• 也许更多项目可做,只是他们经验时间流逝得如此以至于下一步要做的事情,往往就是必须收拾行囊前往一个活动目的地

    There might be more projects but time moves so rapidly in their experience that the next thing that they know is that they must pack to travel to their next destination for events.


  • 计划事情:计划旅行穿着时,根据旅游途中可能发生会议活动等做一张打包用的图表,然后研究目的地温度

    Plan for each event: When planning your attire for the trip, create a packing storyboard that Outlines each event, meeting and activity on your trip. Then research temperatures at your destination.


  • 旅程所需行李随着起始、旅行模式预期旅行时间目的地各种条件和预期的活动而变化的。

    The baggage required for the trip is a function of the starting point, mode of travel, expected duration of the journey, and of various conditions and expected activities at the destination.


  • 自由指南提供目的地实用信息以及丰富论坛社区活动

    Guide to independent travel with useful information on destinations, and plenty of forum and community action.


  • 考虑性能可伸缩性可以采用另一种设置,其中每个集群成员承载自己活动me,并且每个ME拥有分配总线成员目的地的消息

    When thinking of performance and scalability, another setup is possible where each cluster member hosts its own active me and each me owns a Message Point for a Destination assigned to the Bus-Member.


  • 如果目的地处于活动状态,会发生这样的情况。

    This happens even if the destination is not an active one.


  • 服务器范围定义活动规范自动获得承载正确计算目的地总线成员名称

    Activation Specifications configured at this server scope will automatically have the name of the bus member that hosts the destination calculated correctly.


  • 无需签证英国公民可以在166个目的地上三进行商务休闲活动

    British citizens can enjoy a three-day stay for business or pleasure to 166 destinations without needing a visa.


  • 这一功能除了可以控制乘务员呼叫音量控制座位上服务以外增加了目的地活动信息

    As well as being able to control features of the aircraft seat, such as cabin crew alerts and volume controls, services such as destination content and information about activities are also included.


  • 前面已讨论目的地分区好处是,可以同一时间SCABPCCEI活动提供消息传递引擎多个实例

    Discussed earlier, partitioning the destinations provides the advantage of having multiple instances of the Messaging Engines for SCA, BPC, and CEI active at the same time.


  • 有一些目的地正在缓慢旅行旅客需求调整自己,最大限度地开发他们那个地区的缓慢旅行活动

    Some destinations are tuned into the needs of the slow traveller and have developed their area to maximise slow aspects.


  • 通过目的地分区,可以同一时间SCABPCCEI活动提供消息传递引擎多个实例

    Partitioning the destinations provides the advantage of having multiple instances of the Messaging Engines for SCA, BPC, and CEI active at the same time.


  • 重要的是目的地活动的。

    Most importantly, destinations are active.


  • 相反Google利用广受欢迎的Google地图应用编程接口(API),将重点放在当地兴趣目的地活动景点上

    Instead, Google focused on local points of interest and in-destination activities and attractions using their wildly popular Google Maps API.


  • 这种情况在目的地活动经营商最为流行。

    This engagement was highest among activities operators.


  • 每个总线成员使用多个活动me概念称为分区目的地(Partitioned Destination)(请参见上图)。

    The concept of using more than one active ME per Bus Member is referred to as Partitioned Destinations (see figure above).


  • TripAdvisor欧洲地区销售总监MartinVerdon-Roe表示:“旅游者可以看到一个有意义目的地内容页面,它包含旅游局提供的活动信息,因为旅游局了解他们目的地。”

    Travellers will now be able to see valuable destination content including regularly updated events informationfrom tourist boards who know their destinations best.


  • 调整后的息税前利润率由原来的4.2%上升至4.5%,主要来自我们中程目的地高利润产品的关注、用心运力和成本管理以及收购活动的大力贡献

    The adjusted EBIT margin rose from 4.2% to 4.5%, driven by our focus on medium haul and higher margin product, careful capacity and cost management and a strong contribution from our acquisitions.


  • 医疗旅游旅游者参加一些活动或者去一些旅游目的地,以此使他们在身体精神上自我完善更加健康幸福

    Curative tourism includes activities and destinations which provide physical or spiritual self-improvement and well-being opportunities to tourists.


  • 强迫自己去地方- - - - - -一个获得能量目的地,在那进入另一片新的领域了解到一项新的运动活动

    Forcing yourself into a place where the energy of the destination will raise you to a new level and introducing you to new sports and activities.


  • 一个新的API可以帮助最终用户查看可用目的地(destinations)进行查询得到JMS统计信息活动队列数量、队列深度消息数量等等

    There is a new API to help end users view available destinations and query them to find JMS statistics such as active queue count, queue depth, number of messages etc.


  • 官方新闻稿指出,Expedia Media2007年创办以来,超过350个目的地制作在线广告活动方案

    Since it was created in 2007, according to the press release, Expedia Media has created online advertising campaigns for more than 350 destinations.


  • receive活动定义必须包括活动发送消息伙伴以及伙伴将把它作为这条消息的目的地的流程的端口类型操作

    The definition of a receive activity must include the partner that will send it its message, and the port type and operation of the process that the partner is targeting this message to.


  • 酒店提供充足会议活动空间一个伟大的选择目的地婚礼

    The hotel offers ample meeting and event space, and is a great choice for destination weddings.


  • GoDo拥有供应商超过1000家,提供预订活动超过2000项。它目的地活动市场领先运营商之一

    With more than 1, 000 suppliers providing 2, 000 plus bookable activities, GoDo is one of the leading operators in the activities market place.


  • 通过TripItGroups企业员工可以利用企业差旅地图查看其他同事的差旅活动找到他们是否有交叉目的地

    With TripIt Groups, fellow employees can track the travels of their colleagues on their company's travel map and sort out where they cross paths, for example.


  • 澳大利亚告诫本国公民,如果计划印尼旅游就请重新考虑目的地劝告在印尼境内的公民极为小心”的活动

    Australia warned its citizens to reconsider plans to travel to Indonesia, and urged those already there to exercise "extreme caution."


  • 早餐自由活动指定集合时间专车送往机场搭乘中华航空回美国或到下一个目的地

    Free time at leisure after breakfast. Tour guide will take you to the airport for flight home or next destination.


  • 阿拉斯加一个世界伟大的邮轮目的地特别是那些利益世界一流捕鱼活动

    Alaska is one of the world's great cruise destinations, particularly for those with an interest in world class fishing.


  • 提示停车场尽头停车或者提前公交然后目的地增加活动

    Tip: Increase activity by parking at the end of the lot, or get off the bus a stop early and walk to your destination.


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