• 早期测试用例开发允许测试团队有足够的时间处理同等检验保持涉众评论

    Early test case development allows the test team adequate time to do peer reviews and hold stakeholder reviews.


  • 这样的话,就能够ClearQuest测试管理中无缝地设计编写移动测试用例开发

    This way, you can seamlessly move from designing and scripting to test case development in ClearQuest test management.


  • 如果落后进度了测试用例打破了,那么您必须快速处理否则成为开发工作史仅仅闪光点。

    If you are behind schedule and a test case breaks, you must fix it quickly or it will become a mere sparkle in the history of your development effort.


  • 没有这些技能他们不能足够深入地去思考开发中的产品,他们就有可能无法识别足够多的各类测试用例

    Without those skills, they can't think critically enough about the product under development, and they might not be able to create enough variety of tests.


  • 因为开发期间需要编译部署倾向于在重新加载浏览器或执行测试用例之前编程微小更改

    Because I don't need to compile or deploy during development, I tend to make only tiny programming changes before I reload my browser or execute my test cases.


  • 大多数软件开发生命周期最佳实践追踪测试用例相关需求

    A best practice in most software development lifecycle practices is the tracking requirements associated with your test case.


  • IBM软件开发平台提供完全需求跟踪--收集需求可视化关联模型映射每个需求测试用例

    The IBM Software Development Platform offers complete requirements tracking -- from requirements gathering to visual model association and mapping of each requirement to a test case.


  • 敏捷软件开发极限编程二者均提倡开发源代码之前编写单元测试用例

    Agile software development and extreme programming both promote writing unit test cases before developing the source code.


  • 测试团队可以使按照准确测试用百分比组合开发测试用例环境进行负载压力测试

    The test team can load and stress the environment using the test cases they developed at the correct percentage mix of test cases.


  • 我们创建一个框架框架支持此类测试用例快速开发

    We have created a framework that enables the rapid development of such test cases.


  • TDD一种迭代流程需要代码开发对代码做出细微增量式更改之后运行测试用例

    TDD is an iterative process and requires you to run the test cases after small incremental changes to the code during code development.


  • 实际上大多数测试软件开发工程师执行测试开发工程师确保特性测试项,软件工程师则更多参与测试用例编写

    Much of the actual testing is performed by the SWEs, SETs are there to ensure that features are testable and that the SWEs are actively involved in writing test cases.


  • 如果一名开发人员,那您很可能已经具有这种经验:您已经开发了一些代码以及一些测试用例

    If you're a developer, you've almost certainly had this experience: you've developed your code and your test cases.


  • 现在可以继续进行TDD风格软件开发工作流第2,也就是运行测试用例直至发生故障

    Now you can proceed to Step 2 of the TDD style of the software development work flow, which is to run the test case to failure.


  • 需求开发工件以及测试用例链接起来,使得它们得以产品发布整个进程进行查看变得更加容易(不同的参与人员可能意味着不同的方面)。

    Linking requirements to development artifacts to test cases makes it easier for all of them to get a view of the progress of the release (which might mean different things to different people).


  • 开发一个测试用例分类策略

    Develop a test case categorization strategy.


  • 开发测试用例测试系列以及测试执行记录

    Developing test cases, test suites, and test execution records.


  • 为了装置开发人员指定不同测试用例切入点方法都是抽象的。

    To enable harness developers to specify different test cases, both the pointcut and method are abstract. For example, here is how I could adapt this to TestCase


  • 如果我们没有足够信息设计一个好的测试用例,那么我们绝对没有足够的信息去开发系统

    If we don't have enough information to design good test cases, we definitely don't have enough information to build the system.


  • 但是一般说来这种类型信息以及这样有关联测试开发过程信息的生成应该那些测试驱动的生成的。

    But generally, this type of information, and thus the related test cases, should be generated later in the development process than is done with those tests driven by a use case.


  • 通过创建测试执行界面开发人员可以使最少数量测试测试最大数量代码

    By creating tests that exercise the user interface itself, developers can test the maximum amount of code with the fewest number of tests.


  • 如果开发人员不得不每个测试用例中的易访问性评估书写代码那样添加许多工作

    If developers had to write code for accessibility evaluation points in every test case, that would add a great deal of work.


  • 如果测试人员看到问题可以对于开发人员编码测试用例形式建议变更

    If the tester sees a problem, he can recommend changes in the form of a new test case to which the developer can code.


  • 而言之——团队所有成员都理解测试用例以及单元测试需求分析师测试人员到开发人员

    Simply putTest Cases and Unit Tests that make sense to everyone in the team; from requirements analyst to tester and developer.


  • 创建各种工件都建模一部分,测试组织提供了有价值必需信息这些信息开发测试用

    The various artifacts created as part of the use case modeling process provide valuable and needed information to the test organizations, which can be utilized in developing test cases.


  • 开发人员作出反应,代码测试用例添加版本控制系统

    The developer responds by adding code and tests to the source control system.


  • 由于它们依赖于要进行编码测试用例隐藏接口多种需要不同环境测试工具,所以这些工具的使开发人员常常有限制的。

    Because of their dependence on coded test cases, cryptic interfaces, and the variety of tools necessary to test in different environments, the use of these tools is often limited to developers.


  • 他们显示了“参与者做什么,他正那些部分发生交互以及哪些参数被通过,”38以及他们测试人员开发单元测试用例有特别重要的作

    They show "what the actor is doing, what components he is interacting with, and what parameters are getting passed," 38 and they are particularly useful to testers developing unit test cases.


  • 在理想状况下程序开发人员自己他们编写代码构建测试用例

    Ideally, the application developers themselves build the test cases for the code they are writing.


  • 在理想状况下程序开发人员自己他们编写代码构建测试用例

    Ideally, the application developers themselves build the test cases for the code they are writing.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定