• 悲伤流逝时光

    Sorrow calls no time that's gone.


  • 分分秒秒流逝时光必定要临到时间我们来说都是同样重要

    Both passing time and the imminence in time are equally important to us.


  • 她把自己融入画面,任由意念流逝时光潆洄,沉积为肌理色彩微妙变化变化最终蕴集为一个意象时空

    With herself being an element of the painting, her will crosses time, embodied by the subtle change in lines and colors. The change finally makes a space for an image.


  • 时光流逝带来了空虚感觉

    The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness.


  • 时光流逝治愈了他悲伤

    Time cured him of his grief.


  • 因此,在时光流逝,抓住每一个机会那些表达关心情感以免后悔。

    Therefore use every opportunity to express your attention and affection to the person you love and you really love, before that time passes and you regret it.


  • 我会努力坚持信仰尽管时光流逝科技发挥着作用。

    I will do my best to keep faith that with each passing day, technology still makes sense.


  • 遗憾人生短,时光飞转流逝

    Unfortunately, life is very short and the older I get the quicker time seems to pass.


  • 关于年届三十:“觉得我没什么变化只不过更多时光流逝了。”

    On turning 30: "I kind of feel like the same person except more time has gone by."


  • 1999年,档案保管员整理地方议会纪录的时候,给封信做了登记。当然,时光流逝10年

    In 1999 a Saix archivist logged the letter while sorting out local council records and now - a decade later - a motion has finally been passed to get the letter to Seix.


  • 但是随着时光流逝,Jaguar的声誉也被逐渐淡忘。

    But with time that reputation faded.


  • 看着时光流逝我们知道:就是生活的全部了吗?

    We see time leaking away and begin to wonder, "is this all there is to life?"


  • 于是时光不会无谓的流逝

    So time does not slip away meaninglessly.


  • 但是随着时光流逝人们关于过去开始谈起,我发现,尽管它让我不舒服,他们却是激励。

    But as life went on and people asked me about my history, I'd begin to talk about it, and I found that, though it was uncomfortable for me, it was inspiring for them.


  • 随着时间流逝已经逐渐意识享受现今时光去达成任何目标都要重要

    As time passed, I've come to realize that enjoying the current moment is more important than reaching any goal.


  • 为什么时光流逝如此? 为什么能将更多时光用来陪伴

    Why had it passed so quickly, and why hadn't he spent more of it with her?


  • 岛上已经25没有居住了,随着时光流逝越来越来的建筑坍塌成了瓦砾。

    It has been over 25 years since anyone lived there, and with each year that passes more of the buildings fall to pieces.


  • 阿默尔特萨尔最后几天里,时光仿佛永远不会流逝似的,喜马拉雅山召唤实在过强烈了。

    The last few days at Amritsar seemed as if they would never pass, the call of the Himalayas was so strong upon me.


  • 至少于东村精神久远回忆永远驻留下去超越时光流逝

    At least the old memories of the east Village spirit will always stay, transcending the passage of time.


  • 没有必要掐着秒表过日子但却清楚认识到自己时间流逝不管流逝闲谈上网或者第三次总结你周末时光

    You don’t need to spend every second of the day under a stopwatch, but be aware of when you waste time whether it is gossiping, surfing the Internet, or recapping the weekend for the third time.


  • 身体发福了尽管化了装,看上去憔悴不堪,与其说是因为时光流逝不如说是因为生活的挫折感使然,她的外表令不胜惊讶,因为从来想象过克拉拉会变成今天这个模样。

    She had put on weight, and in spite of the makeup her face looked worn, not so much by time as by frustration, which surprised me, since I’d never really thought that Clara aspired to anything.


  • 这些身后的影响可以超越生命不会随着时光流逝磨灭或者消逝

    These men and women left an influence that could last well beyond their lifetimes and will not be erased or diminished with time.


  • 如果需要更多理由热爱生活这里还有:当你把时间全都花费在痛苦不知感激上时,时光正在迅速流逝

    If you need more incentive to start loving life right away, here's something for you. The more time you spend being miserable and not appreciating things, the more life is passing you by.


  • 然而随着时光流逝老兵们相继去世,这次大胆入侵渐渐成为历史类历史事件意义后续事件逐渐形成。

    But with time moving on and veterans dying off, the daring invasion is settling back into the annals of historical events whose meaning can be moulded in the light of subsequent events.


  • 就算时光流逝人们飞驰汽车的热情一如既往不曾减退。

    Even in changing times, there is still plenty of the old passion for a flash motor.


  • 或者更确切,描述那流逝,经年相互妥协碌碌度日,日渐淡漠的浓情爱恋

    Or, rather, it’s about how love’s honey glow dims with time, after years of compromise and routine.


  • 相比于我们自己照料备份添加组织这些内容麻烦),随着时光流逝能够免费获得大部分内容这件事变得越来越没有吸引力。

    The fact that most of this material will be available free, if we want to tend it, back it up, keep adding to it, and organize it, will be less and less appealing as time goes on.


  • 相比于我们自己照料备份添加组织这些内容麻烦),随着时光流逝能够免费获得大部分内容这件事变得越来越没有吸引力。

    The fact that most of this material will be available free, if we want to tend it, back it up, keep adding to it, and organize it, will be less and less appealing as time goes on.


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