• 不会发生干旱洪水害虫导致与天气相关的农作物歉收的现象

    There would be no weather-related crop failures due to droughts, floods or pests.


  • 这个气候现象热带太平洋变暖引起导致世界各地遭受热浪干旱洪水的灾害。

    The climate phenomenon results from warming of the tropical Pacific and causes heatwaves, droughts and flooding around the world.


  • 旺盛的需求俄罗斯去年糟糕天气最近在澳大利亚发生洪水以及阿根廷干热拉尼娜现象一切结果就是农产品价格暴涨

    Agricultural product prices have jumped, the result of robust demand, bad weather last year in Russia, recent floods in Australia, and dry and hot la Nina conditions in Argentina.


  • 俄罗斯热浪还仅仅众多有记录极端天气现象中的个,巴西干旱天气澳大利亚洪水侵袭严重摧毁了全球粮食产量

    The Russian heat wave was only one of many recent extreme weather events, from dry weather in Brazil to biblical-proportion flooding in Australia, that have damaged world food production.


  • 气候变化导致贫困倍增,因为越来越不规则天气现象导致更多干旱洪水水土流失土壤退化

    Climate change will also be a multiplier of poverty, as increasingly erratic weather induces more drought, flooding, erosion and soil degradation.


  • 确认洪水是种自然现象曼谷处于泥地,它仅仅海平面高出1.5”。

    She confirms that "floods have always been a natural phenomenon considering that Bangkok is built on muddy soils, only 1.5 meters above sea level."


  • 如今厄尔尼诺现象不同地域引发了许多洪水干旱,其特征热带太平洋海面温度高于正常值。

    Today's El Niños, which cause weather havoc by triggering floods in some regions and droughts in others, are characterized by warmer-than-normal sea-surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific.


  • 气候学家们还以同样方法模拟当今发生极端降雨(干旱随之而来的是洪水而不是均匀分布的降雨)以及北冰洋的融冰现象

    Similar analyses have been done for today's extreme rainfall patterns (drought followed by deluge, not precipitation spread out evenly) and the retreat of arctic sea ice.


  • 洪水过后疟疾传播广为人知现象

    Malaria outbreaks in the wake of flooding are a well-known phenomenon.


  • 拉尼娜现象一种周期性全球天气现象认为与多种反常天气有关,大西洋飓风非洲南亚去年洪水泛滥。

    La Nina is a cyclical global weather pattern that has been linked to weather disruptions ranging from hurricanes in the Atlantic to flooding in Africa and South Asia last year.


  • 同时,存洪水前后,伴随着一系列寒冷干旱气候异常现象

    There were a series anomalous climatic phenomena of cold and drought after and before flood year.


  • 黄河高洪水引起揭河底现象,受到我国许多专家学者关注,近几年他们发表了许多研究成果。

    The experts of our country show solicitude for the phenomenon of bottom tearing scouring created by the flood with hyperconcentration and have published articles.


  • 此次洪水今年厄尔尼诺现象引起,肆虐加利福尼亚各地主要高速公路已经关闭做好撤离工作。

    Thee flooding, caused by this year's strong El Nino, has wreaked havoc around the California, closed several major highways and prompted evacuations.


  • 洪水人类生产生活息息相关人类最早接触自然现象之一。

    Flood is one of the earliest natural phenomena human faced; it closely related to our production and life.


  • 发生这些异常现象根本原因,本次洪水含沙量大以及近几年河道淤积严重河床明显抬高

    The basic reason of these abnormal phenomenas is caused by hyper-sediment concentration, severe deposition of the channel and obviously increased the river bed.


  • 已知它激起风暴洪水干旱还有火灾这样的副效应。厄尔尼诺摆动现象解释许多极端天气现象很有帮助。

    A known instigator of storms, floods, droughts, and secondary effects like fires, the El ni? O-Southern Oscillation could go a long way toward explaining many weather extremes.


  • 巧合是,两个景观设计师同样天然荒漠现象启发建立防止间歇性洪水暴雨次数的河床。

    By coincidence, two landscape architects were similarly inspired by a natural desert phenomenon: the streambeds that carry intermittent floodwaters in times of heavy rain.


  • 洪水大量冰花冰在面冰集聚造成上游水位显著壅高的现象

    Ice jam flood: a lot of frazil ices and crushed ices gather under the covering ice, causing heading up of water level of upper reach.


  • 现象造成后果春季河水流速变快增加洪水发生危险夏季河水流速变慢,即有可能出现旱灾。

    The result is that rivers are flowing faster in the spring, raising the risk of flooding, and slower in the summer, raising the risk of drought.


  • 世界各地气候变化越来越明显导致不同国家出现洪水泛滥极端气温现象

    All around the world, climate changes are becoming more evident, causing flooding and extreme temperatures in different nations.


  • 三星堆文明,应从其所在三四千古气候考察立足点持续性干旱突发性洪水山区冰川活动的灾害性现象特征进行分析、研究。

    The study of Sanxingdui should take the investigation of weather three or four thousand years ago as the stand and analyze the durative drought, sudden flood and glacier movement.


  • 1998728日至8月25日,滨洲线因洪水中断行车,今后,厄尔尼诺现象拉尼娜现象自然规律还要每隔27发生一次。

    From July 28, 1998 to August 25, 1998, operation of Binzhou railway was interrupted twice by the flood; according to the natural law, the phenomena of Einino and Lanina will occur every 2~7 years.


  • 上世纪80年代一次强烈的厄尔尼诺现象导致了澳洲亚洲干旱南美洲降雨洪水以及美国大部分地区的高温

    In the early 1980s, a strong El Nino was linked to dry weather in Australia and Asia, rain and flooding in South America and high temperatures in much of the United States.


  • 上世纪80年代一次强烈的厄尔尼诺现象导致了澳洲亚洲干旱南美洲降雨洪水以及美国大部分地区的高温

    In the early 1980s, a strong El Nino was linked to dry weather in Australia and Asia, rain and flooding in South America and high temperatures in much of the United States.


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