• 1986年,惠普考夫曼计算机实验工作证明这些观点

    These ideas have been shown to work in computer experiments in 1986, by Farmer, Packard and Kauffman.


  • 核能作为一种理想电力能源,复兴法马通公司带来了得天独厚优势

    It is in a unique position to benefit from nuclear's expected revival as a desirable low-carbon source of electricity.


  • 有人施压关闭法马主要工厂没有同意,而是“冒天下之大不韪”按她计划继续运行

    There was pressure to shut Framatome’s main factory, but Ms Lauvergeon refused and it continued to operate “against the opinion of the world”, as she puts it.


  • 在消化法马提供资料基础编制出相关技术文件质量管理文件,对AF A3g燃料元件制造进行规范。

    Technical documents and quality insurance management documents are developed based on the full understanding of the information provided by Framatome to guide the fabrication of AFA 3g fuel elements.


  • 尤金·法马罗伯特·鲁卡斯已经说服学术界政策中的大多数人,让他们相信,随着人们所有可以得到信息消化市场将趋向于均衡。

    Eugene Fama and Robert Lucas, among others, persuaded most of academia and policymaking circles that markets tended towards equilibrium as people digested all available information.


  • 意思是说每天二十里的

    I mean a horse which can travel twenty leagues in a day.


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔克斯郡乔治·大学研究幸福感心理学副教授托德凯士丹这些发现意义重大,虽然没有看到这项研究。

    Although he has not read the study, Todd Kashdan, an associate professor of psychology at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., who studies well-being, says these findings make perfect sense.


  • 地主依萨·阿巴斯木尔坦附近自家的场院训练跳舞,他寻求业余爱好

    Dancing horses are trained by Faizal Abbas, a feudal landlord who pursues the hobby at his compound near Multan.


  • 自从主帅比奥·卡佩罗来到号称“银河舰队”的皇这位31岁的中场队员开始坐上了 冷板凳。

    The 31-year-old midfielder has been unable to earn a starting job for the Galacticos under new coach Fabio Capello.


  • 对位如果高处旋律库斯中间还有一部分什么呢?

    If we had melody up above in kind of a counterpoint, as Marcus says, there, in the middle, what was the — we had one other part, and what was that?


  • 斯蒂出生阿根廷,1953年加盟球队征战510,踢进418

    Born in Argentina, Stefano joined the club in 1953, having scored 418 goals in 510 games.


  • 其它高调支持者还有大卫·阿滕伯勒爵士、大卫·贝拉米艾伦·蒂奇雷尔希望公众也都像他们这样做。

    Sir David Attenborough, David Bellamy and Alan Titchmarsh are other high-profile supporters and Farrell hopes the public will follow suit.


  • 卡塔尔埃米尔——哈德•本•哈利•阿勒萨尼——是位狂热体育爱好者一系列世界顶级参赛选手趋之若骛的盛大赛事引入该国包括足球高尔夫网球等赛事。

    The emir, a keen sports fan, has also brought an array of big-prize competitions to his state, including football, golf and tennis, that tempt the world's top players.


  • 以色列说,不分彼此,的民一样,我的与你的一样。

    Jehoshaphat replied to the king of Israel, 'I am as you are, my people as your people, my horses as your horses.'


  • 铜矿智利港口城市安托加斯塔(Antofagasta东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿塔卡沙漠中

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile’s port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3, 050 meter (10, 010 feet) above sea level.


  • 铜矿智利港口城市安托加斯塔(Antofagasta)东南部约170公里(约合110英里),身处海拔3050(约合10010英尺)、极度干旱的阿塔·沙漠中。

    The mine is located 170 kilometers (110 miles) southeast of Chile's port city of Antofagasta, in the hyper-arid northern Atacama Desert at an elevation of 3,050 meter (10,010 feet) above sea level.


  • 严格说来我们穿越时光之旅下一将停留已有340万年的卡(Maka)遗址,此地出土了南方古猿种(Australopithecus afarensis)的颌骨以及其他一些遗骸

    Strictly speaking, our next stop on the walk through time should have been a 3.4-million-year-old site called Maka, which had yielded a jaw and some other remains of Australopithecus afarensis.


  • 农场餐桌监管食品,”位于哈拉施特拉邦普纳市国家农业食品分析研究院院长VinayOswal

    The law will regulate production of food from farm to fork,” said Vinay Oswal, director at National Agriculture and Food Analysis and Research Institute, based in the city of Pune in Maharashtra.


  • 西南伦敦中心Battersea母公司,经理帕特里克•普利住房问题他们这里求助主要原因

    Housing is the main reason they come, says Patrick Marples, who runs Battersea’s parent, Southwest London Law Centres.


  • 信心征服者战胜了人,存在于人心中。——··塔伯。

    Confidence is the conqueror of people; It beat, and exists in the hearts of people.


  • 衡量单词之间关系就是科夫分析这一就是:给定的单词序列,分析一个跟着另一个词后面出现的概率

    One way to measure these kinds of relationships is Markov analysis, which characterizes, for a given sequence of words, the probability of the words that might come next.


  • 以色列不分彼此,你的民一样,我的与你的一样。

    And Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, I am as thou art, my people as thy people, my horses as thy horses.


  • 人们其实挺容易”,扣德说道,他忽略所有人39激发创造力》两书的作者

    "Getting a lot of people to hate you is easy," says Hugh Macleod, author of Ignore Everybody, And 39 Other Keys to Creativity.


  • 这个团队随后推断西先生不像科林·弗斯以及·麦克迪恩所刻画形象那样,应该修长的平坦胸膛

    The team subsequently concluded that, unlike Colin Firth and Matthew Macfadyen's depictions of Mr Darcy, he would have had slender, sloping shoulders and a modestly-sized chest.


  • 应用岩心地面自然曲线测井自然伽曲线对比对岩心进行归位,进而岩心样品进行深度校正,在很大程度上提高岩心资料准确性。

    Contrasting core ground gamma curve with logging gamma curve locate the core, and then emend the depth of the core sample, which improve veracity of the core data.


  • 上周我们报道拉·由萨博主并且是一名为教育妇女争取权利的积极分子

    Last week, we reported on Malala Yousafzai, she is a blogger and an activist for education and women's right.


  • 布雷加斯一句愿意重回祖国西班牙的话使得巴萨可能保留签署意愿再次落空。

    Cesc fabregas has dashed any hopes that Real Madrid and Barcelona might have retained of signing him by saying he has no intention of returning to Spain.


  • 特·莱尔我们是不是应该请求支援

    Matt Farrell: Shouldn't we call for backup or something?


  • ·贝尼特斯称利物浦不会引进薪水过高球员并且质疑卢达转会切尔西决定

    Rafa Benitez has insisted Liverpool will not sign players who demand too much money - and has questioned Florent Malouda's decision to go Chelsea.


  • 塞洛不会周日比赛中出场,比奥也可能会错过比赛。

    Marcelo won't be fit to play on Sunday and Fabio may also miss the match.


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