• 黎明前开门之前商店牛津排起了长队为了他们促销活动

    In Oxford Street queues formed outside shops ahead of pre-dawn openings for the start of their sales.


  • 漫步各种售卖礼物商店中,欣赏现场音乐表演享受美好街头娱乐活动

    Wander among a variety of shops selling gifts while enjoying a live music show and nice street entertainment.


  • 穿过伦敦的中心,沿着河岸也有许多画廊、市场、商店活动,让你目不暇接。

    Running through the heart of London, there are also many galleries, markets, shops and activities to keep you busy along its banks.


  • 业务空间所有流程活动信息一站式商店每个流程参与者量身定制。

    Business Space is the one-stop shop for all process activities and information, individually tailored to each of the process participants.


  • 他说,“也许这些活动扩展到家庭之外比如今后老太太商店或者如果下雪,在结冰之前出去清扫人行道等。”

    Perhaps they could extend that beyond the family, run to the shops for the old lady down the road, for example, or, if it snows, go out and clear the pavement before it freezes.


  • 活动形式包括公众宣传工作,当地小学进行宣讲,商店橱窗中张贴海报

    Activities can range from massive publicity campaigns to a talk at a local elementary school or a poster in a storefront window.


  • 慈济之不多不便发表什么。他们“瓶子毯子”的活动更象是英国慈善商店回收形式

    I don't know enough about Tzu Chi to endorse them, but their bottles-to-blankets activity seems a grittier form of the recycling done by charity shops in the UK.


  • 许多商业活动看到人们会在商店演示它,似乎画中画技术代表着转变电视图像不再被死死地限制在一个电视固定的框里播放。

    You’d see it in commercials, they’d demo it in stores, and it seemed to represent a sort of shift where the TV image was no longer strictly confined to the solid frame of the box it came in.


  • 专业工艺人员培训师监督指导残疾人自己制作工艺品纪念品并在亚美尼亚纪念品商店及慈善活动出售

    Under the supervision of professional artisans and trainers, people with disabilities made their own artwork and souvenirs for sale in souvenir shops throughout Armenia and at charity events.


  • 欺凌商店可以提前公布一个冰欺凌社交活动

    An ice cream shop could publicize an ice cream social event for singles two weeks in advance.


  • 一些商店看起来等不及黑色星期五的到来,他们正在准备周四午夜或者傍晚开始促销活动

    Some stores, it seems, cannot wait that long and are going nocturnal. They are rolling out their special offers at midnight on the Thursday or earlier in the evening.


  • 流程模拟虚构商店CountyStore收到订单付款处理活动

    The process models the activities that take place when a payment is processed after a new order is received by a fictitious store called CountyStore.


  • 体育运动场附近卖礼物问候卡片的商店在进行大减价倾销活动

    Nearby a sports outfitter and greetings-card shop are both holding closing-down sales, with 75% off.


  • 看到的是苹果神秘文化华丽商店,牛X 的广告活动,你一定会想,苹果自我感觉超级良好!

    You look atApple's secretive culture, its slick stores, its polished advertising campaigns, and you think that Apple feels it's superior.


  • 该集团彻底调整了定价产品范围标签商店设计大幅简化了市场推广活动

    There were also overhauls to pricing, product range, signage and store design, and a radical simplification of its number of marketing campaigns.


  • 开始1990年旅程结束于2007年,罗琳更多的时间去看芭蕾商店以及进行频繁而巧妙的慈善活动

    So the journey that began in 1990 finally ended in 2007, leaving Rowling a little more margin to savor ballet recitals and grocery shopping and intensive, often ingenious charitable work.


  • 相反,邻近街道标高几何衔接焦点区域把视线引向行人生活商店公共活动

    Conversely, focused areas of geometric articulation nearer to street level direct sightlines to pedestrian life, shops, and public activities.


  • 活动请帖很有特色的做成了原声吉他形图片另外的一个线索便是活动主题ipod苹果在线商店iTunes

    The event invitation features a large picture of an acoustic guitar, seen as another clue that the theme will be iPod and Apple's online shop iTunes.


  • 然而我们大部分活动都是针对用户拥有谷歌播放商店安装广告游戏不会产生最佳收入

    However as most of our campaigns are targeting users who have Google Play store installed, ads in your game will not generate optimal income.


  • 这样不仅可以避免个人空间一大购物狂徒所侵占,且现在很多品牌线上商店推出自己折扣特惠活动

    Not only can I avoid having my personal space invaded by hordes of crazed shoppers, but nowadays, most brands and online stores offer their own sales and special deals.


  • 全国数千个这样的商店参加这个加拿大消费者宣传抵税政策活动

    Thousands of stores across Canada have already signed up to promote this innovative new tax credit to Canadian consumers.


  • 这些活动大多为商店定位(60%) ,39%手机对比价格,19%使用iPhone下载优惠券, 23%寻找出售产品, 37%学习产品知识。

    39% also use the phone to compare prices. 19% of iPhone moms download coupons, 23% look for items on sale, and 37% use their phones to learn about products.


  • 狮子雕像食谱春季活动贸易商商店发现

    Lion statue recipe can be found in the Spring event trader shop.


  • 为了生存商店需要提供销售产品的优惠,比如特价活动一流客户服务

    To survive, stores need to offer value beyond the products they sell, such as special events or superior customer service.


  • 我们玩具商店展出可活动玩具娃娃。

    We showed the female action figures to people in a toy store.


  • 我们玩具商店展出可活动玩具娃娃。

    We showed the female action figures to people in a toy store.


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