• 过激案例波兰那里29个政党获得席位

    The extreme case was Poland, where 29 parties won seats.


  • 集中营囚禁囚犯熟悉条纹制服,在地图上的计算显示波兰的瓜分。

    There were the familiar striped uniforms forced on prisoners in the concentration camps, and the calculation in maps that showed the division of Poland.


  • 孤独身影坐在小桥上,梦想相信攻占波兰

    A solitary figure sits on a bridge, dreaming no doubt of one day invading Poland.


  • 参加这次宣福礼,他们因为能出席感到无上荣耀,以及这位波兰教皇他们多么重要。

    Those who took part in the ceremony spoke of the privilege they felt to be present and of how much the Polish Pope meant to them.


  • 但是顾客记录里仍然记录来自波兰英国中国游客

    Still, her guest book includes recent visitors from Poland, England and China.


  • 波兰举办著名音乐节日瓦特拉国际艺术节华沙秋天

    The renowned music festivals hosted by Poland include the Wratislavia Cantans and the Warsaw Autumn.


  • 等同于波兰人口总数不同的西伯利亚40那么

    This is the equivalent of the population of Poland, except that Siberia is 40 times the size.


  • 正在设立可能会称作“思想坦克东西最好称作“实践力量”,它最近的打算根据波兰皇室网络制作一个排名

    He has set up something that might be called a think-tank but would better be termed a "do-tank". An early project is to produce a league table of Polish courts according to their websites.


  • 甚至传言说爱尔兰人跟随波兰务工者回国工作

    There are even tales of the Irish following migrants back to Poland in search of work.


  • 波兰马路那时巨大改善但是最大的改变边境一个星期通过。

    Polish roads have improved hugely since then, but the biggest change is the border crossing. It used to take up to a week to cross.


  • 这里乌克兰人、波兰孟加拉的大型社区,还巴巴多斯国本国外最大巴巴多斯聚居地。

    There are big communities from Ukraine, Poland and Bangladesh, and the biggest cluster of Barbadians outside Barbados.


  • 个国家即格鲁吉亚波兰逆转贫困下降趋势立陶宛减贫方面也几乎没取得什么进展。

    Two countries, Georgia and Poland, bucked the trend of declining poverty, while in Lithuania, poverty was largely unchanged.


  • 伊弗珊个叫PiotrLisowski的人,是凯恩食品的工程师,最近房子老婆一致认为英国波兰适合他们新生孩子

    In Evesham Piotr Lisowski, an engineer at Kanes, has just bought a house; he and his wife have decided that Britain is a better base for their new baby than Poland.


  • 波兰BialyBor比赛中赢得奥运会参加资格时,他的努力了回报。

    The effort paid off a week ago when he achieved the Olympic qualifying standard at a competition in Bialy Bor, Poland.


  • 画里波兰牛车,俄罗斯某处,置于某些偏僻的路上

    It's of an old Polish oxcart sitting on some godforsaken road in rural Russia somewhere.


  • 学生波兰女生克拉拉,大约24岁,身材娇小,典型斯拉夫相貌:皮肤白皙,颧骨优美嘴巴翘着,眼睛里带一丝狡黠。

    One of the Polish students was Klara, about 24, rather small, with the classic Slavic look: clear skin, good cheekbones, a pouty mouth, and a slyness in her blue eyes.


  • 个很重要例外韩国由于大量短期外债调控银行认为波兰处于同样风险

    The main exception is South Korea, which, thanks to its large short-term foreign debts and highly leveraged banks, is deemed to be as risky as Poland.


  • 现在最受欢迎的东欧波兰阿尔巴尼亚语俄语很多安哥拉葡萄牙语的需要。

    The big languages at the moment are all Eastern European - Polish, Albanian, Russian, but we do lots of Portuguese for the Angolans.


  • 九小时的旅程中可以充足时间捷克睡眠然后到达克拉科夫,观赏波兰皇家城堡壮观的广场氛围迷人的地下酒吧

    The nine-hour trip allows for plenty of sleeping off all that delicious Czech lager before arriving in Krakow ready for the Polish take on royal castles, imposing squares and atmospheric cellar bars.


  • 已经许多来自波兰其它地方建筑工人正在返回国内部分原因在于火热住房市场正在迅速降温,部分原因则是国内由于劳工短缺工资已经上涨

    Already many construction workers from Poland and elsewhere are returning, partly because hot housing markets are cooling fast, partly because wages at home have risen in response to Labour shortages.


  • 记者看到选民在身上贴个“罗恩保罗37号标签,一边走,一边吃着波兰提供的美味烤肉串。

    Your correspondent spotted one labelledRon Paul #37” on his way to sample some of the excellent barbecued pork laid on by Mr Pawlenty.


  • 我们现在才知道卡车运到森林波兰俘虏一个铁丝网笼临时监狱。

    We now know that after being transported into the forest in trucks, the Polish PoWs were discharged into a barbed wire cage, which acted as a temporary holding pen.


  • 人们意大利人、西班牙人波兰的;又说他是墨西哥富人的女婿,着他老婆的珠宝跑到了君斯坦丁堡;人说,他牧师,是小提琴家,或是手的贵族

    He is called an Italian, a Spaniard, a Pole; a somebody that married a great fortune in Mexico, and ran away with her jewels to Constantinople; a priest, a fiddler, a vast nobleman.


  • 当时听众中,波兰先生的歇了业的商人,这平时爱放高利贷制造哔叽、毛布高呢帽时赚了五十万。

    Among the audience there was a wealthy retired merchant, who was somewhat of a usurer, named M. Geborand, who had amassed two millions in the manufacture of coarse cloth, serges, and woollen galloons.


  • 楼层纵深40英尺层楼一个房间。该建筑被安插位于波兰华沙两幢建筑之间

    Each of the four storeys goes back nearly 40ft with a room on each floor of the apartment, crammed into an alley between an old tenement block and a tower block in Warsaw, Poland.


  • 听起来很公平因为德国人波兰能够得到母语语言学校教育,以双语写成的街头标识,在议会保证代表权

    It sounds fair: Germans in Poland get schooling in the mother-tongue, street signs in both languages and guaranteed representation in parliament.


  • 听起来很公平因为德国人波兰能够得到母语语言学校教育,以双语写成的街头标识,在议会保证代表权

    It sounds fair: Germans in Poland get schooling in the mother-tongue, street signs in both languages and guaranteed representation in parliament.


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