• AC米兰总经理加利亚尼再等待48小时然后考虑其他人选来替代沃尔夫斯堡前锋泽科

    AC Milan general manager Adriano Galliani will wait another 48 hours before turning his attention to an alternative to Wolfsburg striker Edin Dzeko.


  • 曼城主教练曼奇尼想要一个前锋,而沃尔夫斯堡关于球员埃丁-的转会费谈判陷入僵局。

    Roberto Mancini, the City manager, wants a striker and has run into difficulties with Wolfsburg over the valuation of Edin Dzeko.


  • ·泽科攻入随后亚亚·图雷下半场又攻入第三球。曼奇尼的球队不愧为联赛最佳票房球队。

    Edin Dzeko scored two early goals and Yaya Toure struck a third in the second half as Mancini's men lived up to their billing as tournament favourites.


  • 证实曼城阿森纳有意罗致后,经纪人伊尔凡·帕基奇再次透露了德泽科对前去酋长球场踢球的向往。

    And, after confirming that City and Arsenal are interested, agent Irfan Redzepagic has revealed that Dzeko would be open to a move to Emirates Stadium.


  • 意大利使用最常用4-2-3 - 1阵型以利于进行4-3-3的变化只用一个控球中场泽科,卡洛斯·特维斯马里奥·巴洛特利组成的前锋线

    The Italian disposed with his usual 4-2-3-1 formation in favour of a 4-3-3 variation, with only one holding midfielder included and a forward line made up of Dzeko, Carlos Tevez and Mario Balotelli.


  • 尔彻底击败了。

    She was comprehensively outplayed by Coetzer.


  • 来克毫不自怜地表达了内心凄凉

    Kozelek expresses his sense of desolation absolutely without self-pity.


  • 伦敦经济学院进化论心理学家瑟陶士·认为谋杀生殖相关性的一个进一步证据

    Satoshi Kanazawa, an evolutionary psychologist at the London School of Economics, suggests that this is further evidence of the reproduction-related nature of murder.


  • 2011年1月20号,英格兰尔·斯,冲浪者冒着严寒尽情享受纳什冬季海浪

    A surfer braves the cold to take advantage of the Cornish winter waves on January 20, 2011 in Polzeath, England.


  • 就连恩·费米显然没有下功夫好好拜读哈内尔著作错误地将3/4前因数的误差归咎于亚伯拉罕电子能。

    Even Enrico Fermi apparently did not bother to read Hasenöhrl's papers properly before concluding wrongly that the discrepant 3/4 prefactor was due to the electron self-energy identified by Abraham.


  • 店主迈克尔·说:“开店13年来从未遇到这种情况。”

    "In 13 years of running this shop I've never seen anything like this," said owner Michael Conitzer.


  • ·霍根泰国渔民2007年在泰国北部发现一条70磅重、4英尺长的鲿鲶鱼(学名:Bagariusyarrelli) 。

    Zeb Hogan and a Thai fishermen find a 70-pound, 4-foot-long bagrid catfish (Bagarius yarrelli) in northern Thailand in 2007.


  • (尽管明年预算很爽快地假定1.5%的经济增长)央行行长·罗哈丁斯基(ZeljkoRohatinski表示欧洲中央银行行长杰-克劳德·特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet)最近警告克罗地亚正走上“灾难路。

    Zeljko Rohatinski, governor of the central bank, says that Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, warned him recently that Croatia is on the road to “catastrophe”.


  • 魔术师伙伴:哈里·波特魔法世界导读》(百老汇丛书2001)作者,阿兰·一位专业魔术师教育家,做有关魔法历史演讲

    Authors of the Sorcerer's Companion: a Guide to the Magical World of Harry Potter (Broadway Books 2001), Allan Kronzek is a professional magician and educator who lectures on the history of magic.


  • 筹集足够说服家族卖掉曼联并不容易虽然现在还是经济危机的背景下。

    Raising enough money to persuade the Glazer family to sell the club will not be easy, however, in the aftermath of the global recession.


  • 2008年以前,·赖克伦考古发掘合作者不认同舒伦的理论

    Ronny Reich, who was Shukron's collaborator at the site until 2008, disagrees with the theory.


  • 拉多·勒:应该什么,问我应该怎么活下去同一个问题

    Corrado Zeller: you ask what you should watch. I ask how I should live. It's the same thing.


  • 引述贝鲁斯话说明白人们为什么这么恨

    Verze quoted the premier saying, 'I don't understand why people hate me to this degree.


  • 布伦茨城建立莱茵河尔河汇合处

    The city of Koblenz was established at the confluence of the Rhine and Mosel.


  • 悉尼(或锡德尼):加拿大新斯舍省城市,位于布雷顿角东部商业工业中心人口29,444。

    A city of Nova Scotia, Canada, on eastern Cape Breton Island. It is a commercial and industrial center. Population, 29,444.


  • 罗伯特·库尔、杰瑞米·博尔特塞缪尔·哈迪达以及保罗·w·s·安德森马丁·莫兹维茨一起担任执行制片人

    Robert Kulzer, Jeremy Bolt, Samuel Hadida and Paul W. S. Anderson are producing with Martin Moszkowicz tapped as executive producer.


  • 来自澳大利亚但这并不意味着袋鼠那样跳得横梁还要高——佩鲁贾教练瑟斯·斯米惨败后为备受指责守门员-卡拉克辩护

    Just because he is from Australia, it doesn't mean that he can jump over the bar like a kangaroo? Ac Perugia coach Serse Cosmi defends goalkeeper Zeljko Kalac from the critics after one heavy defeat.


  • 保罗·马尔蒂·尼本周休战,亚历桑德罗·内斯塔雅普·斯塔姆站到了中卫位置上,马尔·斯·卡福和卡哈·卡拉扮演边后卫的角色

    Paolo Maldini was rested so Alessandro Nesta and Jaap Stam played in the centre of defence, with Marcos Cafu and Kakha Kaladze in the full-back roles.


  • 子安贝任一种宝贝中的热带海洋腹足纲软体动物,光滑的,通常贝壳斑纹的贝壳,太平洋地区非洲有些贝壳被当作货币使用。

    Any of various tropical Marine gastropods of the family Cypraeidae, having glossy, often brightly marked shells, some of which are used as currency in the South Pacific and Africa.


  • 雅普·斯塔姆保罗·马尔蒂尼搭档担任中卫,亚历桑德罗·内斯塔坐在了替补席上,马尔·斯·卡福卡拉则出任后防线上的另两个位置

    Jaap Stam partnered Paolo Maldini in the centre of defence as Alessandro Nesta dropped to the bench while Marcos Cafu and Kahka Kaladze occupied the full-back positions.


  • 阿尔·帕西诺故交所以阿尔机缘演出扮演弗朗西斯·福特·波拉教父》时,受邀演出扮演中的弗雷

    Kayser and Al Pacino are friends or old, so there is opportunity in Al Francis Ford Coppola play performances of "the Godfather", the Kaiser was invited to play the film performed more than Frey.


  • 阿尔·帕西诺故交所以阿尔机缘演出扮演弗朗西斯·福特·波拉教父》时,受邀演出扮演中的弗雷

    Kayser and Al Pacino are friends or old, so there is opportunity in Al Francis Ford Coppola play performances of "the Godfather", the Kaiser was invited to play the film performed more than Frey.


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