• 阿布·法达陪同下,经由迪拜飞巴基斯坦,最后才到阿富汗会见新郎

    Accompanied by Abu al-Fedaa, she flew to Dubai and then to Pakistan, before making the trip to Afghanistan to meet her bridegroom.


  • 斯德哥尔摩大学乔治·瓦洛蒂加拉斯蒂诺·葛兰似乎通过数学模型找到答案

    Giorgio Vallortigara and Stefano Ghirlanda of Stockholm University seem to have found the answer via mathematical models.


  • 1829年,就开始路易·盖尔合作改善照相术他们一起开发出“物理”,一过程要使用薰衣草

    In 1829, he began working with Louis Daguerre to improve photography. Together they developed the "Physical Carbon Printing Method," which uses lavender oil.


  • 图片提供者:加拿大新斯科舍省哈利克斯尔豪西大学生理学和生物物理学系奥利弗·布劳巴赫(Oliver Braubach)。

    Credit: Oliver Braubach, Department of Physiology &Biophysics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (3rd place)


  • 大多数科学家认为地猿卡巴只不过地猿始祖种个“年代种(chronospecies)”,二者之间存在的某种亲缘关系就如同南猿湖畔种与南种之间的相互联系:同一基本方案的一个较早期版本。

    kadabba to be a "chronospecies" of Ar. ramidus, bearing the same relationship to it that Au.


  • 张照片路易斯·盖尔拍摄发明银版照相 -摄影最早之一

    The image was taken by Louis Daguerre who invented the Daguerreotypeone of the earliest methods of photography.


  • 1829年,就开始路易·盖尔合作改善照相术,他们一起开发“物理碳印”,这一过程使用薰衣草

    Starting in 1829 he began collaborating on improved photographic processes with Louis Daguerre, and together they developed the physautotype, a process that used lavender oil.


  • 哈利克斯附近考尔加的附近的嗒弗斯·威尔,这两个试点区并不在市区英国电信表示积累类似环境下铺设光纤经验

    Two of the experimental areas, Calder Valley near Halifax and Taffs Well near Cardiff, are not urban, and BT says it will be "looking to learn lessons from deploying fibre in such environments".


  • 还有一点尚不清楚,就是马克为何不在八月份将俱乐部出售吉,当时斯托里相信已经这位沙特商人安排了一协议结果却是希姆买下了朴茨茅斯

    One issue which is still unclear is why Gaydamak did not sell to Faraj in August when Storrie believed he had brokered a deal for the Saudi to take over, only for Fahim to buy Portsmouth.


  • 维京开始突袭英格兰东北部时林迪斯修道士们着卡斯伯特遗骨逃离了他们岛上家园他们一直流浪直到拉谟找到了避难所

    When the Vikings began raiding the North-East of England, the monks of Lindisfarne fled their island home with Cuthbert's bones and wandered until they found sanctuary in Durham.


  • 美国发明家萨缪尔·摩尔斯看到用盖尔照相巴黎街景里一个没有时,不禁大吃一惊后来明白是因为曝光时间长,移动物体变得看不见了。

    Samuel Morse was astonished to learn that Daguerrotypes of streets of Paris did not show any humans, until he realized that due to the long exposure times all moving objects became invisible.


  • 新建里恩图书馆,图书馆员决定继续使用杜威分类

    At the new Darien Library, the staff decided to work with Dewey rather than abandon it.


  • 受害者正在珀丁巴巴特殊儿童中心以及附近利德果德市接受治疗(当地座燃煤热电站)。

    The victims are being treated at the Baba Farid centres for special children in Bathinda – where there are two coal-fired thermal plants – and in nearby Faridkot.


  • 名叫安瓦·提赫拉曼·阿莫德·阿拉,1978年1月23日出苏丹,在那里接受早期教育

    My full name is Anwar Fatihelrahman Ahmed Dafa-Alla. I was born in Port Sudan, Sudan on January 23, 1978, and got my early education there.


  • 前任IMF执行干事米兰•夏表示:“对希腊或者说几乎任何国家来说,如此庞大债务承受的。”

    "It's impossible for Greece, or almost any country, to carry debt that big," says former IMF executive board member Miranda Xafa.


  • 盖尔发明照相英格兰福克斯·塔尔博特的碘化银纸照相出现同一时期

    The work on the Daguerre process was taking place at the same time as that of Fox Talbot in England on the calotype process.


  • 茅斯大学经济学教授大卫·布·以及斯瓦德先生研究了72个国家数据

    David Blanchflower, professor of economics at Dartmouth College, and Mr Oswald looked at the figures for 72 countries.


  • 马克身边的消息人士拉吉从没有俱乐部正式提出收购——并不清楚为何没有——于是,拥有国与俄罗斯血统的盖马克决定俱乐部卖给希姆。

    Sources close to Gaydamak claim that Faraj never tabled a formal offer then for the club - it is unclear why not - so the Franco-Russian businessman decided to sell to Fahim.


  • 培养我们的“眼力”,修士还运用了“轮廓线训练”

    To help develop our "vision", Brother Wanda used contour lines.


  • 加拿大哈利克斯·尔·大学研究小组发现了一种绿藻发育中的火蜥蜴细小胚胎的入侵。

    A team from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, discovered that a green alga invades tiny developing salamander embryos.


  • 墨西哥人的敌意也开始在美国扩散。 一些脱口秀用到“流感”(译者:,即墨西哥肉卷,在带有一定侮辱性)被感染移民”等称呼。

    Hostility towards Mexicans spread to the United States where talkshows referred to "fajita flu" and "infected illegal aliens", injecting fresh rancour into the immigration debate.


  • 而哈佛这样基本在每门课程中都用到案例研究学校,也并不见。

    Schools that use it for close to 100% of their curriculum, like Harvard and Darden, are the exception rather than the rule.


  • 今年9月1日拉下通告,禁止欧卡沿海城市多条主道桥梁上行驶,同时也禁止他们运载乘客不得超过人。

    On September 1st Mr Fashola banned okadas from many of the coastal city's main roads and Bridges. He has also forbidden riders to carry more than one passenger at a time.


  • 是的,改变了•艾斯波拉卡(Fazenda Esperança)的一切今年巴西比赛他是最佳生产商

    Certainly it has changed things for Fazenda Esperança, the top producer in this year's contest in Brazil.


  • 丈夫第一个妻子死于孩子,于是他决定努尔·尼萨送到巴德医院里去。医院离开他们赫尚省的村庄,需要坐4小时汽车。

    Her husband, whose first wife had died during childbirth, was determined to get Noor Nisa to the hospital in Faizabad, a four-hour drive from their village in Badakhshan Province.


  • 丈夫第一个妻子死于孩子,于是他决定努尔·尼萨送到巴德医院里去。医院离开他们赫尚省的村庄,需要坐4小时汽车。

    Her husband, whose first wife had died during childbirth, was determined to get Noor Nisa to the hospital in Faizabad, a four-hour drive from their village in Badakhshan Province.


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