• 有损法院地利益规避行为,援引公共秩序保留拒绝外国

    And the reservation of public order can be used in rejecting the laws of other country if the evasion of la…


  • 不是被认为都是这样无论如何这个法律其他领域合同法领域,并且本身应用法院法的过程中不是一个不可逾越障碍

    This is not thought to be the case, however, in other areas of the law such as contract, and it is not in itself an insuperable obstacle to the application of the lex loci.


  • 最高法院通常不加鉴别采用军事判决

    The Supreme Court often has uncritically accepted military judgments.


  • 法院裁决确定建筑物为危房扫清了障碍。

    The court's ruling clears the way to condemn buildings in the area.


  • 他们希望最高法院裁决遏制专利法,专利法越来越用来新的生命形式划为私有财产

    They are also hoping the court's ruling will rein in patent law, which is increasingly being used to claim new life forms as private property.


  • 超级制令”正在越来越使用商业机构法院求助,声称自己拥有保护公司机密权利

    The use of "super - injunctions", under which commercial corporations claim the right to keep secret the fact that they have been to court, has been growing.


  • 例如最高法院批准了部分出生堕胎联邦禁令,从而堕胎的实际操作更加紧密符合舆论要求和国际惯例

    By confirming the federal ban on partial-birth abortion, for example, the court has brought abortion practice more closely into line with popular opinion and international practice.


  • 上诉法院已经宣布了审判结果,再如此这些话到底值不值得呢?

    Is it worth pointing out that this is after the appeal court had delivered its verdict?


  • 麦考正在有条不紊那些认为自己生活堕胎妇女中间收集证据,待时机成熟就交给最高法院

    McCorvey is methodically gathering testimony from women who say their life was ruined by having had an abortion, to present to the Supreme Court whenever the time comes.


  • 法官上诉最高法院案件中有选择进行审理。

    The nine justices choose which cases to take from those submitted to the Supreme Court.


  • 后来法院宣布出于安全考虑,其最知名进口公众关闭又高调对外表示反对意见。

    Later, he very publicly dissented when it was announced that the court's famous front entrance would be closed to the public for security reasons.


  • 最近几年最高法院不断寻找方法违法的公司陪审团课以重罚的公司中挽救出来。

    In recent years, the Supreme Court has repeatedly found new ways to insulate corporate wrongdoers from paying large punitive-damages awards imposed by juries.


  • 猜测集中到了索尼娅·索托马约尔身上,上诉法院法官(确切说是第二上诉法院法官——译者注),她的父亲来自波多黎各体力劳动者,在就去世了

    Speculation swirls around Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge who grew up in poverty in the South Bronx after her father, a manual labourer from Puerto Rico, died when she was nine.


  • 坚持自己法律事业因此终于当时殖民孟加拉国最高法院谋得职。

    That didn’t work out but Jones kept plugging away at his legal career with eventually landed him a seat on the Supreme Court of Bengal, then a part of the British Empire.


  • 但是可能会说,33最高法院生涯中,没有能比Rehnquist法官更多改变美国主流气候

    You could argue, however, that in his 33 years on the Supreme Court Justice Rehnquist came as close as anyone to changing the prevailing climate in the United States.


  • 汤加首相图伊瓦卡诺勋爵(LordTu’ivakano)法院公正考虑斐济提出的)引渡请求

    Tonga’s prime minister, Lord Tu’ivakano, says the courts will impartially consider a request for extradition.


  • 没过多久,他俩吵架了,这次把“离婚”二字明明白白出来,并且坚决法院递了诉状,因为这桩婚姻栋危房。

    Before long, they quarreled again. She seriously proposed "divorce" this time and was determined to submit the proposal to the court, Because she thought their marriage was a broken house now.


  • 不论法院如何判决不会简单适用过去先例

    No matter how the Court decides this case, it will not be simply by applying past precedent.


  • 任何联邦最高法院来申辩律师都要使用我们判例报告精确研究最高法院历年来曾判决全部案例

    Any attorney who comes to the Supreme Court to argue a case USES our reports to accurately study what the Court has decided in all cases over the years.


  • 至于阿诺德高兴他现在仍然第八上诉法院当法官,仍然会偶尔一起打打高尔夫球

    Richard Arnold, I'm happy to say, is still serving on the Eighth Circuit and still plays an occasional round of golf with me.


  • 名已经去年被英国高等法院判定可以其实施安乐死的早产婴儿奇迹般活到了现在。

    A Premature baby that the High Court ruled should be left to die by hospital doctors has survived against the odds.


  • 不出所料捷克法院要是拒绝了对条约进行基本评估要求似乎克劳斯先生就会很不情愿(这一条约上)签字

    If, as expected, the Czech court were to dismiss the call for a fundamental reassessment of the treaty, it seems likely that Mr Klaus would reluctantly sign.


  • 英国希望能够减少案件数量,如果后者说服各大运转良好国家法院应当合适考虑它们长处

    Britain wants the court to decline cases if it can be argued that well-run national courts have properly considered their merits.


  • 两位高等法院法官明确而坚决将其一驳回没有留下进一步上诉的余

    Two High Court judges firmly rejected them all in terms that leave little room for a further appeal.


  • 两位高等法院法官明确而坚决将其一驳回没有留下进一步上诉的余

    Two High Court judges firmly rejected them all in terms that leave little room for a further appeal.


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