• 迅速调整352阵型很快解决了这个问题(而且解放了不得不变着法防守米哈伊维奇,那时中后卫),最后他们赢了一个2-0

    A quick switch to 3-5-2 soon solved that (and freed Sinisa Mihajlovic - playing by that stage of his career as a centre-back - from actually having to do any defending), and they won 2-0.


  • 认为分的乡村音乐帮助听众表达了一种“摆脱一切”,“重返过去时光”的强烈愿望。

    This country element, Horowitz feels, helped its audience express an urge to “get away from it all, ” to “go back to the old day.


  • 勒斯毕纳村房屋形状类似火山巨石墓碑生活原始力量近在咫尺。

    Life's primal forces are close at hand in Bena, on the island of Flores, where homes shaped like volcanic cones stand beside megalithic gravestones.


  • 维奇卡普被非法一位瘾者女演员安娜·妮可·斯密斯开药。

    Eroshevich and Kapoor stand accused of illegally prescribing drugs to an addict, actress Anna Nicole Smith.


  • 杉维奇卡普被非法一位瘾者女演员安娜·妮可·斯密斯开药

    Eroshevich and Kapoorstand accused of illegally prescribing drugs to an addict, actress Anna NicoleSmith.


  • 似乎化妆白脸,并用了大红的唇膏就像是凯撒·罗在《蝙蝠侠》里扮演小丑,”写道,“他看起来任何地方都有80180那么老了。”

    He appears to be wearing whiteface and red lipstick like Cesar Romero as the Joker from ‘Batman,’ ” Lowe writes. “He looks anywhere from 80 to 180 years old.”


  • 似乎化妆白脸,并用了大红的唇膏就像是凯撒·罗在《蝙蝠侠》里扮演小丑,”写道,“他看起来任何地方都有80180那么老了。”

    "He appears to be wearing whiteface and red lipstick like Cesar Romero as the Joker from 'Batman,'" Lowe writes. "he looks anywhere from 80 to 180 years old."


  • 认为分的乡村音乐帮助听众表达了一种“摆脱一切”,“重返过去时光”的强烈愿望。

    This country element, Horowitz feels, helped its audience express an urge to "get away from it all, " to "go back to the old day.


  • 由于达斯点石接触,直到今天,帕克托河岸仍然呈现金黄色

    Till this day the riverbank appears golden as a result of King Midas' golden touch.


  • 本文研究盐酸介质中的效率和常用的酸洗缓蚀剂——乌托品做了对比

    The efficiency of corrosion inhibition of film amine in hydrochloric acid has been investigated, and compared with a well known corrosion inhibitor - hexamethylenetetramine.


  • 1988年扶轮社员,道尔顿扶轮社员,1990- 91年度担任扶轮社社长。

    A Rotarian since 1988, Carolyn is a member of the Rotary club of Dalton, where she served as club President in 1990-91.


  • 本文针对纺纱机理进行了分析、探讨,提出观点

    The yarn forming mechanism in Siro spinning is analyzed and discussed, and a new point of view is presented.


  • 皮肤细胞匀浆代谢相似,酮异丙代谢原药芬。

    Ketoprofen isopropyl ester was hydrolyzed into ketoprofen when penetrated through the cultured skin, which resembled in the skin cell homogenates metabolism.


  • 周前特伦特·因为在立法方面战役输给白宫恼羞怒,在周日早晨的谈话节目为“一个被宠坏的小鬼头”。

    A few weeks earlier Trent Lott, who was miffed about having lost a minor legislative battle to the WhiteHouse, had called me a spoiled brat on one of the Sunday-morning talk shows.


  • 同时投考律师公会,并1953功取得务律师的资格。 同年,夫妇诞下了一对孪生兄妹,分别取名为马克儿。

    She qualified as a barrister in 1953, the year in which her twins Mark and Carol were born.


  • 论述羊绒结构特性,为羊绒产品开发探索一条途径

    A necessary discussion on the structure characteristics of cashmere yarn formed by siro spinning is brought forth. A new approach to develop cashmere products is thus probed into.


  • 在此居住了天知道,把房子装潢现今这样美仑美矣几近完美模样,究竟多少这样的美屋搞得人日常生活一片混饨。

    Caroline had spent three years and God knows how much money decorating it until it had reached that state of mannered perfection which made the disorder of normal daily life unthinkable.


  • 商品简介此款呈现出明亮的紫罗兰歌海普兰葡萄酿造酿造过程中先葡萄汁进行单独分离处理然后混合一起进行瓶装

    This wine has a bright red violet, from Grenache and Tempranillo grapes into two, during the brewing process of the two kinds of grape juice for separate processing, and then mixed with bottle.


  • 商品简介此款呈现出明亮的紫罗兰歌海普兰葡萄酿造酿造过程中先葡萄汁进行单独分离处理然后混合一起进行瓶装

    This wine has a bright red violet, from Grenache and Tempranillo grapes into two, during the brewing process of the two kinds of grape juice for separate processing, and then mixed with bottle.


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