• 大气笼罩着整个海洋,覆盖着所有的湖泊江河溪流泉水,覆盖着所有的森林土地流动空气到处吸收水分,这些水分到哪里去了呢?

    The air goes over the whole ocean; over lakes, rivers, brooks, and springs; over woods and fields, and everywhere it takes in particles of water. What becomes of them ?


  • 这些群岛主要是海洋生物残骸形成石灰岩构成,潮汐水下部分流动割成河道

    Made up mostly of limestone formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures, the submerged regions of the tidal flats are carved by channels where water flows between land.


  • 两个罐子中间沙子水分通过大罐表面蒸发,使大外部干燥空气开始流动

    Water in the sand between the two POTS evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving.


  • 如果把这幅图中有感知换成无理性的空气分子子,我们得到的就是片混乱流动

    Substitute unreasoning air or water molecules for sentient humans and you have a chaotic fluid.


  • 经常的情况膨胀水分变成冰儿阻碍了制冷剂流动

    In most cases the refrigerant flow is being obstructed as moisture turns to ice at the expansion valve.


  • 重力中,剪切流主要存在各种结填料中和器壁流动边界层内。

    In the gravity type oil water separating field, the shearing field mainly exists in all kinds of collison packing and flow boundary of vessel.


  • 氯离子运动产生渗透梯度又带动了水分流动

    This movement creates an osmotic gradient that allows water to flow.


  • 之间沙子中的水分经由大罐表面蒸发,使大外部干燥空气开始流动

    Water in the sand between the two POTS evaporates through the surface of the larger pot, where drier outside air is moving.


  • 靴子再次协助灯芯立刻释放水分因此允许流动的态度

    The boots will again assistance you wick straightaway moisture hence allowing release attitude flow.


  • 播处理、缩密植优化土壤流动系统技术,均较大程度地提高作物产量水分生产率

    Such measures as row spacing reduced and close planting and furrow growing are propitious to optimize soil water flow system and they can greatly increase crop's yield and water use efficiency.


  • 有些地方蚯蚓有助于沃土的形成。蚯蚓在土壤爬来爬去搜寻食物时,在土壤中钻许多细小孔道,便于空气水分流动

    In some places earthworms are helpful in making good soil. as they crawl through the earth getting their food, they make little tunnels that air and water come through.


  • 溺水水中较多水分进入呼吸道引起窒息力学血液生化改变疾病

    Because is drowned is refers to the human many moisture contents to enter the respiratory tract in the water to cause suffocates with the blood stream dynamics and blood biochemistry change disease.


  • 干燥产品质量,粒径均匀流动性好水分均匀

    Superior quality of the dry product, uniform size, liquidity, and the final water content evenly.


  • 采用雷诺应力模型CFD数值模拟方法,对油水分离器流动机理分散流动特点处理方法进行研究。

    Based on the Reynolds stress model CFD numerical simulation method, both flow mechanism and flow characteristics of dispersed oil phase in oil-water separation hydrocyclone were studied.


  • 选择科尔沁沙地典型流动沙丘作为研究对象,分析流动沙丘土壤水分时空变化以及土壤水分特征常数空间变化规律。

    This paper analyzes the spatial and temporal variety regulation of soil moisture and soil moisture characteristic constants on mobile dune in Horqin sandy land.


  • 绿洲流动沙丘一环境梯度,其水分变化可以明显划分为3个区间

    Along the gradient zone of ecotone between oasis and desert, 3 zones can be divided clearly by the change of soil water content.


  • 测试物在整个流动,中肠各段参与了食物水分吸收

    It was concluded that the entire midgut was involved in food and water absorption.


  • 深入研究液-液水力流动机理采用LRR应力模型离旋流器的油水两相进行了数值模拟

    Further investigate the flow mechanism of the liquid-liquid hydrocyclone, and the oil and water phases flow field in hydrocyclone for oil water separation is simulated using LRR stress model.


  • 使电流通过它们企图通过一种至今不能完全理解过程迫使水分正极负极流动,使水远离塔身

    Passing a current between them was intended to force water to migrate through the soil from the anode to the cathode, further away from the tower, by a process that is still not fully understood.


  • 定量研究了、F_(11)用量、水分催化剂、匀泡剂对泡沫流动影响

    The effects of poly ether, F_(11), water, catalyst and surfactant on the mobility of polyurethane rigid foam were studied quantitatively.


  • 任何一位家庭主妇只要只要有过衣服的经验,就一定知道流动空气能够带走潮湿衣物里的水分如果快一点晾干衣服,她最好是把衣服晾在更加通风的地方。

    Every housewife that but once in her life hung up clothes to dry, knows full well that air absorbs moisture when passing over, or through, wet objects.


  • 一个水分流动周期速度并非随机而是由水库不同体积来衡量

    The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs.


  • 一个水分流动周期速度并非随机而是由水库不同体积来衡量

    The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs.


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