• 马克斯我们自己国歌演奏者,这是北达科他州演奏家我们的绰号。

    Marcus and I took to calling ourselves the Anthem Guys, a nickname given to us by a player in Fargo, North Dakota.


  • 尽管选举委员会警告进一步延误导致一月份投票被推迟,伊拉克议会仍然未能投票通过选举

    The Iraqi parliament has again failed to vote on an election law despite warnings from the election commission that further delay could force a postponement of polls during January.


  • 用水化学药物撞击它们的“高压水砂破裂释放出气泡这个过程水力压裂”。

    By cannoning water, sand and chemicals at them, a process known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, the bubbles can be released.


  • 尽管乌克兰坚持这些武器遵循国际已经出售给了肯尼亚而一些外国外交家这些武器实际上提供苏丹的。

    Although Ukraine insisted the hardware had been sold to Kenya "in accordance with international law", some foreign diplomats claimed the weapons were really bound for south Sudan.


  • 他们同时提醒,“大家带有保留地看待预测”,“用通俗的方式解释数量分析,让数量分析框架浅显化”一次尝试。

    However, they warned "this report should be taken with a pinch of salt" and that it is an exercise to "light-heartedly explain quantitative techniques and demystify the typical quant framework."


  • 莱恩·豪尔,审计员最近报告加利福尼亚人满为患的监狱中,171,500名囚犯中的四分之一(43,500人)是因为三振出局

    Elaine Howle, the state auditor, recently reported that of the 171,500 inmates in California's overcrowded prisons last year, a quarter (43,500) were sentenced under the three-strikes law.


  • 洗牌选择性遗漏也是宣传分析学院鉴别出来种宣传手段之一

    Card stacking, or selective omission, is one of the seven techniques identified by the IPA, or Institute for Propaganda Analysis.


  • 这种损害反应一个核心方面就是止血能力,我们过程止血

    A central aspect of this response to damage is the ability to bring bleeding to an end, a process known as haemostasis.


  • 德国给出报告出口拉动了他们的GDP增长,这意味着受益于新兴亚洲经济体带动出口复兴

    France and Germany reported that trade boosted their GDPs, suggesting that they are benefiting from the export revival spurred by emerging Asia.


  • 气候预报家罗杰·霍华德他们可以伪报本国他国的排放量的数字操纵国际

    They could also fudge their own, or their rivals', carbon output Numbers to manipulate International legislation says forecaster Roger Howard.


  • 比如里斯世上天使,而撒度该人则根本没有天使。

    The Pharisees for instance say that there are angels and the Sadducees declare that angels do not exist.


  • 阵营似乎波普视作威胁,在民间无线电波段为“麻烦制造机”。

    The Hoffa camp seem to see Ms Pope, whose CB radio handle was “Troublemaker”, as a threat.


  • 日前方案涉嫌限制了竞争违反了版权

    The Justice Department recently lodged concerns that the settlement might limit competition and violate copyright laws.


  • ,现年51岁的艾涅尔就医神志仍然清醒,一名抑郁症患者,近期反常行为

    Haignere, 51, was conscious in hospital. She had been suffering depression and displaying atypical behavior in recent days, French media said.


  • 盖达马克身边的消息人士拉吉从没有俱乐部正式提出收购——并不清楚为何没有——于是,拥有国与俄罗斯血统的盖达马克决定俱乐部卖给希姆。

    Sources close to Gaydamak claim that Faraj never tabled a formal offer then for the club - it is unclear why not - so the Franco-Russian businessman decided to sell to Fahim.


  • 大部分美国民众表示支持认为该出台。但反对者导致警方打击墨西哥非移民的过程中产生种族形象定性的问题。

    The majority of Americans support the law, which they feel is overdue; opponents say it will lead to racial profiling as police clamp down on Mexican migrants.


  • 威尔士先生一旦控制板已经重新被安装在防阀上,连接在Q 4000后,就要实施灭顶了。

    Mr Wells says that once the control pod has been reinstalled on the blowout preventer and the manifold is attached to the Q4000, the top kill could start.


  • 消防队长特里·奥思·斯特尼·迪思此次火灾没有任何伤亡

    A deputy fire chief, Stelios Stefanidis, said there were no known casualties.


  • 虽然要求战争损害赔款主张确凿的事实作为依据,某些仍然可以辩解经过六十多年的进程,那些主张已经国际的框架得到满足了

    While the claims for payment of damages are based on very real facts, one could argue that over the course of 60 years or so, those claims have been satisfied under international law.


  • 他们伦敦科学家奥德利•贾尔斯数百Sulaiman签名产生了怀疑发现许多签名相互之间匹配太过完美,不像是真的

    They say that Audrey Giles, a forensic scientist in London, has cast doubt on hundreds of Sulaiman’s signatures, finding that many were too perfect a match to one another to be true.


  • 德尔只需要大概,Nest恒温就能让购买者节能费用收回购机成本。

    Fadell says that energy savings will help buyers recoup the cost of device in about a year.


  • 虽然Nest恒温器的市场定位瞄准iPhone为代表的新生代早期采用者德尔潜在市场非常宽广。

    While the Nest thermostat is clearly aimed at early adopters in the iPhone generation, Fadell says the potential market is large.


  • 然而一些电脑游戏网站有报道,Sal 9000早些时候关岛太平洋假日岛上一个小教堂里自己电子新娘结了那里的婚姻较为宽松。

    However, some reports on computer game websites state that Sal9000 had earlier married his digital bride at a chapel on the Pacific Ocean holiday island of Guam, where wedding laws are less strict.


  • 后缀表示波兰表示(reverse Polish notation,RPN),使表达式求值变得轻松,所以普遍使用

    Postfix notation is also known as reverse Polish notation (RPN) and is commonly used because it enables easy evaluation of expressions.


  • 德尔Nest设想来自苹果。当初iPhone设计理念并不是一部智能手机而是可以打电话电脑

    Fadell says Nest was built on ideas that he learned at Apple, where the iPhone was conceived not as a cell phone with smarts, but rather as a computer that could make phone calls.


  • 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校经济学家bobCropp,仅有价格支撑不够,而且该也比较笨拙

    The price support is meagre and awkwardly designed, according to Bob Cropp, an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


  • 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校经济学家bobCropp,仅有价格支撑不够,而且该也比较笨拙

    The price support is meagre and awkwardly designed, according to Bob Cropp, an economist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.


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