• 约750年前,一个叫马可波罗的人来到中国。

    About 750 years ago, a man named Marco Polo went to China.


  • 巴兹还是不确定——那些并不了解波罗11号船员之间关系来说是个讽刺——但是认为巴兹直到今天还是不能真正地很好了解阿姆斯特朗

    Buzz is still very unsure - and this is ironic for those who don't understand the relationship within that Apollo 11 crew - but I don't think Buzz, to this day, really understands Armstrong very well.


  • 图为伯格曼1960年拍摄穿越黑暗玻璃》的一张档案图片右面是伯格曼,他瑞典东南波罗的哥特兰附近的法罗岛休息

    Bergman, right, relaxes on location on the islet of Faro off Gotland Island in the Baltic Sea, southeastern Sweden, during filming of "Through a Glass, Darkly" in this 1960 file photo.


  • 其实,开始波罗8号乘员成为第一离开星球轨道线索就在那里摆着了。

    The clues had been there from the start, when the crew of Apollo 8 became the first humans to leave their home planet’s orbit.


  • 这个残酷条约下了俄国四分之一工业,以及俄国统治广大疆域波兰波罗海诸国,白俄罗斯乌克兰克里米亚比萨拉比亚和芬兰。

    The draconian treaty tore away a quarter of Russia’s population and industry, and vast swathes of Russian-ruled territory: Poland, the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, Bessarabia and Finland.


  • 同一铺位一个很有意思,1936年奥运会时,过爱沙尼亚拳击队教练年后,爱沙尼亚和其它两个波罗国家(立陶宛、拉脱维亚)并苏联

    I Shared my berth with an interesting man who had been the coach of the Estonian boxing team in the 1936 Olympics, three years before the Soviet Union absorbed the Baltic states.


  • 最后一个月球留下脚印波罗17号指挥员尤金·塞尔南,是在1972年12月14

    The last man to leave his footprint on the moon was Apollo 17 commander Eugene Cernan, on Dec. 14, 1972.


  • 深入研究了整个事件戏剧性转变过程以及那些促成这些转变的物后,伍德·菲尔总结的“拯救了波罗13的13个关键”。

    Fascinated by the turn of events and individuals involved who turned failure into success, Woodfill has come up with what he calls "13 Things That Saved Apollo 13."


  • 最终去年《象波罗海般凝视》一书中。

    Finally, in last year's "the Man with the Baltic Stare".


  • 那些不相信波罗登月行动的认为当时美国科技水平还不足以发射上月球

    Those who doubt the Apollo moon landings insist that the US lacked the technology to send humans to the Moon at that time.


  • 汉语字面意思是猠中间国家”。最初使用这个词汇意大利探险家马可波罗

    In Chinese, the word literally means "the middle country." the name was first used by the Italian explorer, Marco Polo.


  • 图为伯格曼1960年拍摄穿越黑暗玻璃一张档案图片右面是伯格曼,他在瑞典东南波罗海的哥特兰附近法罗岛休息

    Bergman right relaxes on location on the islet of faro off gotland island in the Baltic sea southeastern Sweden during filming of "through a glass darkly" in this1960file photo.


  • 我们之中见证过波罗11号登月看到月球上跨出一步返回地球时,瞠目结舌。

    Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth.


  • 波罗不是一个容易气馁耐心地最好朋友解释这个计划可惜的是不能改变布鲁诺想法

    Boboro is not a easily discouraged, he patiently explained that his best friend plan, unfortunately did not change Bruno's mind.


  • 同时代赖麦锡说,弗拉-毛罗地图一张“马可波罗中国带来的地图的改良复印本”。

    Ramusio, a contemporary, states that Fra Mauro's map is "an improved copy of the one brought from Cathay by Marco Polo".


  • 苏格拉底表示自己受德尔菲波罗神的命令,探询是否神谕所说那样实际上智慧的

    He presents himself as having been commanded by the Delphic oracle, or the god Apollo, to find out whether he is in truth the wisest of men, as the oracle is reported to have said.


  • 剩下波罗国家那里正视历史呼声日益高涨。

    That leaves the Baltic states, where the demand for justice about the past is still burning.


  • 由于对爱情不,玛彭莎谢绝了波罗甜蜜许诺选择了能同甘共苦伴侣

    Fearing infidelity on part of a god, Marpessa turned down the sweet promises of Apollo and chose for her companion in life one capable of a like fate.


  • 我们之中见证过波罗11号登月看到月球上跨出一步返回地球时,瞠目结舌。

    Those eof us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth.


  • 出自阿波罗11号飞行计划这一宝龙拍卖公司售出,上面写了阿姆斯壮说是在1969年7月20成为第一踏上月球,所说出的话

    Thee page from the Apollo 11 flight plan, sold at Bonhams auction house, is inscribed with the words Armstrong says he uttered after he became the first person to walk on the moon on July 20, 1969.


  • 线索开始就有波罗8号宇航员成为第一离开地球家园轨道

    The clues had been there from the start, when the crew of Apollo 8 became the first humans to leave their home planet's orbit.


  • 五月迪亚波罗农场举办场婚礼或许确实算是美梦成真——如果这样浪漫情结的话——萨姆就是这样

    And a May wedding at Rancho Diablo was probably a dream come true-if one had romantic tendencies like that. Sam did.


  • 我们与众不同班级,”一个重走马可波罗路线

    "We're a special class," says a man who took the Marco Polo route.


  • 事情是这样开始苏格拉底朋友凯勒丰请示阿波罗神谕是否苏格拉底有智慧,神回答说苏格拉底是最有智慧的

    It all began when Socrates' friend Chaerephon went to the Oracle of Delphi7 to ask if anyone was wiser than Socrates, and the Oracle answered that Socrates was the wisest.


  • 有的波罗底诺战役之后又打了仗,打垮了法军

    Some said there had been another battle after Borodino, in which the French had been utterly defeated;


  • 1971年今天,波罗计划:阿波罗15号的宇航员成为驾驶登月飞行器的

    1971 - Apollo program: Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover.


  • 1971年今天,波罗计划:阿波罗15号的宇航员成为驾驶登月飞行器的

    1971 - Apollo program: Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover.


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