• 泰卡真高猛击球门后面

    Tkatchenko smacked the ball into the back of the goal.


  • 那里,她见证了2017年威士忌大西洋挑战赛的结束。

    There she saw the end of the 2017 Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.


  • 每天24小时地球同一个区域气象卫星不同,一般情况下只能获取一张有关墨西哥湾的白天视图

    But unlike weather satellites that look at the same region on Earth 24 hours a day, Terra and Aqua generally only get one daylight view each of the Gulf of Mexico.


  • 视图大约每天中午前不久则是中午过后不久

    Terra’s view is shortly before noon each day, and Aqua’s is shortly after.


  • 此时正是仲夏白夜时节太阳几乎不会落山我们婚典上一直次日早上,然后在莫伊河堤漫步到昂格勒酒店去用早餐

    It was the midsummer season of white nights, when the sun never fully sets, and we stayed at the wedding party till morning, wandering along the Moika embankment for breakfast at the Hotel Angleterre.


  • 今年二月那儿拜访伯恩馆长凯文·斯顿,他们了解批藏品最新情况

    In February, I went there to visit Carbone and Kevin Stayton, the chief curator, for an update on the collection.


  • 哲尔指出,阅历快乐;挥霍者快乐——而且他们负了最多的信用债务

    Experiencers are the happiest; big spenders are the least happy — and have the most credit card debt, Tatzel reports.


  • 大多数地球大观发布有关浮图像来自同时搭载于卫星叫做MODIS传感器的数据的副本

    Most of the images of the oil slick that the Earth Observatory has published come from a sensor called MODIS, a copy of which flies on both the Terra and Aqua satellites.


  • 据悉出生于1865邻居透露,自从她1980年搬到该村居住后,老太太的模样没有发生过什么变化

    Katemi is said to have been born in 1865. Her neighbors said Katemi had lived in their village since 1980 but over the years her face had not undergone any significant changes.


  • 南极非常美丽超凡脱俗特别是傍晚通过冰山进行巡航的时刻,”伦·迈尔斯

    "Antarctica was very beautiful and otherworldly, especially cruising through the icebergs during the late evening twilight," Meinstein said.


  • 萨克雷炮火雷天地攻击印度杰出的板球员杜尔(孟买人但声言自己首先是个印度人)印度首富穆克什·安巴尼(宣称孟买属于所有人)。

    Mr Thackeray has thundered against India's greatest cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar, a Mumbaikar who says he's Indian first, and its richest man, Mukesh Ambani, who says Mumbai is for all.


  • 最终本特奥尔姆斯他们的健康损害变得大了。

    Eventually Carpenter and Olmsted say the toll on their health became too much.


  • 如蒙大拿州参议员乔恩·斯特州的卫叔勒议员吹嘘自己长期拥有枪支的生涯表明立场支持第二修正案

    The likes of Jon Tester, a new senator in Montana, and Heath Shuler, a North Carolina congressional freshman, did much bragging about their lifelong gun ownership and support for the second amendment.


  • 自由作者罗宾·本特丈夫安德鲁·奥尔姆斯主街上拥有座三层楼维多利亚式房子

    Freelance writer Robin Carpenter and her husband Andrew Olmsted own a three-story Victorian house on High Street.


  • 脖子男子向记者表示工人属于工厂允许随便外人说话

    One man wearing his Mattel id on a lanyard woven with the slogan 'Lean Supply Chain' said 'the workers belong to the factory owners' and aren't allowed to talk.


  • 阿拉斯·坎贝尔菲利普·古尔德于布莱尔而言不可缺少的人物,较之其它内阁部长,史蒂夫·希尔顿安迪·库尔大卫·梅伦更加亲密。

    Alastair Campbell and Philip Gould were indispensable to Tony Blair; Steve Hilton and Andy Coulson are closer to David Cameron than most cabinet ministers.


  • 昨天.珀(TadCarper),骑士联络副总(vice president ofcommunication下周克利夫兰市举行的骑士队&波士顿凯尔特人比赛邀请托勒位嘉宾现场观看。

    Tad Carper, Cavs vice president of communication, said yesterday that he would invite Towler and three guests to sit courtside for next week's playoff game in Cleveland against the Boston Celtics.


  • 菲亚特控股权家族34岁继承人约翰·埃尔康 ,即将取代·莫洛(Luca di Montezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者

    This, along with the news that John Elkann, a 34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat, would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman, cheered investors.


  • 周前艾丽•斯因拜茨,原基民盟位保守派成员加入10退出:“那儿代表保守主义,但是却越来越孤立无援。”

    Two weeks ago Erika Steinbach, a controversial member of the CDU's board, quit after ten years, saying, “I stand there for conservatism, but increasingly alone.


  • 翌日上午,阿姐妹——拉(terra)卫星从该地点上方飞过尽管油污还是充斥原处无法观测到。

    By the time Aqua's sister satellite, Terra, flew overhead the next morning, however, the oil was no longer visible-even though it was still there.


  • 同样地汽车制造商菲亚特(Fiat)总裁•蒙泽·莫洛(Luca diMontezemolo)表示:“绝对从来不穿短袖衬衫或者。”

    Similarly, Luca di Montezemolo, chairman of carmaker Fiat, says: "I absolutely never wear short-sleeved shirts, nor short socks."


  • 意大利柯奥柯craco建造巴斯利塔大区南部陡坡曾经一个繁荣村落

    Craco, Italy, was once a thriving village built along a steep hill in the southern province of Matera.


  • 视图大约每天中午前不久则是中午过后不久

    Terra's view is shortly before noon each day, and Aqua's is shortly after.


  • 不久之后洛桑参议院为庆祝著名布伦·舞剧套曲的首次公演所举办的庆典中,塔科加入了科洛桑的精英阶层。

    Not long after, Takel mingled with Coruscanti elite at a gala celebrating the opening night of the famous Brentaal opera known as the Kallea Cycle, in the former Senate Chambers on Coruscant.


  • 最新修订的《韦罗妮动向一书于2004年记者玛利亚?拉拉整理出版。

    Tendenza Veronica, (Veronica's Trend), is a revised edition of a book first published in 2004 by journalist Maria Latella.


  • 布莱327星际陪伴塞库拉游历霍尔斯·斯、霍诺格、安扎特和萨卢迈。

    Bly and the 327th Star Corps served with Secura on Tours that took them to New Holstice, Honoghr, Anzat and Saleucami.


  • 盖丽尔·普·蒂森《巴库拉休战》中首次亮相这本小说凯西·撰写,班坦光谱出版社出版

    Gaerial Captison first appeared in The Truce at Bakura, a novel by Kathy Tyers published by Bantam Spectra.


  • 可以森林或者赞加沼泽,取决于两个地区的拥挤程度。

    Depending on how full either zone is, you can go to Terrokar Forest or Zangarmarsh.


  • 便是为什么兰多·瑞辛会请洛博特帮忙解决利康浪子”之谜原因,“利康”浪子雅文战役16破坏共和国舰队

    This is why Lando Calrissian recruited Lobot to help solve the mystery of the Teljkon vagabond that had been plaguing the New Republic fleet 16 years after the Battle of Yavin.


  • 便是为什么兰多·瑞辛会请洛博特帮忙解决利康浪子”之谜原因,“利康”浪子雅文战役16破坏共和国舰队

    This is why Lando Calrissian recruited Lobot to help solve the mystery of the Teljkon vagabond that had been plaguing the New Republic fleet 16 years after the Battle of Yavin.


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