• 甲醇合成过程中气相流动形式明显影响反应效率;

    For methanol synthesis in the gas phase, the influence of the gas phase flow pattern on the reaction was large.


  • 循环单井系统应用流动形式优势贯通

    Sanding column well ground heat exchange systems; Application; Flow patterns; heat transfer; Advantage; Thermal transfixion.


  • 经理人可以通过改变沟通流动形式改变信念态度从而也改变了做的决策

    Executives can modify beliefs and attitudes by changing the flows of communications, and thus modify decisions being made.


  • 通过汽油提升管内催化剂流动形式分析,提升管内接触形式气力输送

    In addition, flow pattern of catalyst in gasoline riser has been studied and the result shows that gas solid contact in the riser was in the form of dense phase force transfer.


  • 本文流动人力资源作用流动形式流动人力资源主要问题对策进行了的阐述分析

    This article convincingly expounds and analyzes the action? Main? Problems and countermeasures of the mobile human resources.


  • 正如这项研究其它研究所表明那样这种不平衡程度加剧未来移民活动和其它外包那样劳动力流动形式

    As this and other research shows, the magnitude of imbalances is such that migration and other forms of labor mobility such as outsourcing are likely to intensify in the future.


  • 通过求解三维层流N-S方程得到了端面稳态压力速度分布分析了气体端面间隙内的流动形式

    The three-dimentional laminar Navier-Stokes equations were solved for getting the gas film pressure and velocity distributions in the steady state, and the flow styles in the clearance were analyzed.


  • 剪切波状作为一种重要的液膜流动形式,因界面剪切力的影响,其水动力学特性流动稳定特征与自由流动明显不同

    The sheared wavy liquid films, as an important flow, have notably different hydrodynamics and flow stability under interfacial shear stress from those of free falling liquid films.


  • 欧亚大陆内部大草原上出现游牧主义尤其如此因为所有主要游牧形式流动性的。

    This is particularly true of the horse pastoralism that emerged in the Inner Eurasian steppes, for this was the most mobile of all major forms of pastoralism.


  • 正是交通运输战争中的使用解释了为什么欧亚大陆内部游牧主义是所有主要游牧形式流动和最具军国主义色彩的。

    It is the use of horses for transportation and warfare that explains why Inner Eurasian pastoralism proved the most mobile and the most militaristic of all major forms of pastoralism.


  • 这个观点中,通过沉重的现金劳动实物税限制流动各种形式胁迫使有着农奴地位俄国农民保持贫穷

    In this view, Russian peasants' status as serfs kept them poor through burdensome taxes in cash, in labor, and in-kind; through restrictions on mobility; and through various forms of coercion.


  • 聪明的机构完全接受这种对话转变新的组织形式透明、权力高度下放信息自由流动

    The smartest institutions will embrace conversation wholeheartedly, and mutate into new forms of organization which favor transparency and the free flow of information in highly decentralized forms.


  • 因为亚洲国家之间贸易额十分巨大,巨大的上游货币流动主要以日元以及其他亚洲货币卖出的形式进行。

    Because Asian countries trade a lot with each other, the bulk of upstream flows involves the selling of yen and other Asian currencies.


  • 重要的是阵列应用程序存储过程之间存储过程之间流动数据集合非常方便表示形式

    But more importantly, arrays are a very convenient representation for collections of data that flow between an application and stored procedures or between stored procedures.


  • 就是巴尔干冲突发生1990年代安迪支持慈善机构“战争儿童诞生了,这个机构开始的时候毫不起眼最初是以一家流动面包房形式出现的。

    It was during the Balkans conflict of the 1990s that the charity Andy and I are supporting, War Child, was born. Its humble beginnings came in the form of a mobile bakery.


  • 对于股票市场其他形式交易典型证明就是它们流动促进市场贯穿整个金融产业不止一次的听到相同争论

    The classic justification for market-making and other types of trading is that they endow the market with liquidity, and throughout the financial industry I heard the same argument over and over.


  • 银行以额外货币活期存款其它流动资产形式开支增加货币供应量

    The Banks' spending increases the money supply in the form of additional currency, demand deposits, and other highly liquid assets.


  • 语言一直变化流动溪水,不停地在转换、变换,接受条支流新生力量,丢弃形式

    The language is perpetually in flux: it is a living stream, shifting, changing, receiving new strength from a thousand tributaries, losing old forms in the backwaters of time.


  • 超过四分之一工业碳排放这种形式流动,超过1990年的五分之一。

    Just over a quarter of all industrially emitted carbon moves about in this way, up from a fifth in 1990.


  • 就算银行贷款趋向于把贷款重新包装之后以债券形式机构投资者,以便自己稀缺资金能够流动起来

    Even when Banks made loans, they tended to repackage them and sell them, as bonds, to institutions, freeing up scarce capital.


  • 流程图按照顺序和流动过程形式展现,通常包括图标,如一卡车代表交通运输环节烟囱表明工厂。

    A flow chart maps the sequenceand flow of the process and often includes icons, such as pictures of a truckto represent a transportation step or smokestacks to indicate a factory.


  • 感情能量一种形式通过我们流动

    Emotion, which is a form of energy, is supposed to move and flow through us.


  • 非现金形式流动资金,如应收款库存

    Working capital not in cash form, i. e. receivables and inventories.


  • 回顾了电磁搅拌应用扁平产品连铸生产中的各种形式液态钢水流动形态冶金效果给予分类

    The multiple versions of EMS in the continuous casting of flat products are reviewed and classified with respect to liquid steel flow pattern and metallurgical results.


  • 画风往往气魄宏大,笔势流动既有粗犷豪放,又细密瑰丽内容丰富形式多姿多彩

    Breadth of their style is often ambitious, pens potential flow, both rough, uninhibited, there are detailed and magnificent, rich in content bo miscellaneous form colorful.


  • 辐射经常形式深秋冬天夜晚特别是较低地区因为寒冷沉重空气流动下坡收集山谷

    Radiation fog often forms in late fall and winter nights, especially in lower areas, because cold and heavy air moves downhill, and gathers in valleys.


  • 辐射经常形式深秋冬天夜晚特别是较低地区因为寒冷沉重空气流动下坡收集山谷

    Radiation fog often forms in late fall and winter nights, especially in lower areas, because cold and heavy air moves downhill, and gathers in valleys.


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