• 作为金融活力中心气压计首次公开发行市场最为明显。

    The loudest sucking sound has been in the market for initial public offerings, a crucial barometer of financial wellbeing.


  • 本案购物娱乐时尚休闲文化多功能为一身城市活力中心座城市最引以为豪标志物

    The project is an urban business center integrated with multiple functions such as shopping, entertainment, fashion, recreation cultures, etc, and it's also a landmark building of Leting County;


  • 政府努力完成使中心恢复活力一些计划

    The government pushed through plans to rejuvenate the inner cities.


  • 但是所有活力强度进攻执行这些布鲁克斯上周刚刚表扬过的东西,目标中心球馆荡然无存。

    But all the energy, intensity and offensive execution that Brooks has praised in the last week was nonexistent at Target Center.


  • 比利时安特卫普拥有非凡中心广场充满活力文化场所,并非事事处处愉快

    FOR all its grand central squares and lively cultural scene, the Belgian port of Antwerp is not always a happy town.


  • 一方面,柏林证明首都中心地带仍然能够充满活力四通八达

    Berlin, on the other hand, has proved a major capital can remain accessible and young at its core.


  • 他们印度金融枢纽商业中心,标志着印度充满活力迈入21世纪座城市

    Theirs was an attack on India’s financial nerve center and commercial capital, a city emblematic of the country’s energetic thrust into the 21st century.


  • 卢旺达现在需要活力私营部分保证经济朝着正确方向前进尤其是如果这个国家达到成为东部非洲服务中心一高远目标

    Rwanda now needs a vigorous private sector to keep the economy moving in the right direction, especially if the country is to meet its lofty goal of becoming east Africa's service hub.


  • 爱尔兰首都孕育了贝克特、乔伊斯叶芝;它爱尔兰最大城市,富年轻活力,是爱尔兰的艺术娱乐文化和商业中心

    Birthplace of Beckett, Joyce, and Yeats, Ireland's capital and largest city is a youthful arts, entertainment, culture, and commerce hub.


  • 这座城市位置名称中心从未改变反映了城市的活力和深刻的文化认同

    The location, name and center of the city have never been changed, which reflects the city's vitality and profound cultural identity.


  • 近邻媒体中心概念方法设计一个建筑体现美德青春活力最近邻报告描绘丰富经验

    The conceptual approach for the KNN Media Center is to design a building that embodies the virtue and youthful energy depicted in KNN's vast experience of reporting.


  • 这座城市位置名称中心从未改变反映了城市的活力和深刻的文化认同

    The location, name and centerof the city have never been changed, which reflects the city's vitality and profound culturalidentity.


  • 为了酒店注入活力我们需要改造现存酒店中心区域令人厌恶风洞

    To inject vitality into the hotel, we first needed to transform an uninviting wind tunnel along the vast central spine of the existing hotel.


  • 几步之充满活力购物商业中心在这里逃避一个沉浸一片绿色和平撤退。

    Just a short stroll from the heart of vibrant shopping and business, here you escape into a peaceful retreat, immersed in greenery.


  • 新的建筑群联合多样化零售办公空间城市中心公寓组成确保充满活力和热闹的城市环境。

    The new building complex will comprise of a combination of diverse retail, office space, and city centre apartments to ensure a vibrant and lively city environment.


  • 一方面,中心空间城镇公共交往空间一种类型,它自身的特色活力系由城镇中人们活动所赋予。

    On the other hand, as a type of the public communication space, the central space, gets its own characteristic and livingness from the activities of the human beings.


  • 当时设计想法恢复空间活力使其成为住宅外部中心一个汇聚,成为家庭外部活动空间

    The idea was to bring back the space's vitality with the purpose of making it the house's exterior heart: a meeting point, an exterior room for the family.


  • 这个曾经作为封闭军事设施此刻正成为地区先进充满活力商业场所中心绿地公园,这真是一个完美设施相匹配的绿地中心

    What was once a closed military facility is now becoming the region's most progressive and vibrant business locations and Central Green Park is the perfect amenity to match.


  • 凯达承担了此次设计深圳市罗湖友谊交易中心包括新的摩天大楼7层“充满活力多孔”的零售平台

    "Designed by Aedas, the Shenzhen Luoho Friendship Trading Centre will include a new skyscraper and a" vibrant and porous "7-story retail podium."


  • 公共之地”,位于城市中心小型商业区试图创造新的活力室外空间,使人们一年四季都可以轻松地享受

    'the Commons', a small retail development in the city center, is an attempt to create a new active outdoor space where people can comfortably enjoy it at anytime of the year.


  • 社区中心一个人们可以聚集充满活力街道当地社区民众能够会面购物游玩休息娱乐的场所。

    The Village Center at Dameisha is a coming together of people and their environment in a vital street where the local community can meet, shop, play, relax and be entertained.


  • 荣幸在这里代表微软研究中心出席本次会议讨论上海这座美妙充满活力城市所面临战略问题

    It is an honor to be here to speak on behalf of the Microsoft Research Center and to participate in this conference to discuss the strategic issues facing this wonderful and dynamic city of Shanghai.


  • 日落社区中心看作连接自然活力四射多文化社区一个纽带

    The Sunset Community Centre was conceived as a link between nature and the vibrant multi-cultural communities that surround it.


  • 享受美味美食美食餐厅探索历史充满活力城市放松现场水疗中心返回宽敞颓废的住宿。

    Indulge in a delicious gourmet meal at the two fine-dining restaurants, explore the historical and vibrant city, relax at the on-site spa, and return to spacious and decadent accommodations.


  • 尽管最近爵士四连败,但是他们一直保持他们的活力能源中心不是能随便让游客参观地方

    Recent four-game skid notwithstanding, the Jazz have enjoyed a quality season, and Energy Solutions Arena is never an easy place for the visitors.


  • 尽管最近爵士四连败,但是他们一直保持他们的活力能源中心不是能随便让游客参观地方

    Recent four-game skid notwithstanding, the Jazz have enjoyed a quality season, and Energy Solutions Arena is never an easy place for the visitors.


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