceremony, representatives of Guinness World Records measured the dark-chocolate bar and handed a document to company managers certifying it as the new record-holder.


  • 身体一部分测量它,然后世界重复成千上百平均值

    It's a physical body part, you measure it, and repeat hundreds of thousands of times around the world, then take an average.


  • 技术使海洋温度测量成为可能,海洋吸收世界上90%热量

    New technology has also made it possible to measure the temperature of the oceans, which absorb 90 percent of the world's heat.


  • 如果我们我们世界测量如此精确发生什么

    What would happen if we could not measure our world so precisely?


  • 菲律宾南部,吉尼斯世界纪录团队测量君瑞·巴拉身高

    The Guinness World Records team measure the height of Junrey Balawing in southern Philippines.


  • 世界最大高科技展会-德国汉诺威国际信息及通信技术博览会上,展示该技术如何扫描脸部图像以及如何测量肤色阴影以及脸部线条。

    The technology, showcased at CeBIT, the world's biggest high-tech fair, takes a 3D image of your face and measures your complexion, shadows and lines.


  • 1999年世界气候组织所准备图表Jones博士掉了树木年轮数据上跟气候变暖所矛盾部分粘贴温度计测量而来的数据。

    In a graph prepared for the World Meteorological Organisation in 1999, Dr Jones cut off the divergent part of one set of tree-ring data and spliced on data from thermometers.


  • 相反抽象基准测试CPUGPU的,一个真实世界标准适用用户共同任务测量系统的性能的特定功能

    Contrary to abstract benchmarks, which only test specific functions of CPUs or GPUs, a real-world benchmark applies a user's common tasks to measure a system's performance.


  • 如果错误测量更多发生新兴世界新兴市场贸易顺差应该官方报告的得多

    If more of the mismeasurement is in the emerging world, the total current-account surplus of emerging markets is probably much smaller than that officially recorded.


  • 仪器世界压缩空气能量测量传感器,是以准确把握压缩空气能量消耗实现削减压缩空气能耗为目的的多功能测量仪器。

    This instrument is the first compressed air energy measurement sensors in the world, which can detect the compressed air energy consumption accurately in order to reduce the energy waste.


  • 仪器世界压缩空气能量测量传感器,是以准确把握压缩空气能量消耗实现削减压缩空气能耗为目的的多功能测量仪器。

    This instrument is the first compressed air energy measurement sensors in the world, which can detect the compressed air energy consumption accurately in order to reduce the energy waste.


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