• :也可能,有知名度比没知名度博客点击率不能完全归因知名度。

    Being famous is always a good thing. But you can not say your blog hits are about your fame.


  • 那种固执认为波卡塔斯史密斯之间存在爱情故事想法主要应归功史密斯本人无法抗拒男性魅力

    The persistent notion of a love affair between Pocahontas and Smith owes much to Smith's own pose as a man of irresistible appeal.


  • 有些错误地把波卡·塔斯鱼史密斯上尉联系在一起,一大部分原因要归咎一部灵感来源生活迪士尼电影。

    Some erroneously believed Pocahontas was romantically linked to Captain John Smith, most likely due to the Disney film inspired by her life.


  • 英国媒体报道孩子的母亲9月26日伦敦中部波特兰私立医院剖腹产生下女婴,住院期间孩子取名为苏菲。

    British reports suggested the baby was born by Caesarean section on September 26 at the Portland Private Hospital, central London and used the name "Sophie" Hong during her stay.


  • 波卡·塔斯1614年丧偶约翰·罗尔夫成婚9个月之后一个儿子

    Pocahontas married the widowed John Rolfe in 1614 and bore him a son about nine months later.


  • 湿地管理价值取决湿地的大小、与人造环境距离以及流域的湿地总量

    The storm water management value of the wetlands depends on their size, proximity to built environments and their total number within the watershed.


  • 2008年,荣吉牧师收到了一位往返韩国和俄国企业家所馈赠的大量西伯利亚红衫木,教堂是动工建设。

    The project began in 2008 with the donationto the church Pastor Hong Jung-Gil of a large quantity of Siberian red cedarwood by an entrepreneur working between Korea and Russia.


  • 前波画廊2003年的江南叙事展览展出的仿宋山水黑白摄影作品。

    For Hong Lei's Narrative: An Alternative Beauty, his first Chambers Fine Art solo show in 2003, the artist displayed photographic doppelgangers of Song Dynasty paintings.


  • 烟台科技维修服务中心一家立足IT产品芯片维修技术科技型企业

    Yantai Hong sends the technical service center, is one bases on the IT product chip level service technology science and technology enterprise.


  • 后卫埃尔南德斯耿耿怀地表示

    Hopes Hong guard Hernandez to take to heart expressed.


  • 学术界几十年个案研究成果中,绘画造型渊源研究似乎一个较为“陈旧”的话题

    Among the achievements of the case study of Hongshou Chen in the academe during the past decades, it seems that the study about the origin of form of painting has been an "older-fashioned" theme.


  • 诗歌现存不多,只有一百一十几首,绝大多数诗集西渡》中。

    There are not many Hong Yan's poems existing, only one hundred and ten odd, most of which exist in his The Collection of poems, Xidu.


  • 南宋充分肯定了小说价值徘徊小说的虚实之间怀疑鬼神怪异真实却又相信天命

    Hong Mai in South Song Dynasty had a firm belief in the value of novels, He wavered between the reality and imagination of novels, doubting the existence of ghosts while believing in destiny.


  • 卡尔,深受欢迎的鼓手布朗克斯,纽约毕业伯克利音乐学院,波士顿在那里获得学士学位音乐制作和工程等

    Will Calhoun, the widely acclaimed drummer from the Bronx, New York, graduated from the Berklee School of Music in Boston, where he received a Bachelors degree in Music Production and engineering.


  • 相较人物山水提供给的,不仅自然物象更是一种可以在具象抽象之间自由出入的创造状态

    Compared to human characters, landscapes not only provide natural imagery to Hong Ling, but also a creative condition that comes out freely from between figurative and abstract art.


  • 俞敏从商的决定,在一定程度上归功妻子没完没了的唠叨

    Yu Minhong attributes his decision to abandon a teaching career and go into business partly to his wife's intense nagging.


  • 俞敏1980年考入北京大学西语系。

    In Mr Yu Admitted to Peking University in 1980, the West family.


  • 主人公王应梦境具有理性非理性内涵服从社会表相。

    The dreamworld of the hero WANG Ying hong implies the rational and irrational contents, which submits to the social representation.


  • 合肥地区膨胀形成第四纪上更新世Q_3及其以前江淮冲积积成因类型

    The swelling soil in Hefei zone was formed at the Q3 epipleistocene of the 4th subage or before. It belongs to the type of Huaihe alluviation and diluvion.


  • 华裔加拿大自由翻译家,生广西柳州市,毕业广西师范大学外语系英语硕士研究生班。

    Mr. Hong Liu, Canadian freelance translator, was Associate Professor of English in Guangxi Normal University in Guilin, China.


  • 不断强化中国市场投入的策略下,Fenzi公司2003年底浙江省嘉兴市秀洲工业区成立浙江芬齐涂料密封胶有限公司,计划在20064月投产

    Ltd. at Honggao Road, Xiuzhou Industry Zone, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province at the end of Year 2003, which will start production in the April of Year 2006.


  • 不断强化中国市场投入的策略下,Fenzi公司2003年底浙江省嘉兴市秀洲工业区成立浙江芬齐涂料密封胶有限公司,计划在20064月投产

    Ltd. at Honggao Road, Xiuzhou Industry Zone, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province at the end of Year 2003, which will start production in the April of Year 2006.


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