• 可是—我不是故意的”加说道身体颤抖得片落叶

    "But I did not do it on purpose. " replied Garoffi, trembling like a leaf.


  • 目的分析多重洛菲不动杆菌的耐药性中西医结合治疗的疗效

    Objective To analyze the resistance of Acinetobacter lwoffii in experiment and clinical efficacy integrative Chinese and western medicine(ICWM).


  • 斯通纽约巴黎IMG模特公司的经纪人此事发表评论。

    Neither Roitfeld nor Stone's agents at the IMG model agency in New York or Paris were available for comment.


  • 本届上海纺机展,洛菲公司一种参与方式带给大家却是更多惊喜

    This time, Loepfe participates ITMA Shanghai with a special way, and bring lots of surprise to everyone.


  • 站在身边发觉全身颤抖着脸色苍白,尸体一样。“坏事?”

    Garoffi was standing beside me, I perceived that he was trembling all over, and that his face as white as that of a corpse, "Who was it?"


  • 洛菲突然放声大哭,上前抱住老人膝盖,老人用手去摸头,轻轻着他的头发

    Said the headmaster of Garoffi, Garoffi, bursting into tears, embraced the old man's knees, and the latter, having the felt for the boy's head with his hand, caressed his hair.


  • 这时加龙低声说道:“承认其他人一种懦弱的行为呀!”

    Then I overheard Garrone say in a low voice to Garoffi , "Come, go and present yourself, it would be cowardly to allow and any one else to be arrested."


  • 莉亚ii号科学考察船2009年征程围绕墨西哥湾附近暗礁钻探船只残骸展开。

    The Lophelia II 2009 Reef, Rigs, and Wrecks cruise explored the waters in the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 那些收回警察抓着洛菲一双臂膀,推开人群受伤老人正在休息的一家面包店去

    Then they ceased, and policeman seized Garoffi by the hand and led him, pushing aside the crowd as he went to a pastry-cook's shop, where the wounded man had been carried.


  • 美国博客网站Jezebel批评洛菲摄影师史蒂芬·克莱恩改变模特的肤色做法,指责他们文化缺少敏感性

    The us blog Jezebel criticised the decision of Roitfeld and photographer Steven Klein to alter the model's skin colour, accusing them of cultural insensitivity.


  • 这些让步激怒了诸如参议院自由派人是约翰洛菲他曾经宣称本周鲍卡斯提案不会得到投票”)。

    Worse yet, such concessions have attracted the ire of such liberals as Senator John Rockefeller, who declared this week that the Baucus bill "will not have my vote".


  • 克莱因应该知道为了其他白人娱乐,而将白人黑色令人厌恶行为,这种行为完全背离了文化传统,”文章

    "What Klein and Roitfeld should know... is that painting white people black for the entertainment of other white people is offensive in ways that stand entirely apart from cultural context," it said.


  • 照片杂志资深主编卡琳·洛菲德(CarineRoitfeld)设计拍摄如今随着一话题通过网上论坛流行风尚网站传播,已引起公愤

    The photo shoot, styled by the magazine's long-time editor, Carine Roitfeld, provoked outrage today as its subject spread through Internet forums and fashion websites.


  • 去年,洛菲极速膨胀时尚业界功绩上又多加了可(MAC)化妆品达成的协议,合作引进一个限量版化妆品系列——一套与现在肤色相似茶色色系。

    Roitfeld added to her proliferating fashion credits a deal with MAC cosmetics to introduce a limited-edition makeup line, a palette of the tawny colors like those she wears. Around the same time, Ms.


  • 1987到1990年期间,施特格拉芙很大程度上抵挡住了纳芙拉蒂夺冠挑战

    Between 1987 and 1990, Steffi Graf largely held off Navratilova's challenge for the crown.


  • 开始基金会资助的墨西哥项目工作通过开发高产品种提高小麦产量

    Borlaug began work at a Rockefeller Foundation-funded project in Mexico to increase wheat production by developing higher-yielding varieties of the crop.


  • 首先亚里士多德柏拉图衍生出利亚一重新定义依赖理性而非激情东西

    First of all, Aristotle derived the term philia from Plato's eros, and he redefined love as something that is more dependent on reason than on passion.


  • 利克斯表亲冈萨招来过次警察,他认为这都是因为自己肤色不同”。

    His cousin Gonzalo has been pulled over three times-because of "the colour of my skin", he thinks.


  • 另外据加州帕·阿尔托的老年法律师吉尔人们往往低估自己资产忘记自己的账户所以可能会发现自己原来的要富有。

    Plus, says Michael Gilfix, an elder-law attorney in Palo Alto, Calif., people tend to underestimate their holdings or forget about accounts, so you may find that you have more than you think.


  • 首先亚里士多德柏拉图斯,衍生出亚一词,对爱情进行了重新定义,将其定义为取决于理性而非激情东西

    So first of all, Aristotle derived the term philia from Plato's eros, and he redefined love as something that is more dependent on reason than on passion.


  • 克·大学马塞·马尼·亚斯科领导另一研究人员研究了叶脉循环。

    Another group of researchers at Rockefeller, led by Marcelo Magnasco, also examined vein-loops in leaves.


  • 英语希伯来语演讲时·格林伯格拉比在旁帮助

    Rabi Shalom Greenberg helps Sophie as she gives her speech in English and Hebrew.


  • 想起了那个高雅贵妇人式的年迈的母猩猩佛,还有女儿;1960年时还是只幼年猩猩,如今那些猩猩中唯一存活下来的。

    I thought of the grand old matriarch, Flo, and her daughter Fifi, a tiny infant in 1960 and the one individual from those days still alive now.


  • 史蒂夫•乔布斯自己叫做“无所不知首席官”,杨致远大卫自称“首席雅虎”。

    Steve Jobs calls himselfchief know it all”. Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo!, call themselves “chief Yahoos”.


  • 似乎唯一一个就此事与尔普斯作对的

    But Lott seems to be the only person talking about making a case against Phelps.


  • 协助其他'家庭'成员绝佳机会特恩布尔说道

    This is a wonderful opportunity for Lawrie to be able to assist another member of the 'Blades Family', "said Turnbull."


  • 而且还是一个一流的竞选者,是沃尔特·蒙代尔一张前往全国竞选的通行证。

    Still, although Ferraro was a first-class campaigner, it was not she but Walter Mondale who made the decision to put her on a national ticket.


  • 奥利尔住进了粗鲁的美国人叫做开化文明社会的地方,帕特则住进充满艺术气息的半上流社会。

    Olivier moves in what boorish Americans regard as civilised society. Parrot is at home in the artistic demimonde.


  • 周四美国泳联决定宣布之前尔普斯告诉CNN旗下的WBAL这起事件源于自己“判断力”。

    On Thursday, before the decisions by USA Swimming and Kellogg were announced, Phelps told CNN affiliate WBAL that the incident was a result of "bad judgment."


  • 周四美国泳联决定宣布之前尔普斯告诉CNN旗下的WBAL这起事件源于自己“判断力”。

    On Thursday, before the decisions by USA Swimming and Kellogg were announced, Phelps told CNN affiliate WBAL that the incident was a result of "bad judgment."


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