• 这个地区居民实际上法国公民,因为1946年以来,这里一直法兰西共和国殖民地

    People in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony of the French Republic since 1946.


  • 很多法国旅行都会证实,生活法国乡村中的人相信他们而不是巴黎组成真正法兰西

    As many travelers to France will attest, people in the French countryside believe that they, not Parisians, constitute the "true" France.


  • 说及法兰西吉尔伯特柔软地用法国着吉尔伯特的名字,眼中闪动泪花

    When he spoke about France, his eyes shone. They glistened with tears when he mentioned Gilbert, pronouncing his name with that special softness.


  • 讲述的故事使我们发笑而且描述战时法国岁月的脑海中可以勾勒出整个画面法兰西农村巨大的海军战舰还有吉尔伯特

    His stories made me laugh, and when he described his time in France, I could picture it all: the French countryside, the huge Navy ships, and Gilbert Desclos.


  • 法兰西学院(Académie Française)监督信奉纯粹主义-国家主义的法国似乎准备好了拥抱这些沙皇。

    The purist-nationalist French, overseen by the Académie Française, seem ready to embrace them.


  • 但是现在TGV - Est将法兰西德国最大邻邦的中心,并且促使了法国德国国有铁路集团,SNCF德意志bahn (DB)之间诞生一个合资企业。

    But now the TGV-Est wires France into the heart of its biggest neighbour, Germany, and gives birth to a joint venture between the French and German state-owned railways, SNCF and Deutsche Bahn (DB).


  • 近年来,摩纳哥遵循法兰西共和国基本利益”前提下行使主权。 从1963年起,这里居住法国公民不能逃避法国的税务

    These days Monaco exercises its sovereigntyin accordance with the fundamental interests of the French Republic”, and its French residents have been unable to evade the French taxman since 1963.


  • 一任丈夫,法兰西国王十六岁上就去世了,这让丢掉法国王位——为此她悲痛欲绝。

    Her first, the King of France, had died at the age of sixteen and so she had lost the French throne - a circumstance that had caused her great pain.


  • 1685年11月18日法兰西路易十四国王了宣告保护法国新教的《南特法令》无效。

    November 18,1685, Louis XIV of France revokes the Edict of Nantes, which has protected French Protestants.


  • 任务完成了巴黎法兰西大球场,法国爱尔兰的预选赛结束蒂埃里·亨利()法国主教练内克。

    Job done: Thierry Henry (right) and France coach Raymond Domenech after the final whistle against Ireland in Paris Photo: AFP.


  • 法国古典家具见证法兰西历史文化变迁

    French classical furniture views and represents various changes of French history and culture.


  • 当时欧陆正为约翰法国方案表层成功兴奋不已。方案出售项目股权用以开发密西西比三角洲缓解君主国法兰西许多债务

    Europe was then agog at the apparent success of John Law's schemes in France, where the sale of shares in a project to develop the Mississippi delta had relieved the monarchy of much of its debt.


  • 门顿行政区划最低法兰西共和国一级法国意大利交界处,在对科特迪瓦蓝色海岸和利古里亚阿尔卑斯山束缚。

    Menton is the lowest level of administrative division in the French Republic located on the Franco-Italian border, within the confines of the Coted'Azur and the Ligurian Alps.


  • 根据警方的消息,在倒在其中处被袭地点法兰西体育场外袭击者尸体附近找到一本叙利亚护照CNN记者与法国第二电视台其他法国媒体合作报道

    Syrian passport was found near the body of an attacker outside one of the targeted sites, the Stade DE France, according to a police source, CNN affiliate France 2 and other Frenchmedia reported.


  • 马克·罗茜,这古老而闻名法兰西丝绸世家,1890年诞生美丽里昂法国丝绸工业的心脏。

    Marc ROZIER, an old well-known French silk family brand, was born in 1890 in Lyon, a charming city who used to be the center of silk industry in France.


  • 诺曼底法国运动第一大繁育,是著名赛拉 法兰西马的诞生地,并以马术冠军乡而闻名。

    Normandy, is the 1st breeding region for sport horses in France, the birthplace of Selle Français horses, and recognized as a land of champions.


  • 1997年7月22日法国夏约宫失火。 夏约宫建于1937年,当年法兰西最后殖民展览中的大亮点

    1997:The Palais de Chaillot, built in 1937 as one of the highlights of the 1937 French last colonial exhibition, was on fire on July 22.


  • 1997年7月22日法国夏约宫失火。 夏约宫建于1937年,当年法兰西最后殖民展览中的大亮点

    1997:The Palais de Chaillot, built in 1937 as one of the highlights of the 1937 French last colonial exhibition, was on fire on July 22.


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