• 阅览使用本网站前,读本法律声明

    Please read this declaration carefully before browsing or using this IR site.


  • 似乎一个法律声明有权删除你自己邮寄名单

    It appears to be a legal statement giving you the right to remove yourself from this mailing list.


  • 自然人在该人死亡时候处份自己财产法律声明

    Will - a legal declaration that disposes of a person's property when that person dies.


  • 有关葡萄酒标签装卸搬运法律顾问有关土地规范条例法律声明

    Legal advising in respect of labelling, handling and transport of wines; legal declarations in respect of land's norms and regulations.


  • 法律声明第四第三项中规定六种情形引起用户个人资料披露泄露

    Article IV of the legal statement provided for in the third of the six cases caused by the user or disclosure of personal information leakage.


  • 惨痛(教训),但是往好的一面,常常的法律声明博客增添了(几分)权威气息

    It's a royal pain, but look on the bright side-long legal disclaimers give your blog an air of authority.


  • 网站公布法律声明旨在推行公开知情同意原则基础建立互联网用户网络信任信心

    Publication of this Legal Notice of this website aims to promote open, informed and consent principles, and on this basis, the establishment of Internet users on the network trust and confidence.


  • CGGT有权随时修改法律声明有关条款,一旦声明的内容发生变动,CGGT将会显著位置发布相关规定以便及时通知网站访问者。

    CGGT reserves the right to amend the provisions of this Legal Notice at any time, once it is changed, CGGT will post it in a prominent place to notify the visitors in time.


  • 封信我们法律立场直截了当声明

    The letter was a bald statement of our legal position.


  • 雇主必须克服一些法律障碍诸如界定这些声明代表一种观点还是说明了一个事实

    An employer has to overcome some legal hurdles, such as determining if the statements were meant as opinion or fact.


  • 过去这个周末,各方仍然就声明法律约束力一事存在分歧

    A division remained over the weekend over the legal interpretation of the statement.


  • 第一,必须首先声明不是律师要谨慎寻求法律咨询保证不会因为的一些不好建议被律师起诉

    The first is the obligatory IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer) statement, with "Be sure to seek legal advice" advice tacked on, which ensures that no lawyer will sue me for bad advice.


  • 爱尔兰选民收到了郑重书面声明里斯本条约不会影响爱尔兰珍视军事中立以及有关流产税收法律

    Irish voters also received solemn written declarations that Lisbon did not affect Ireland's cherished military neutrality, nor its laws on abortion or taxation.


  • 国美发表声明没有接到黄光裕被拘任何法律确认文件,不过一位官员承认目前不能确定黄光裕去向

    Gome released a statement saying it had not received any legal confirmation of Mr Huang's arrest, although an official admitted to being unsure of his whereabouts.


  • 声明三星积极回应针对自己法律起诉为了保护他的知识产权

    "Samsung is responding actively to the legal action taken against us in order to protect our intellectual property," the statement said.


  • 贝纳通摘下广告公开道歉,尽管如此梵蒂冈周四发表声明采取法律手段阻止张图片传播

    Although Benetton has pulled that AD and released an apology, the Vatican said on Thursday they would take legal action to stop the distribution of this image.


  • 警方声明法律没有这样区别

    The police say the law makes no such distinction.


  • 巴西起草全国REDD法律声明本土人拥有他们储备森林

    Brazil's draft national REDD law also states that indigenous people own the forest carbon of their reserves.


  • 一位女性发言人:“美泰沃尔玛迪斯尼等著名玩具销售公司经常声明他们严格遵守地方法律并且各自遵守行为准则。”

    A spokeswoman said: "Mattel, Walmart and Disney, the renowned toy companies, always claim they strictly comply with local laws and adhere to their respective code of conduct."


  • 警方昨晚声明一对夫妇发现家中。这对夫妇曾经写信透露BBC他们自身决定,还批判英国协助自杀”方面的法律

    A couple who wrote to the BBC to say they had chosen to take their own lives and criticised British laws on assisted suicides have been found dead at their home, police said last night.


  • ABC制片公司发表声明:“我们看到实际起诉内容,根据我们对去年谢里丹提起的相似投诉的调查来看,认为这些指控缺乏法律依据的。”

    ABC Studios says in a statement: "While we have yet to see the actual complaint, we investigated similar claims made by Ms. Sheridan last year and found them to be without merit."


  • 很多开发者包括Thomson在内,已经声明转给了苹果法律部门因为他们应用基于苹果的开发包开发

    A number of the developers, including Thomson, have referred the claims to Apple's legal department, on the basis that they have built their apps using Apple's developer toolkit.


  • 指导意见草案声明辅助自杀方面并不可以替代有关法律规定,最近有些企图结束自身生命病人试图使该项法律得到通过

    The draft advice states that it should not be seen as a substitute for the guidance on the law on assisted suicide that patients seeking to end their lives have recently tried to obtain.


  • 吉斯·莱尼称麦当劳对此提起上诉,麦当劳连锁店巴西总部本周四在份邮件声明正在权衡是否要采用法律手段

    Ghisleni said McDonald's could appeal the case, and the Brazilian headquarters of the chain said in an e-mailed statement Thursday it was weighing its legal options.


  • 这种声明站不住脚的:强制劳动作为戒毒治疗既是非法的,也是违反越南法律的。这些组织应该进行直接清楚明晰记录

    That claim is false: forced labor is both illegitimate as drug treatment and illegal under Vietnamese law. These organizations should set the record straight, clearly and unequivocally.


  • 这种声明站不住脚的:强制劳动作为戒毒治疗既是非法的,也是违反越南法律的。这些组织应该进行直接清楚明晰记录

    That claim is false: forced labor is both illegitimate as drug treatment and illegal under Vietnamese law. These organizations should set the record straight, clearly and unequivocally.


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