• 法律之外行为认为是偷猎

    To do this outside the law would be, well, poaching.


  • 许多市民企业经营者压力销售环境中,在法律之外

    Many of the people and firms who operate in high pressure sales environments, operate outside the law.


  • 很显然还有很多,足够让他逍遥于泰国法律之外舒舒服服地退休

    He clearly has plenty of money left-enough to retire comfortably out of the reach of Thai law.


  • 我们方式宣布我们鼓励驾驶运动不是法律之外

    It's our way of declaring that we encourage driving sporty but not outside the law.


  • 信仰指出,在人类法律之外还有一个道德法律,在物质之外还有更高责任

    Faith points to a moral law beyond man's law and calls us to duties higher than material gain.


  • 很大程度上导致诉讼迟延案件积压大量小额纠纷游离于法律之外

    This causes the lawsuits in the very great degree delay, the cases backlog and makes a great deal of small claims disputes drift away from the law.


  • 如果他们可以豁免于法律之外,他们应该消除来自那些其代理人同意豁免纳税人补助

    If they are exempted from the law, they should also be relieved of subsidies from the taxpayers whose representatives approved it.


  • 实际上除了汇编本身成为了活的法律之外最初制定单行法律原则上只是法律最终证据

    Indeed, except to the extent that the compilation has itself been enacted into positive law, the original session laws are in principle the final evidence of the law.


  • 自然法学种二元理性认识方法为基础,在现实法律之外设定了一个先在的道德法则作为法律前提依据

    The natural law is based on a rational recognition method of dualism, and it assumes a pre-moral rule as the foundation of law apart from the actual law.


  • 然而诸如二氧化碳其它温室气体之类污染物长期排除法律之外因为它们不是直接而是通过全球变暖进程损害人类健康

    Pollutants like carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, however, were long excluded under the law, since they don't harm human health directly but rather through the process of global warming.


  • 尽管黑客经常被定型毫无顾忌游走于法律之外的人,Coleman指出其中很多不会盗取信用卡信息或者服务器掉。

    Though hackers are often characterized as reckless cyber outlaws, Coleman noted that many aren't out to steal credit card information or crash computer servers.


  • 传统变迁角度看,已演化为具有象征意义文化形态,是国家法律之外道德约束和规范,反映出赣南客家人思想观念和客家文化的价值取向。

    From the Angle of tradition and alteration, they are symbolic meanings in culture, which reflects Gannan hakka people's ideology and cultural value beyond the morality and limit of the national laws.


  • 在塔斯曼海峡对岸,澳大利亚应对不当解雇悖论措施是,将收入超过特定“高收入门槛雇员排除不公平解雇法律保护的范围之外

    Across the Tasman Sea, Australia deals with the unjustified dismissal paradox by excluding employees earning above a specified "high-income threshold" from the protection of its unfair dismissal laws.


  • 国家控制法律制度中,个人排除在暴力行为引起复仇循环之外国家承担保护他们责任

    In a sate controlled legal system, individuals are removed from the cycle of revenge motivated by acts of violence, and the state assumes responsibility for their protection.


  • 那么就自由于法律所有羁绊之外

    Then you become free of all laws and all gravity.


  • 除了法律限制非法物质烟草酒精获得之外减少这些物质需求干预措施也会改善健康发育状况

    In addition to laws that limit the availability of illicit substances, tobacco and alcohol, interventions to reduce demand for these substances improve the conditions for healthy development.


  • 所有活动都必须遵从数据保护法案脱离之外人们依据自有的准则法律

    Everyone has to comply with the Data Protection Act, but apart from that it is often a matter of guidelines rather than law.


  • 我们必须认识到诱导多能干细胞技术涉及所有相关的复杂问题,并且游离于现存法律政策之外

    We have to recognize all the complicated issues that iPS research is engaging and get a sense of how existing laws and policies play out, ” Caulfield said.


  • 我们必须认识到诱导多能干细胞技术涉及所有相关的复杂问题,并且游离于现存法律政策之外

    "We have to recognize all the complicated issues that iPS research is engaging and get a sense of how existing laws and policies play out," Caulfield said.


  • 法律另行条例规定家庭帮佣排除在此项权利之外

    But a separate ordinance in the law stated that domestic helpers are excluded from this right.


  • 此外他们声称海盗服务器移至瑞典欧盟法律权限之外地方继续运行。

    Moreover, they claim that the Pirate Bay will carry on much as before using the servers located beyond the reach of Swedish or European Union law enforcers.


  • 优化供应链除了经济方面的原因之外还有法律方面的驱动因素

    In addition to monetary reasons to optimize the supply chain, there are also legal drivers.


  • 强调如果提案成为法律条款,值班时间监督排除在教育认证标准之外

    He stressed that if such a recommendation is made law, then the duty-hour monitoring should be kept separate from educational accrediting standards.


  • 除此之外,霍布斯坚决主张法律应当维护社会公平和平等工具

    Add to the above Hobbes' repeated insistence that law serve as an instrument for achieving social equality.


  • 伯克希尔公司董事会他们在考虑科尔采取法律行动其他事项之外,要求归还在此事件上获得的所有收益

    The Berkshire board said it was still considering legal action against Sokol to, among other things, recover any trading profits he made.


  • 共和党人抱怨Sotomayor女士一系列演讲中,她已经承认,法官在判处案件时,可能案件事实法律法规之外事物影响。

    Republicans complain that, in a series of speeches, Ms Sotomayor has suggested that a judge may be guided by something other than the facts of the case and the relevant American law.


  • 除了简单限额实现之外实现正确邮件日志存档功能符合法律要求也是重要的。

    It is also important to implement the proper mail journaling and archiving features to comply with legal requirements beyond the simple implementation of quotas.


  • 除了简单限额实现之外实现正确邮件日志存档功能符合法律要求也是重要的。

    It is also important to implement the proper mail journaling and archiving features to comply with legal requirements beyond the simple implementation of quotas.


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