• 南极边缘一个英国停留几个小时后,工人飞机到了智利南端的城市,蓬塔阿雷纳斯。

    After making a stop for a few hours at a British station on the edge of Antarctica, the two workers were flown to the southernmost Chilean city of Punta Arenas.


  • 1878年,认为位于新泽西门洛帕克开发实验室里40研究员个月内推出一种够好的白炽灯泡

    He figured he and the 40 researchers at his Menlo Park, New Jersey, development lab could come up with a good incandescent bulb in three or four months in 1878.


  • 以前武装分子尼日尔三角主要城市哈科特附近绑架了一家建筑公司工作的两德国人

    Armed men kidnapped two Germans working for a construction firm near Port Harcourt, the main city in the Niger Delta, two weeks ago.


  • 这张1911年9月15照片上,斯科特船长队员准备南极西方山脉探险。

    Captain Scott and three of his companions prepare to explore Antarctica's Western Mountains in a September 15, 1911, photograph.


  • 故事本身简单,讲的是哈佛毕业生了解到卡拉因大陆(南极附近)一个叫艾兰迪尔小国文化后发生的故事。

    The story itself is simple, following a Harvard graduates as he learns about the culture of Islandia, a small nation on the Karain continent (near Antarctica).


  • 虽然南极没有土著居民,但每年夏季几个月里有1000那儿工作另外还有约12,000游客来此参观

    Though no human population is native to Antarctica, about 1,000 people work there in the summer months, and another 12,000 tourists visit every year.


  • 预计全球70个国家超过1亿2000万儿童参与本次活动。

    More than 120 million children in 70 countries across five continents are expected to participate in the campaign.


  • 今天共有300业余个别议员提交者超过2000全球合作-使作为创始人我们感到自豪

    Today, the ASF comprises nearly 300 individual Members and over 2,000 Committers collaborating across six continents - that makes our founders proud!


  • 发生泄漏石油工人浑身沾满原油。事故发生尼日利亚富含石油的尼日尔三角(Niger Delta)附近的一个战区

    An oil worker is covered in crude after a leak in the war zone that is the country's oil-rich Niger Delta.


  • 这次罢工最初开罗北部尼罗河三角迈哈莱城镇爆发。在那里,2万5千工人计划举行罢工,他们提出得到更高工资其他一些要求

    The strike call originated in the Nile Delta town of Mahalla, north of Cairo, where 25, 000 factory workers had planned a strike for higher wages and other demands.


  • 格兰德岛附近个堰海滩,一记者经过一只裹石油死去鹈鹕。

    A journalist walks past a dead brown pelican covered in oil on the beach of a barrier island near East Grand Terre Island, Louisiana


  • 华盛顿雷德蒙(Redmond),微软研究院拥有400研究员;在世界各地还有另外300

    In Redmond, Washington, Microsoft research houses 400 researchers; it boasts another 300 around the world.


  • 2006年102日,星期一这天早晨持枪男子走进pennsylvanianickelMinesAmish小学,这座小学只有一个班级。

    On Monday morning, October 2, 2006, a gunman entered a one-room Amish school in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania.


  • 习梅根32峡江水边聋哑残疾人

    His name is Xi Megan, aged 32, is Xiajiang Island Lake Village, a waterside town, deaf and mute people with disabilities.


  • 指出,一几乎目不识丁技工教导4位教育程度良好人士如何卷烟封信显示实践重要性

    Lim Chew also draws attention to the practical value and lesson of the letter about the near illiterate mechanic showing 4 well educated people how to use the cigarette rolling tobacco box.


  • 1990年,佑安医院收治了一非()的医务人员确诊艾滋病

    It was in 1990, You an Hospital has treated a non-assistance (Island), medical staff and was diagnosed with AIDS.


  • 悉尼歌剧院绿色和平组织抗议人士,粉红鲸鱼模型上“监视日本抗议日本捕鲸船正要前往南极猎捕须鲸。

    Two Greenpeace protesters "keep an eye on" Japan on a mock pink whale in front of the Sydney Opera House to protest the Japanese whaling fleet's departure for Antarctica to harvest the Minke whale.


  • 入围100城市中,长江三角地区城市了40%,10则占有6个席位

    In the rankings, cities from the Yangtse River Delta accounted for 40 percent of the best 100 cities, including 6 places in the Top 10.


  • 由于用母乳喂养孩子而不能乘坐飞机,妇女起诉三角航空公司

    A woman gets thrown off a plane for nursing her toddler; she sues Delta.


  • 三角地区武装分离主义份子去年绑架了超过60外国人其中大部分是石油工人

    Armed separatists in the delta region last year kidnapped more than 60 foreigners, mostly oil workers.


  • 美国俄克拉荷马大学医学中心WalidYounis及其同事查看了485现在或以前吸烟者医疗记录

    Walid Younis at the University of Oklahoma medical Center in Oklahoma City and his colleagues examined the medical records of 485 smokers and former smokers.


  • 康涅狄格杰出医生遭人纵火妻子女儿假释犯杀害,而他本人正在住院治疗。

    A prominent doctor in Connecticut is in the hospital after his house was set on fire and his wife and two daughters were allegedly killed by two men who were out on parole.


  • 如今,弗洛伦西奥作为伊比利亚火腿大使于世,每年都会“夹根火腿”在进行一次次巡回演出。

    Florencio is now known as an ambassador of Iberian ham around the world, and he tours the five continents "with a leg of ham under his arm" once or twice a year.


  • 世界各国领导人意大利准备参加会议之时,我们邀请来自专家,询问他们八国集团关于气候变化环境有哪些建议

    As world leaders prepare to convene in Italy, we asked seven experts from four continents what they would advise the G8 on climate change and environment.


  • 杭州中国长江三角南翼重要中心城市,传承八千文明史,“倚兴、湖而”。

    With a civilization history of 8000 years, Hangzhou is the important central city of the Yangtze River Delta, whose prosperity and fame are due to the West Lake which is her soul.


  • 第三届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛101630重庆举行来自五大35个国家120优秀中学将来华参加比赛。

    A total of 120 middle school students from 35 countries will attend the final of an international China language contest, to be held in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality from Oct. 16 to 30.


  • 第三届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛101630重庆举行来自五大35个国家120优秀中学将来华参加比赛。

    A total of 120 middle school students from 35 countries will attend the final of an international China language contest, to be held in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality from Oct. 16 to 30.


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