• 已经一些创新型学校例子,它们具备完善学术课程设置,同时注重学生的心理健康为学生提供福利

    There are already examples of innovative schools which combine mental health and wellbeing provision with a strong academic curriculum.


  • 公司注重产品质量建立并支行了一整套完善质量管理体系

    Companies focus on product quality, and set up branch of a set of perfect quality management system.


  • 建议散打运动完善技术体系同时注重传统文化继承加强散打礼仪武德构建

    It is suggested that Sanda should stress traditional culture 'inheriting during perfect technology system, and strengthen the construction of Wushu etiquette and moral.


  • 结论保证检验报告准确提高基层医疗检验水平,就必须注重检验人员规范操作完善质量管理

    Conclusion guarantee of the survey report is accurate, improve the level of medical inspection, attention must be paid to the inspection personnel, perfect quality management standard operation.


  • 散手的普及推广致力于发掘民族特性,其当务之急提高观赏性。因此必须注重规则完善

    To popularize Sanshou, it essential to explore its national characteristics and promote its visual art. Consequently, emphasis should be laid on perfecting the regulations.


  • 教改思路重新确立田径教学重要性注重扩展教学内容完善教学手段方法,改进考查制度等。

    Reform idea: reestablish the importance of track and field teaching, focusing on expansion of course content, improve teaching methods and improve the test system.


  • 德育管理需要注重建立校园网管理原则、组建培养校园网管理人员完善校园网管理制度。

    Moral education management needs more attention on the principles and the staff of campus network in order to perfect the management system.


  • 理工科大学人文教育完善有助于纠正理工科大学过分注重专业教育弊端,有助于我国理工科大学素质教育理论的丰富与充实,有助于促进社会协调进步

    It can improve the education mode of university and rectify the problem of paying too much attention to the specialty education... it can help to the improvement of quality-oriented education theory.


  • 提出完善力学模型同时,更加注重新的计算方法验证以及工程应用研究。

    While present mechanical models are improved or new models are developed, more attention should be paid to the verification and application of new methods.


  • 完善硬件设施建设同时我们特别注重加强员工队伍建设实行全员培训安全管理

    In the perfect hardware facilities at the same time, we have special emphasis on strengthening the building of the staff, the implementation of staff training, safety management.


  • 他们是否注重自我完善

    Are they serious about improving themselves?


  • 合理确定铁路等级速度目标值核心指标完善安全标准更加注重技术、新装备开发应用安全性可靠性

    Feasibly grading the railway, target speed and other core indicators, improve safety standards, pay more attention to the safety and the reliability of new technology, new equipment and applications.


  • 如果我们从小注重孩子责任感培养对于孩子健全完善人格养成具有积极的意义

    If we were brought up to pay attention to the cultivation of children for children of responsibility, the sound and perfect personality has positive significance to develop.


  • 认为,医疗技术服务知情同意完善必须注重两个环节,知情同意过程签署知情同意书

    To emphasize two key processes in completing the informed consent, namely, the process of informing and the signing of the informed consent, which should be treated same as a routine.


  • 另外应建立灵活审慎有效监管制度注重相关政策配套完善

    Finally, build flexible and effective supervision system and focus on improving and matching of relevant policies.


  • 系统建设过程注重长期课件开发规划人员培训,逐步建立完善开发队伍

    We should stress the long-term development and programming of the courseware and the training of staffs in the process of the construction of system so as to build and perfect the developing staff.


  • 注重科学管理技术创新建立完善管理体制技术保障体系

    Pay attention to scientific management, technological innovation, has established a perfect management system and technical support system.


  • 进一步完善企业统计指标体系注重统计信息搜集综合处理扩大服务领域。

    Statistic target system of the enterprise is further completed, collection and comprehensive processing of statistic information are emphasized, and service scope extended.


  • 陶瓷注重产品适用性不断完善更新,将产品系列配套推向市场

    Hanye ceramics attaches great importance to applicability of products, improves and updates constantly, trying to advance the products to the market.


  • 注重预防关键解决教育扎实制度完善监督得力不足。

    Attaching importance on prevention is to solve the problems such as the base of education is not solid, the system is imperfect and the supervision is not forceful.


  • 研究生生活中,更加注重自己专业知识的积累完善注重理论联系实际

    For my first year graduate study, I strengthened my theoretical buildup of my major as well as my practical skills.


  • 情感注重腔调节拍说英语,这会英语完善流畅

    Speaking with emotion, tone and rhythm will make your English perfect and fluent.


  • 我们秉承质量第一客户至上”的企业宗旨;“设备先进注重人才管理完善本厂立足根本。

    We adhering to the "quality first, customers foremost" is the enterprise tenet, "Advanced equipment, personnel, management" is our foothold.


  • 由此提出应该综合考虑上下游企业利益注重政策效应法律效应统一以及做好重要行业的预警信息统计工作等方面的完善措施。

    Based on the analyses, we suggest we should consider the benefit both the upriver and downriver enterprises', lay weight on effect unification of policy and law, and make good wo…


  • 由此提出应该综合考虑上下游企业利益注重政策效应法律效应统一以及做好重要行业的预警信息统计工作等方面的完善措施。

    Based on the analyses, we suggest we should consider the benefit both the upriver and downriver enterprises', lay weight on effect unification of policy and law, and make good wo…


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